Of course. However, and again I'm just going by what US F/A's are stating, everytime their contract is brought up, the mantra from Tempe, was "cost neutral". You're welcome to disagree with me, but I would seriously think twice about a business plan that wants to cut as much as they can from the passenger, to keep costs low, yet don't want to give any of it to the employee. That's how I would think of it. But, everyone can draw their own conclusion. Lastly, I have questioned many a decision by DL management over the years. If I feel they're doing something right (for a change) that doesn't make me a "kool-aid drinker". My primary income is no longer from DL (I fly as little as possible). I'm a cardiac nurse as well. Now if you want to talk about nurse-to-patient ratios, I can give you an earful! 😀