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WSJ: New AA colors?

Hey dude, if you don't care, then don't post in the thread. There are plenty of FFers,aviation enthusiasts and the like that do care or are interested in the new branding.

Goody for you. Don't tell me or anyone else where or what to post.

Let's see a new paint job help your quality of life.

I am staying on topic here...WHO CARES ABOUT A NEW PAINT SCHEME????
Who cares... I mean really.. These guys are raping us and we are discussing their stupid paint scheme. please......
Who cares... I mean really.. These guys are raping us and we are discussing their stupid paint scheme. please......

Because this site is called airline forums, not airline employee forum.

But since this is apparently the airline employee forum, tell your union leadership to exchange givebacks with stock equity just like what he pilot's union are doing. Then "you" the employee can have a hand in picking and overseering management (when the dust settles I do not believe that the employee groups will be happy with Horton or Parker). Maybe then you will care about the branding your company (that you own a piece of) puts forth.
Because this site is called airline forums, not airline employee forum.

But since this is apparently the airline employee forum, tell your union leadership to exchange givebacks with stock equity just like what he pilot's union are doing. Then "you" the employee can have a hand in picking and overseering management (when the dust settles I do not believe that the employee groups will be happy with Horton or Parker). Maybe then you will care about the branding your company (that you own a piece of) puts forth.

What a foolish comment about hand picking management.
CEO's are picked by the Board of Directors.
What a foolish comment about hand picking management.
CEO's are picked by the Board of Directors.

If you have a major equity stake in the company, then you have a seat or seats on the board, then you have a hand in picking the CEO.
If you have a major equity stake in the company, then you have a seat or seats on the board, then you have a hand in picking the CEO.

Are the pilots getting a seat on the board?

Even if they are....how much clout does ONE UNION REPRESENTED seat on the BOD have?
Are the pilots getting a seat on the board?

Even if they are....how much clout does ONE UNION REPRESENTED seat on the BOD have?

I can't say for sure if the pilots will have a seat on the board, and you are right, one seat only has so much power. But one would have a voice in the decision making. If you (employees) want more power then you have to go the ESOP route, and yes UA employees did it wrong, but one could learn from their mistakes.
How did having seats on the board at UAL for the unions work out?

It didnt.

And it didnt work for us at US also, one board seat doesnt do much.

And show us who is the majority shareholder at US, UA, DL and AA, and see if they have board members, more than likely they dont.
I am most likely late posting to this forum, but painting the aircraft? I quit!
How did having seats on the board at UAL for the unions work out?

It didnt.

And it didnt work for us at US also, one board seat doesnt do much.

And show us who is the majority shareholder at US, UA, DL and AA, and see if they have board members, more than likely they dont.

UA is a bad example, the mechanics and Pilots owned the airline but the FA's didn't participate. Internal fighting and forgetting economics 101........especially when they owned the airline didn't work either.

The moral of the story if one has to give back, get something in return,and thats is a meaningful share in the company. It looks like the unions are doing exactly that,getting some equity in return.

Back to the topic at hand. I thought there was a way to polish the Airbusses. The A300s were polished.
And let me add..............Yeah, in the grand scheme of things, with layoffs looming and salaries getting cut, the livery on the side of an airplane don't mean a hill beans when wandering how to make the next mortagage or sending a kid to college............Those of us outside the fish bowl looking in known this..
dont forget about twa. we had pilots, mech, and fa sitting on the board. and we were dumb enough to stick a pilot in at ceo, and the watch him screw everyone.
Back to the topic at hand. I thought there was a way to polish the Airbusses. The A300s were polished.

Yes, and they looked like a patchwork quilt... Boeing uses Alclad, which has a more uniform look. Airbus doesn't use Alclad, and uses a bonded primer instead for corrosion protection.

Over time, they looked better, but it took a lot of sanding and polishing to get them that way. IIRC, Airbus footed part (if not all) of the bill for stripping off the paint, which is why they were stripped at Evergreen instead of TUL.

Bigger question is how do you plan to polish a 787?...


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