I would have no problems with some TWAers if they would just quit complaining and wishing for AA and it's employees to fail. Like you said, respect is a two way street and wishing for AA and it's employees to fail, without a doubt, shows LACK of respect.<_< -----Yes, it's getting out of hand, I hope and pray these people have some sort of life outside AA, because this type of hate does nothing but eat you-up! I've always said I believe "fair" was somewhere between DOH, and Staple. But it is what it is! And we have to live with it!straaight talk complained he wasn't getting enough respect from exTWAers. Well, we all have to realize that that's a two way street. Like it or not, we have to live together to make this company work! aa, you may not like that, but that's the way it is!--- O.K. I've said my peace. I'm out of here! I've got better things to do with my life!!! Have a great day! 😉
As for getting something between DOH and staple, that is exactly what you got as an AMT.