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Worst Sequence and Line on the May bidsheet

Well, go back and read the first 3 words of my post...JUST FOR FUN.
No offense, I'm having fun too.

I actually LIKE The Depot. In fact, they've been practically begging me to become a department head and eventually an assistant manager. The problem is, I have the kids to take care of and moving up the ladder involves giving The Depot full flexibility, which I cannot do. I could probably be making as much or more than a 75-85 hr FA in a year or so, but it might mean divorcing the wife and marrying the store. Those guys put in long hours.

The point is, I could be doing lots of other things, and so could you. But if I had wanted a career in retail sales, I would have started thirty years ago. I want to fly, and it shows.

In a few days I reach my 34th anniversary since I started flying.
