we can become an LCC
No AA can not. As much as employees like Local 12 say they want AA to be a low cost carrier, their actions prove that they are really unwilling to do what it takes.
Let me relay a story about our friendly TWU union. Recently AA in PHL has been experiencing a surge in mail volumes, primarily because of some great work by both management and union FSCs in Cargo. The post office actually gives us the mail to send to LA instead of putting in on USair's direct flights, because AA can actually get it there. The volume is so high that cargo has run out of man power, even with OT, to accomodate all the mail the post office wants to give us. Now since this a relatively new phenomeon and largely seasonal mail volume, cargo ops is unwilling to immediately increase headcount, just to see if the trend continues. So the TWU was asked if ramp FSCs could be offered OT to help with the mail.
The TWU flately refused to consider that option, they would rather watch AA turn away revenue than help out. Now tell me how we're going to be like Southwest airlines if two different parts of the SAME WORK GROUP can't even work together? The unions are so hell bent on getting their jobs back, meaning more union dues, they're unwilling to even offer OT to their own members! The good of the company be damned.
I wonder if SW would have found a solution?