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wonder how we will ever make it

Aug 20, 2002
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Yesterday we had over fifty bags misconnect, which means they did not arrive with the passengers......took over sixteen claims, only three out of the sixteen were on paying tickets, web fares the three paid, the other thirteen were z, free tickets....had to pay each passenger fifty dollars a piece to buy something to get them thur until the next day......all of the other tickets were z.....most of them have called cbs, which we do give them the number with their file number on it, cbs has advised pax who are wanting to buy suits, shoes and tux to save their receipts and they will consider it.....the reason their bags misconnected the pax was hung up in wx delays and they had five minutes to get on their connecting flight, well it is about time, just like we don''t pay for overnight accommadations because of wx, we don''t pay for their expenses overnight for clothes........i hope someone listens and stops this,,,,,when the pax is running for their flight, we need a disclaimer advising them that their bags are not going to make it and they need to sign and accept or stay until the next flight.....sorry about spelling
forgot to add, the majority of the claims, have three to four people in the pnr, which means per person, fifty dollars....so on free tickets we are paying one hundred and fifty to two hundred dollars......a family of four called cbs, of course they were on free tickets and advised them that they had a special diet in two of the boxes, so they authorized three hundred and fifty and whatever they go over, send in receipts......please don't reply they spend so much on us to earn free tickets.......i have never purchased an american airlines ticket, but by using my credit card, i have received three free tickets, working on the forth......a man advised me today,which of course he wants his whole vacation paid for, he was traveling on z free tickets that this was his second time flying us, we have already authorized one hundred dollars and he has his bag, but cbs advised send in his receipts if it goes over.......will save the files for anyone that would like to pull up and see what the company is paying out,,,,,,,this is all for delayed luggage because of weather
looking forward to tommorrow evening after last nights weather and diversions to see how many baggage calls we get in res. Almost 300 calls on hold at one point. Interesting to hear the ATO make the announcement to call res to rebook since they were at holiday staffing....and we were not???? Guess it was just another portion of my christmas bonus!!!!
On 12/25/2002 11:47:26 PM MCORORES wrote:

looking forward to tommorrow evening after last nights weather and diversions to see how many baggage calls we get in res. Almost 300 calls on hold at one point. Interesting to hear the ATO make the announcement to call res to rebook since they were at holiday staffing....and we were not???? Guess it was just another portion of my christmas bonus!!!!
300 calls on hold and MCO isn't even shut down yet?
Great customer service. Makes one wanna come back for more, right?? Way to keep reeling them customers in Dave. LMAO!
On 12/25/2002 10:33:18 PM hopethingswillbeok wrote:

forgot to add, the majority of the claims, have three to four people in the pnr, which means per person, fifty dollars....so on free tickets we are paying one hundred and fifty to two hundred dollars......a family of four called cbs, of course they were on free tickets and advised them that they had a special diet in two of the boxes, so they authorized three hundred and fifty and whatever they go over, send in receipts......please don't reply they spend so much on us to earn free tickets.......i have never purchased an american airlines ticket, but by using my credit card, i have received three free tickets, working on the forth......a man advised me today,which of course he wants his whole vacation paid for, he was traveling on z free tickets that this was his second time flying us, we have already authorized one hundred dollars and he has his bag, but cbs advised send in his receipts if it goes over.......will save the files for anyone that would like to pull up and see what the company is paying out,,,,,,,this is all for delayed luggage because of weather
been there done that..4 years in baggage...if the rest of the employees who are involved..directly or indirectly with the misconnect baggage situation could see what goes out the door for every bag that does not make it they might just find a better way..esp with this great profit sharing idea..for every situation like you just expalined ..a little more profit needlessly goes out the door...and when it seems so hard to come by..you would think every effort would be made to keep it..
as far as free tickets go..dont forget inventory control has been known to create an oversale feeding frenzy...there are people who have not bought a ticket in ten years and fly all year on freebies due to i/c...2-3 rtfc to get off a flt..and do that all day..end up with 7 or 8 for 1 day...family of 4 that is a little flexible.. i have seen upwards of 20 rtfc in pnr...any way good luck...first holiday since before the sabre cutover fiasco that i have not been in the " hole" for the holidays...
