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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I was just on the American board telling them AMFA is not the great white horse, crows foot shows up telling me to back my union, I haven't heard from him in two months, pom poms boys refuse to argue with logic !
It sure seems some people need to get the burn 2 or 3 times before they realize this isn't working out. Unfortunately, the damage will have already been done. And for some they never learn. Eventually we will get a roadshow, and you can predict what's going to be said after over 5 long years. Guys we're talking last week about a card drive if a lousy t/a is presented. I was just listening. Never said a word.
It sure seems some people need to get the burn 2 or 3 times before they realize this isn't working out. Unfortunately, the damage will have already been done. And for some they never learn. Eventually we will get a roadshow, and you can predict what's going to be said after over 5 long years. Guys we're talking last week about a card drive if a lousy t/a is presented. I was just listening. Never said a word.
You don't need to say anything, they know it is coming, just sit back and let nature take it's course, when your company takes better care of their employees than your union, that speaks volumes to people !
No disrespect. What union do u think wants to entertain representing the group. Just cause guys are disgruntled and want to sign cards does not mean a union wants to to take it on. Costs lot of money for contract negotiations. SWA techs made decision while back and probably gonna have to suffer a lil bit before a white knight on a white horse can come save them. Unfortunate but facts!!
Seen some pictures of the picket in Oakland. Didn't look like much of anything by the pictures.
Looked like two mechanics, rest flight crews. On representation replacement most people want a contract, don't know how long they will wait for one. The pom pom guys won't answer so it is pointless to ask them, because they are just in a state of denial. Sometimes it's best to let this play out and let the natural process take place.
Still no contract in SWA paradise??? Let me guess.....all of the guys with half a brain do not want to bother with the lazy troublemakers that are the ones that need a union. This leaves the lazy troublemakers that don't want to work in charge of the union. Everyone wonders why the union is in turmoil. Of course it is always absolutely 100% the company's fault and the union should not have any burden placed on them. Trust us guys.....you are all company sheep and we know what's best for all of you!!! That's the BS we heard at NWA and it cost us our jobs....period. AMFA is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Correct. Still no contract. Not sure where you are going with the trouble makers and the union leaders. The union is in turmoil? Not sure where this is coming from either. I have seen nothing of the union in turmoil so far. Actually you are correct again. I blame both the company and the union. The union blames the company, and the co. blames the union, happens all the time during nego's. The exact same thing is happening over at AA paradise with their nego's. Same thing is going on at UPS with their nego's. I will say a higher % of blame goes to the company in my eyes as they have rejected constant request by the union to meet more often and more days and even requested meetings with the co. without the mediators and the company has rejected every single one of them even though the company keeps putting in their propaganda that they will meet any time any place and even over weekends, these are all lies from the company. THEY (the co.) has rejected every proposal to meet more often, more days and without mediators to keep the flow going.
I have to disagree with you that AMFA is the worst. We were a lot worse off when the teamsters were here and that's a fact. Do you not put some blame on the co. for pulling back all their movements in scope? They showed movement in the meetings 2 nego's ago, and now they retreated all that movement to only hold onto their ever must have position. They proved there is room for movement on their side. I too want a contract 737MX, but I will not jump on all this outsourcing the company is wanting to do, it will slowly rid of all back shops, lines of maint and some other maint to vendors the we do now. I would rather keep our current scope language as is rather than change it to the companies must haves for a mere 10 dollar an hour raise which is a mere 1.00 per year for the 5 years of nego. and the 5 years for the contract. The 5 year pay freeze so far is the co. fault as it was stated long long time ago by the co. now all of a sudden they want to hurry to a contract. Well they could get one if they were to move some instead of holding back on this "must have" way of doing things. I will say one thing, if full retro is not there like the Pilots got it will be a no vote by the majority of the membership, this was the #1 item on original suggestions from the membership. Guess we won't see nothing until next year some time since the company IS NOT willing to hold to their word of nego. anytime anywhere and even without the mediators, so who is still stalling now???
Correct. Still no contract. Not sure where you are going with the trouble makers and the union leaders. The union is in turmoil? Not sure where this is coming from either. I have seen nothing of the union in turmoil so far. Actually you are correct again. I blame both the company and the union. The union blames the company, and the co. blames the union, happens all the time during nego's. The exact same thing is happening over at AA paradise with their nego's. Same thing is going on at UPS with their nego's. I will say a higher % of blame goes to the company in my eyes as they have rejected constant request by the union to meet more often and more days and even requested meetings with the co. without the mediators and the company has rejected every single one of them even though the company keeps putting in their propaganda that they will meet any time any place and even over weekends, these are all lies from the company. THEY (the co.) has rejected every proposal to meet more often, more days and without mediators to keep the flow going.
I have to disagree with you that AMFA is the worst. We were a lot worse off when the teamsters were here and that's a fact. Do you not put some blame on the co. for pulling back all their movements in scope? They showed movement in the meetings 2 nego's ago, and now they retreated all that movement to only hold onto their ever must have position. They proved there is room for movement on their side. I too want a contract 737MX, but I will not jump on all this outsourcing the company is wanting to do, it will slowly rid of all back shops, lines of maint and some other maint to vendors the we do now. I would rather keep our current scope language as is rather than change it to the companies must haves for a mere 10 dollar an hour raise which is a mere 1.00 per year for the 5 years of nego. and the 5 years for the contract. The 5 year pay freeze so far is the co. fault as it was stated long long time ago by the co. now all of a sudden they want to hurry to a contract. Well they could get one if they were to move some instead of holding back on this "must have" way of doing things. I will say one thing, if full retro is not there like the Pilots got it will be a no vote by the majority of the membership, this was the #1 item on original suggestions from the membership. Guess we won't see nothing until next year some time since the company IS NOT willing to hold to their word of nego. anytime anywhere and even without the mediators, so who is still stalling now???
Why do you think the process stopped when you are selling scope for money and the company knows you are asking for $62 and hour , then the negotiating committee comes back and ask for $64 because they know the membership is going to balk, on the scope changes, the company said forget it. You have four ALRs driving this show and only two of them speak Cramer and the guy from local 32, this whole time.You better wake up and smell the coffee, or are you going to put me on ignore again !
Correct. Still no contract. Not sure where you are going with the trouble makers and the union leaders. The union is in turmoil? Not sure where this is coming from either. I have seen nothing of the union in turmoil so far. Actually you are correct again. I blame both the company and the union. The union blames the company, and the co. blames the union, happens all the time during nego's. The exact same thing is happening over at AA paradise with their nego's. Same thing is going on at UPS with their nego's. I will say a higher % of blame goes to the company in my eyes as they have rejected constant request by the union to meet more often and more days and even requested meetings with the co. without the mediators and the company has rejected every single one of them even though the company keeps putting in their propaganda that they will meet any time any place and even over weekends, these are all lies from the company. THEY (the co.) has rejected every proposal to meet more often, more days and without mediators to keep the flow going.
I have to disagree with you that AMFA is the worst. We were a lot worse off when the teamsters were here and that's a fact. Do you not put some blame on the co. for pulling back all their movements in scope? They showed movement in the meetings 2 nego's ago, and now they retreated all that movement to only hold onto their ever must have position. They proved there is room for movement on their side. I too want a contract 737MX, but I will not jump on all this outsourcing the company is wanting to do, it will slowly rid of all back shops, lines of maint and some other maint to vendors the we do now. I would rather keep our current scope language as is rather than change it to the companies must haves for a mere 10 dollar an hour raise which is a mere 1.00 per year for the 5 years of nego. and the 5 years for the contract. The 5 year pay freeze so far is the co. fault as it was stated long long time ago by the co. now all of a sudden they want to hurry to a contract. Well they could get one if they were to move some instead of holding back on this "must have" way of doing things. I will say one thing, if full retro is not there like the Pilots got it will be a no vote by the majority of the membership, this was the #1 item on original suggestions from the membership. Guess we won't see nothing until next year some time since the company IS NOT willing to hold to their word of nego. anytime anywhere and even without the mediators, so who is still stalling now???
Plus if we had the Teamsters back, probably had a new contract 3 years ago, but you guys keep listening to Cramer!
Still no contract in SWA paradise??? Let me guess.....all of the guys with half a brain do not want to bother with the lazy troublemakers that are the ones that need a union. This leaves the lazy troublemakers that don't want to work in charge of the union. Everyone wonders why the union is in turmoil. Of course it is always absolutely 100% the company's fault and the union should not have any burden placed on them. Trust us guys.....you are all company sheep and we know what's best for all of you!!! That's the BS we heard at NWA and it cost us our jobs....period. AMFA is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tend to agree with you for the most part. I don't like the concept of mechanics negotiating. It's never made sense to me. I don't like mechanics sitting in on negotiations either.
I tend to agree with you for the most part. I don't like the concept of mechanics negotiating. It's never made sense to me. I don't like mechanics sitting in on negotiations either.
And as soon as more people realize they have been sold a facade by AMFA , only then will stuff start to change, you can't keep blaming the company, this negotiating committee is almost like the Republicans in congress, if you give us the whole enchilada we will fix the problems, you guys can't even bring us something to vote on, good or bad !
And as soon as more people realize they have been sold a facade by AMFA , only then will stuff start to change, you can't keep blaming the company, this negotiating committee is almost like the Republicans in congress, if you give us the whole enchilada we will fix the problems, you guys can't even bring us something to vote on, good or bad !
Isn't that the truth. Good analogy.
It appears that they have reached an AIP with the FMT's. Official announcement coming soon. Now maybe we can focus on the mechanics contract. We will see if the FMT's are good with the changes.
It appears that they have reached an AIP with the FMT's. Official announcement coming soon. Now maybe we can focus on the mechanics contract. We will see if the FMT's are good with the changes.
We will see, not holding my breath though, hopefully they have these road shows, if the FMT pass, should be a good indication how ours should go, ours whenever we come to it, will probably pass because most people are just tired of waiting.

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