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So now we are attacking rampers, what's the matter you can't go toe to toe with the American AMT s , oh that's right they ignore you. So here we sit still waiting on a contract!
Well, Dippy Dave likes to ply his lacking chunker TWu knowledge and lies about AMTs, pictures of his big TV, gender confused ear ring styles, and cute V6 mustang. He has been told umpteen million times to butt out by many in the AMT trade here, but continues to stick his chin out to be pounded on.

I guess it's the fact Dippy Dave never amounted to more, so the jealous envy of what is not to be comes out on his BB home where he lives all day and night. It's sadly pathetic.

I talk to many AA Amts, haven't posted much for a few months, busy working and other projects.

I'm Disappointed. You didn't talk about YOU and YOUR money again? Waiting for 14 years with the TWu like us? Nope, only 5. Don't cry to loud company suck, I can't hear you.
The contract will rise or fall on it's own, hopefully we get something to look at this year, maybe not, I will go to work everyday like I always do, trying to put a product out for our customers that pay our pay checks, and hopefully they eventually produce something both sides, it just gets frustrating waiting and waiting with nothing to look at !

Hey man just stay strong like Hackman wants you too. It's ONLY been FIVE years. They can't possibly go another five can they?

Besides Seeham likes taking your money.
Well, Dippy Dave likes to ply his lacking chunker TWu knowledge and lies about AMTs, pictures of his big TV, gender confused ear ring styles, and cute V6 mustang. He has been told umpteen million times to butt out by many in the AMT trade here, but continues to stick his chin out to be pounded on.

I guess it's the fact Dippy Dave never amounted to more, so the jealous envy of what is not to be comes out on his BB home where he lives all day and night. It's sadly pathetic.

I talk to many AA Amts, haven't posted much for a few months, busy working and other projects.

I'm Disappointed. You didn't talk about YOU and YOUR money again? Waiting for 14 years with the TWu like us? Nope, only 5. Don't cry to loud company suck, I can't hear you.

Hey Dummy are you stuck on midnights or something? You're such an incredibly ANGRY fellow. I guess nights would make me angry too. Oh and your little (you think you are) bully words don't bother me one bit. Just makes you look like a total unedumacated clown is all.

And why do you keep mentioning my earring? What are you a closet one still?

BTW what happened in 2004 clown? Oh that's right, squat nothing!!!!!

No stupid I have only one vote if is a good deal I vote yes, if not I vote no, and I read the entire contract, if the majority approves so be it, if not back to the table to work on what the group didn't like, and go to the meetings to ask questions
You didn't address the fact the company complained about dropping the law suits, and so I was right correct suck up?

Do you go to union meetings or company suck meetings? Do you bash your union there and cry like a sniveling suck up about getting YOUR money?
You didn't address the fact the company complained about dropping the law suits, and so I was right correct suck up?

Do you go to union meetings or company suck meetings? Do you bash your union there and cry like a sniveling suck up about getting YOUR money?
No I go to meetings ask the questions, and get the same answers we are working on it, trust us, on the lawsuits AMFA sued Southwest first, then the Southwest lawsuit happened after some local 11 guys started no overtime, but unfortunately the guys that got fired because they got some really bad advice and I am not going to say on a forum what they were doing, but it is not good for them! So both parties have to agree and it would have to be in writing!
You didn't address the fact the company complained about dropping the law suits, and so I was right correct suck up?

Do you go to union meetings or company suck meetings? Do you bash your union there and cry like a sniveling suck up about getting YOUR money?

That's kinda funny. You pulled that link right out of their ass.
You could say you are talking out of their ass.

I looked up all the information on Factcheck.org and it was/is all true.

And I just hope I am not looking at a future repeat of that history here?
The contract will rise or fall on it's own, hopefully we get something to look at this year, maybe not, I will go to work everyday like I always do, trying to put a product out for our customers that pay our pay checks, and hopefully they eventually produce something both sides, it just gets frustrating waiting and waiting with nothing to look at !
Frustrating it is, and they company knows this, and weak knee'd will do just what your doing. Desperately just wanting to look at something, anything, to get your money with a yes vote. No matter about the language, no matter about outsourcing, no matter about job protection.
Gimme my money, and gimme it right now. That is what the company wants, and your falling right into the pit.
He keeps attacking at night so maybe?
I have enough time to get any shift I want, more time than you have Dippy Dave. Did my time on Mids when your were learning how to drive a bag cart.

Hey Dummy are you stuck on midnights or something? You're such an incredibly ANGRY fellow. I guess nights would make me angry too. Oh and your little (you think you are) bully words don't bother me one bit. Just makes you look like a total unedumacated clown is all.

And why do you keep mentioning my earring? What are you a closet one still?

BTW what happened in 2004 clown? Oh that's right, squat nothing!!!!!

View attachment 11860
Angry at TWu company union apologists that have no clue of subjects of which they speak, or the sellouts at every contract. Then add in the fact that your big mouth runs constantly into subjects you'll never be a part of, like which union AMTs choose to be in. I could lay out all the lies and false time lines the industrial unions have spewed over the years about AMFA, but that's been done that for AMTs. Not for bag chunkers, because your opinions on the subject mean jack squat. Just like so many here, one tires of your mindless blather and getting AMT threads shut off.

Why mention your cute ear rings? Because you posted pictures of them here like a school girl.

2004? Simple. Corrupt NMB stopped a democratic vote because the TWu company union colluded with management to deny a vote they knew they would lose.

I looked up all the information on Factcheck.org and it was/is all true.

And I just hope I am not looking at a future repeat of that history here?
AFl-CIo has a fact check? Must be offline again.

Repeat of history? More TWu record sellouts of the airline industry? Better hope not Dave, a card drive that you won't be involved in.
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Frustrating it is, and they company knows this, and weak knee'd will do just what your doing. Desperately just wanting to look at something, anything, to get your money with a yes vote. No matter about the language, no matter about outsourcing, no matter about job protection.
Gimme my money, and gimme it right now. That is what the company wants, and your falling right into the pit.
This was my whole point when I got on here , everyone thinks the negotiating committee is standing tough, I admire the effort a long time ago I was a shop rep/ steward it was great when you would catch the company violating the contract and getting the members taken care of, it sucked when a person was a total piece of **** and needed to be fired , but you had to defend him, because if you didn't the union would be sued, it was a thankless job, so eventually I let others do it.I still go to meetings I still ask questions the problem is if you cannot make the very first meeting that is the only time you can introduce new business the rest of the meetings is just for information only, and now days when the Area rep shows up, he says ask me questions , you ask him he looks like a deer in the headlights or he gives you a package answer, if you have been in the industry as long as you claim you have you know what I am talking about! The poor two saps in Dallas I don't know if they will ever get their job back, but that is neither here nor there, but the union's legal counsel and the local they came out of should have nipped that in the bud and they didn't bad, bad advice for what we pay for and result is a lawsuit for violating the RLA, and two people losing their jobs! Now you are in full section 6-negotiations, and like I said I read the whole contract before I vote and I am not all about the money, I was always taught if you are keeping up with the industry or above it, that is a descent contract, if you are way above it, you will eventually become a target. Yes all the groups of Southwest are done with their contracts, The stores guys which are Teamsters just rejected theirs, but they still had a T/A ! We Tech ops are the last hold outs, but what AMFA is not telling the membership is everyone of those groups that approved their contracts gave up some work rules to get a deal done. This will eventually get done but my whole point is if this gets into next year or longer and they eventually sign off on it, the first T/A will pass and then the union wins a battle and looses the war!
I have enough time to get any shift I want, more time than you have Dippy Dave. Did my time on Mids when your were learning how to drive a bag cart.

Angry at TWu company union apologists that have no clue of subjects of which they speak, or the sellouts at every contract. Then add in the fact that your big mouth runs constantly into subjects you'll never be a part of, like which union AMTs choose to be in. I could lay out all the lies and false time lines the industrial unions have spewed over the years about AMFA, but that's been done that for AMTs. Not for bag chunkers, because your opinions on the subject mean jack squat. Just like so many here, one tires of your mindless blather and getting AMT threads shut off.

Why mention your cute ear rings? Because you posted pictures of them here like a school girl.

2004? Simple. Corrupt NMB stopped a democratic vote because the TWu company union colluded with management to deny a vote they knew they would lose.

AFl-CIo has a fact check? Must be offline again.

Repeat of history? More TWu record sellouts of the airline industry? Better hope not Dave, a card drive that you won't be involved in.

What a load of blah blah blah.

The conversation is simple. How long should these people need to wait to vote on something? How long before they get to really give their voice to the Company? If 5 FIVE years isn't enough then how long should it be? 7 SEVEN years, 9 NINE years, TEN?

AMFA at SWA has a contract that became amendable 5 FIVE years ago. When will AMFA Leaders let their members VOTE? Why do they consistently show a history of preventing their members from voting?

Do YOU work for Lee Seeham? What is YOUR affiliation with Lee Seeham? Why is Lee Seeham receiving over $500,000 per year? What makes Lee Seeham earn over $500,000 per year of this memberships money?

Will AMFA members ever get to vote?
Will AMFA members ever get to vote?
Will AMFA members ever get to vote?
Will AMFA members ever get to vote?
Will AMFA members ever get to vote?
How many more years do they need to wait?

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