driver here's an update from the meetings today in Dallas:
Griev's will remain and not go away.
Lawsuits will go away if this 2nd offer is accepted, all of them.
Told 145.5 Million makes the membership whole. So 14.5 Million is over that. Distribution will differ between those two. The 145.5 will go to all who deserve including retirees, folks who have quit, blah, blah. The only ones not included are the ones removed for cause. The remaining 14.5 Million will be divided out with the current mechanic employees and as per year of service and since these nego started.
Look for a 60-90 day payout for the funds, just like they did last time.
Also told of 3 checks coming, 1- full retro from 2012-March 31, 2019. 2- another from 4-1 to DOS for the snap up. And another after they reserve the funds for the members that have been fired and waiting for final results to see if they get it, or, if they lose the case for continued employment, then those funds will go back to the members equally distributed.
AIP is currently being reviewed by the union for verifications and blessing. If AIP is not changed from the AIP when becoming a T/A the Dallas folks will recommend the offer to be voted in.
Company was set on having this done by May 31st. Being told it should be done by or between May 15-31st., the vote that is.
The percentiles of the first vote as well as the percentiles of the second vote coming, will be released IF this second offer is accepted by the membership. IF rejected, no numbers , just that it did not pass.
Once the NEC approves the T/A we will be voting on it within a week or so. Being told they may shorten the vote period time a bit to 3 weeks instead of the normal 4 weeks in order to try their best to maintain the May 31st timeline.
Also being told Kinder is setting up future meetings with all Presidents from all the locals to meet and talk about new and improved ideas to work together better in the future.
LOA 1 is remaining as is, with very slight changes from dates and length of new contract. LOA 2 is remaining untouched and getting into new contract. LOA 3 not sure (kinda forgot-sorry) LOA 4 will be a new LOA on the distribution of the 160 Million retro/back pay/bonus whatever anyone wants to call it.
As long as all highlights, bullet points, and promises made by Kinder, the NC, and the updates are true, I see and hear of a pass by Dallas. The IO will be troubled by some, but I don't think at this point it will stop it dead in its tracks.
They finally made us whole. We saved all scope % of outsourcing with only adding IO instead of USA outsourcing.
For some reason they are offering an overpay of about 15 million and I believe that is to kind of guarantee the vote passes on the IO. Saved all C-checks from going away. Saved from going to the impossible Scott Collins maint program that would have eliminated several lines, jobs and headcount later in the future.
Driver, I know this was long and hard for all of us. Now, I am very proud for voting NO on the first one. I know it was a risk, but I just thought it was the right thing to do at that time. I am sorry that some were put through a lot of anxiety of the no voters, but, hey, looks like it all turned out for the better. So let's all move on, get all the info, look it all over, and hopefully we will all vote this offer in. As much as I hated to wait this long, I am now thinking it was worth it and I only hope others do to.
Sorry for not PM you, but thought all would want this info to help the other airlines still in nego's. Cheers, and hope to see the ballot soon. Oh, BTW new ballot co. handling the votes now for us. TB was fired and I think it is called Election Buddy will now conduct our votes.
Sorry so long winded, but trying to pass on all info I can...