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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Let's face it gentlemen, this version of AMFA is starting to look like the industrial unions, running out of ideas.
Hang in there driver, I can assure you this version of AMFA is nothing like the version of the TWU that used whatever corrupt means necessary to impose their will on the membership. Our national director was among the victims of that sinister trifecta, TWU/AA/NMB, and he would never allow that to occur under his watch. Everyone can agree now it has taken years longer than it should have but this management team hopes we never all agree the wait was worth it.
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Hang in there driver, I can assure you this version of AMFA is nothing like the version of the TWU that used whatever corrupt means necessary to impose their will on the membership. Our national director was among the victims of that sinister trifecta, TWU/AA/NMB, and he would never allow that to occur under his watch. Everyone can agree now it has taken years longer than it should have but this management team hopes we never all agree the wait was worth it.
I went to the road show I understand how some of you feel. In my eyes it meets my needs. Just like when we did the integration vote with Airtran, in my eyes it protected my seniority. I understand it upset some of you lower seniority guys, especially if some of you missed out on the four year bump. IMO for my family the 3% is not worth going another year or more. I am sorry if that upsets you. However I am glad the negotiating committee finally killed the rumor spread by some desperate people that we hold nothing on ETOPS.
Unofficial tally so far:

NO votes year joined forum

Blue collar 2008 NO

Wnmech 2012 NO

Swamt 2010 NO

Birdman 2003 NO

Sendmeupacrowsfoot 2017 NO

Yes vote

B737 driver 2017 YES

I would like to point out that the only declared yes vote so far is the last person to join this forum.
He also has more total posts than anyone else except Swamt who joined in 2010.

Is someone pushing a social media agenda on here, and does that user get paid by the hour, the word or the post?
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Unofficial tally so far:

NO votes year joined forum

Blue collar 2008 NO

Wnmech 2012 NO

Swamt 2010 NO

Birdman 2003 NO

Sendmeupacrowsfoot 2017 NO

Yes vote

B737 driver 2017 YES

I would like to point out that the only declared yes vote so far is the last person to join this forum.
He also has more total posts than anyone else except Swamt who joined in 2010.

Is someone pushing a social media agenda on here, and does that user get paid by the hour, the word or the post?
Most people who would vote yes, just don't bother to talk about it. The survey should be, how long has everyone worked for SWA, and not , because less senior people are screaming about it. The truth be known you guys have always had an agenda since the day I got on here, to never admit that our union could be flawed the way they conducted themselves.The reason the yes voters don't get on here, because you guys are in your own universe here, and social media it is the same.
Your never-ending anti AMFA and pro MED-ARB/any company offer campaign is tiresome.
Its like drinking water from a firehose, Chief.

BTW, all of the NO voters except one were members here before our last contract even became amendable. I guess we all signed up years ago just to support our union and push our NO vote on this T/A.

You caught us.

Your never-ending anti AMFA and pro MED-ARB/any company offer campaign is tiresome.
Its like drinking water from a firehose, Chief.

BTW, all of the NO voters except one were members here before our last contract even became amendable. I guess we all signed up years ago just to support our union and push our NO vote on this T/A.

You caught us.

You didn't answer the question , how long have you been a SWA mechanic, simple question, no one needs exact start dates, because our identifies are private. You also remember they recommend a no vote in 2008, and it passed Ace! What happened to supporting the union them What about in 2002,-when we voted anything in because of the Teamsters. How about how AMFA got in Ace, alot of people didn't bother to vote. So I know you personally have not been here as long as I have. Nice try.
I didn’t think driver was still at midway. He also said he didn’t become a lead til 2014... you’re right though, not that it matters.
Unofficial tally so far:

NO votes year joined forum

Blue collar 2008 NO

Wnmech 2012 NO

Swamt 2010 NO

Birdman 2003 NO

Sendmeupacrowsfoot 2017 NO

Yes vote

B737 driver 2017 YES

I would like to point out that the only declared yes vote so far is the last person to join this forum.
He also has more total posts than anyone else except Swamt who joined in 2010.

Is someone pushing a social media agenda on here, and does that user get paid by the hour, the word or the post?

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