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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Crows foot- use your childish antics all you want. I am an outsider and been thru the whole process numerous times with the big boys in good times and bad. It's easy to post antics on web pages- produce. Where in the hell is Lee Seham!??????? Still hiding in that gopher hole. I will ship you a pick and maybe with swamt shovel you guys can dig him out. As always- Go Figure.

Yes, I bet you have seen it all. Nothing left for you but to tell others how it all works. You are the only one who has seen hard times.
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Crows foot- use your childish antics all you want. I am an outsider and been thru the whole process numerous times with the big boys in good times and bad. It's easy to post antics on web pages- produce. Where in the hell is Lee Seham!??????? Still hiding in that gopher hole. I will ship you a pick and maybe with swamt shovel you guys can dig him out. As always- Go Figure.
He can't help it Go Figure he can't do simple math in his head, he probably had to ride the short bus. See how he avoids the issues. In a minute he with have to call Hackjob and Swampy to save him.
You see, the problem here is those federal lawsuits. They are what has been holding things up for so long. Why didn't I see this before? It must be because I don't have a four year degree from Jerkwater University.
Use your childish antics all you want. Keep it up- you show your intelligence. Where do you want your digging tools shipped to. I ask and no one will answer?? Wherein the hell is Seham when it is crunch time???? Hiding in a gopher hole!!!!!! Address the issue. Go Figure
Crows foot- instead of sitting on sidelines posting show us the plan. Been thru 4 full blown section 6 RLA negotiations with the big boys. Actively and still involved. Merger integration. Been in good times and bad after 9-11. Talk intelligent and tell the world tour negotiating skills. Once again. Where the hell is head counsel Seham!??!!??. Go Figure
You see, the problem here is those federal lawsuits. They are what has been holding things up for so long. Why didn't I see this before? It must be because I don't have a four year degree from Jerkwater University.
The lawsuits are suspended if we vote this in, if we don't they The back on stupid. AM FA only $500,000 in reserve for the lawsuits they want to preserve that money. Local 4 is $34,000 down this first quarter alone. Thus the reason for wanting to control some of the bonus money. I have my degree from North Texas State University, and my A&P from T.S. T.I and my Navy background. So where did you get yours a cracker jack box? Keep it up asshole so will I. OR you can quit right now.
What a shock you can't have a serious conversation , typical childish behavior, I would be amazed if you can repair an airplane or read a maintenance manual.

Have a serious conversation with a clown? It is a little one sided when all you want to talk about is your life's accomplishments, how much you hate AMFA or how bad you want your money. Come on, there has to be something you have left out. Something you've done but haven't told us yet. And by the way, taxiing a 737 is easier than driving a car. Cat 3, you push a few buttons and the airplane tells you if it's good or not. I'm not sure I would boast about those.
Have a serious conversation with a clown? It is a little one sided when all you want to talk about is your life's accomplishments, how much you hate AMFA or how bad you want your money. Come on, there has to be something you have left out. Something you've done but haven't told us yet. And by the way, taxiing a 737 is easier than driving a car. Cat 3, you push a few buttons and the airplane tells you if it's good or not. I'm not sure I would boast about those.
Well you just showed your stupidity taxing and trimming a classic at some of the busiest,airports in world, is al lot more complicated than driving a car, obviously the guys in Orlando had an issue. Cat 3 if it won't pass you have to find out why, might not be a box, might be wiring, or in a harness. The Airplane in Orlando was an NG. As far as AMFA goes it's their job to get a contract, it's the company job to not give you one. Both sides have failed.
Answer question? Where's Seham and his superior legal tactics playing with the big boys. Appreciated the picture with him and swamt. Must of dug him out of the gopher hole. I can be an ass too if it's game you want to play. Kids- no expierience playing with the big boys when it gets serious. Go Figure
Answer question? Where's Seham and his superior legal tactics playing with the big boys. Appreciated the picture with him and swamt. Must of dug him out of the gopher hole. I can be an ass too if it's game you want to play. Kids- no expierience playing with the big boys when it gets serious. Go Figure
You can't answer a question, when you are in denial, I can answer the question . It is about hanging onto power when you know people's patience has run out. If you create chaos they might be so tired and apathetic that you stay, even when you are doing your job.
I'm glad you two speak each others language. I can't make heads or tails out of it. Gopher holes and chaos. I still say it was those damn federal lawsuits the whole time.

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