SWA mismanagement wants a deal because they want to fly to HNL, and the can't achieve that without ETOPS, AMFA is in the drivers seat there. Full retro or no deal. Management got the 5 year pay freeze and now it's time to pay up for the stonewalling.
We at in the Association are not looking so good. The IAm is about worthless, (Watcher is a prime example) since they got a big raise, got saved from Ch 7 and don't seem to care about their TWu counterparts locked in a 15 year concession pit. Parker talks about a "culture change" but his words don't filter down to his underlings, morale is in the toilet. Just another liar. I see nothing happening until Sept and then more stalling with Section 6. Talk is a card drive might be coming, I know many like me have had it with the Association. We fight and the IAm stands silent, IGMer's.