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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Our own ALR told us we are to stupid to vote to our,face, because we didn't really understand the changes the

Our own ALR right before our road shows Cramer told us we are to stupid to vote because we really didn't understand all the language changes the company wanted.He then went onto say they recommend a no vote in 2009, and the membership passed it. He is on the negotiating committee, so unless you are the ALR for local 11, the marching orders have to be pretty much everything you guys want or no T/A.

driver unfortunately the truth is that there are many members in every group at every airline who really are too stupid to vote. People are terrible at educating themselves.

But there’s still huge difference between being in a Democracy and being in a Dictatorship.

I’m sorry but 5 1/2 years just tells me which one you live in.
driver unfortunately the truth is that there are many members in every group at every airline who really are too stupid to vote. People are terrible at educating themselves.

But there’s still huge difference between being in a Democracy and being in a Dictatorship.

I’m sorry but 5 1/2 years just tells me which one you live in.
I am personally disgusted with this whole situation. If you guys had an offer at American, you would send it out and let the membership decide.
I am personally disgusted with this whole situation. If you guys had an offer at American, you would send it out and let the membership decide.

There’s nothing wrong with playing some hard ball. The question is how long are you going to stay on the field playing the game if maybe the sun’s gone down?

I’d like to “hope” our little Association would have some faith in us? To be fair I don’t know that answer.
Cry me a river, so why didn't you leave American, like 20 years ago, to either SWA , or Fed EX , or UPS, or even Delta Airlines, You chose to stay and take the ****, that was your choice, or you could have retired from the Air Force, and had a second retirement.
You would cry a river Nut Driver, hell you can't even fight for 5 years against the company pay freeze (with a intact contract) without whining like a beech and demanding a concessionary T/A so you can vote yes and get your pay raise. I choose to fight instead of quit, nobody thought a TWu bankruptcy contract would last this long, 15 years is a new record. Although many have quit, some like me are just hard headed.

You didn't answer the question if American sucks so bad, and you have been treated horrible , and you have all this wide body experience you claim. If you were young , and a good line mechanic , with avionics know how, and military background you should have been scooped up in 1998, all those companies were hiring.
You have all the answers Nut Driver, I also don't answer to your demands. Seems to me your weak and ineffective, your Reamsters got ousted and you can't handle it. It's a good thing the rest of the SWA AMTs are not like you.
You would cry a river Nut Driver, hell you can't even fight for 5 years against the company pay freeze (with a intact contract) without whining like a beech and demanding a concessionary T/A so you can vote yes and get your pay raise. I choose to fight instead of quit, nobody thought a TWu bankruptcy contract would last this long, 15 years is a new record. Although many have quit, some like me are just hard headed.

You have all the answers Nut Driver, I also don't answer to your demands. Seems to me your weak and ineffective, your Reamsters got ousted and you can't handle it. It's a good thing the rest of the SWA AMTs are not like you.
I really don't care they got kicked out. What I care about is if you only get so much then admit that. Heck our national director Brett came from American, and was pretty high up in the TWU, so it's not like this was first time to negotiate a contract, he obviously got fed up at American Airlines left and got a job as a mechanic in Dallas at SWA, has a successful concrete business. And next thing you know he is the National Director of AMFA. So if he can make a change in his life, and leave.Sounds like as angry as you are at American management and the Association that is obviously not going anywhere, maybe you should have followed in his footsteps. United was sold out by the IAM , replaced them with AMFA, got mad because they couldn't get section 6 ,done to their satisfaction. Then brought the Teamsters in, they have a new contract, some are happy, some aren't. United Airlines mistake was they let the same people that were running the IAM at United , voted them back into to run the Teamsters operation. It's not about fighting SWA management that upsets me. It's the fact that we are using a play book that doesn't have much effect. So maybe with the ETOPS we have something. The only problem with AIR21 cases now, the feds are frowning on the ETOPS program, and I never demanded anything of you, I just ask why you stayed?
Never said TWU leaders have hired Seham. Stop trying to put words from my mouth, not gonna work there weez. And no NOT AMFA supporters hired him either, it was mechanics, individually that hired him to get their freakin jobs back at American airlines while being represented by the TWU, which they refused to allow represent them for getting their careers back. Speaks volumes ther junior...
Swamt, I said the TWu leadership has hired SSMP, and Dippy Dave the ramper won't engage me because he can't handle the truth, he'd rather be a coward and insult from a distance, nothing new. We have been dealing with outsiders butting in AMT business for years, truckers, rampers you name it. So here it is that will prove what I said is correct. Dippy Dave needs to stay in his lane or find a ramper support group to deal with his AMFA hate issues.


I know some management got bounced and moved in this case, the final outcome is unknown.
Swamt, I said the TWu leadership has hired SSMP, and Dippy Dave the ramper won't engage me because he can't handle the truth, he'd rather be a coward and insult from a distance, nothing new. We have been dealing with outsiders butting in AMT business for years, truckers, rampers you name it. So here it is that will prove what I said is correct. Dippy Dave needs to stay in his lane or find a ramper support group to deal with his AMFA hate issues.


I know some management got bounced and moved in this case, the final outcome is unknown.
Swamt, I said the TWu leadership has hired SSMP, and Dippy Dave the ramper won't engage me because he can't handle the truth, he'd rather be a coward and insult from a distance, nothing new. We have been dealing with outsiders butting in AMT business for years, truckers, rampers you name it. So here it is that will prove what I said is correct. Dippy Dave needs to stay in his lane or find a ramper support group to deal with his AMFA hate issues.


I know some management got bounced and moved in this case, the final outcome is unknown.
Well with a Air21 complaint and lawsuit, I would see why the TWU would hire SSMP, he is good at those kinds of litigation. That lawfirm outside of legal counsel for AMFA makes its bread and butter off of Air21 complaints. If you want to sue someone for medical malpractice, you hire a lawfirm that has an excellent track record of winning those kinds of cases. The TWU attorneys are labor law attorneys, but Seham is a labor lawyer, but his real expertise is Air21.
Heck our national director Brett came from American, and was pretty high up in the TWU, so it's not like this was first time to negotiate a contract, he obviously got fed up at American Airlines left and got a job as a mechanic in Dallas at SWA, has a successful concrete business.
What do mean by that? I don't recall Bret ever being an elected official in the TWU but was active in the AMFA drives at AA.
Well with a Air21 complaint and lawsuit, I would see why the TWU would hire SSMP, he is good at those kinds of litigation. That lawfirm outside of legal counsel for AMFA makes its bread and butter off of Air21 complaints. If you want to sue someone for medical malpractice, you hire a lawfirm that has an excellent track record of winning those kinds of cases. The TWU attorneys are labor law attorneys, but Seham is a labor lawyer, but his real expertise is Air21.
AIR21 cases are not SSMP "bread and butter" on cases they handle, I would surmise those cases are a very small part. You obviously don't know about all the work or the other entities SSMP represents outside of aviation.

Nut Driver you should do some research for yourself before you make such ignorant statements without knowing the facts about which you speak.

I guess like your ramper buddy Dippy Dave, that's asking a lot from those blinded by hate.
What do mean by that? I don't recall Bret ever being an elected official in the TWU but was active in the AMFA drives at AA.
Brett never was "pretty high up in the TWu", at least not to my knowledge.

Just another Nut Driver falsehood.
AIR21 cases are not SSMP "bread and butter" on cases they handle, I would surmise those cases are a very small part. You obviously don't know about all the work or the other entities SSMP represents outside of aviation.

Nut Driver you should do some research for yourself before you make such ignorant statements without knowing the facts about which you speak.

I guess like your ramper buddy Dippy Dave, that's asking a lot from those blinded by hate.
I was giving the guy credit if you go to The lawfirm web site he has a video explaining all about Air21 lawsuits and complaints. Obviously your TWU ,that you personally trash all the time, had to hire his expertise to persue the case against American, your just an negative asshole that wants to argue. And as far as Brett you don't put a guy in charge of a Union, with no union leadership experience. I respect the man for what he has accomplished and achieved. What have you done besides complain about your lot in life , and refuse to go somewhere it is better. I have worked with people like you that do nothing but whine and complain about how the company sucks.
What do mean by that? I don't recall Bret ever being an elected official in the TWU but was active in the AMFA drives at AA.
I had a friend of mine from United , after United listen to the Teamsters about section 6, and kicked AMFA out, how he was American and was behind the AMFA drive, because of the TWU crap. This person knows Brett personally , he,s a good guy.
Brett never was "pretty high up in the TWu", at least not to my knowledge.

Just another Nut Driver falsehood.
He was your Union Safety committee chairman and investigator for 8 years at American. I respect the man, do you? Like I said he wasn't just a shop steward. He obviously didn't get enough support for AMFA at American, and he left.
Well with a Air21 complaint and lawsuit, I would see why the TWU would hire SSMP, he is good at those kinds of litigation. That lawfirm outside of legal counsel for AMFA makes its bread and butter off of Air21 complaints. If you want to sue someone for medical malpractice, you hire a lawfirm that has an excellent track record of winning those kinds of cases. The TWU attorneys are labor law attorneys, but Seham is a labor lawyer, but his real expertise is Air21.

I was giving the guy credit if you go to The lawfirm web site he has a video explaining all about Air21 lawsuits and complaints. Obviously your TWU ,that you personally trash all the time, had to hire his expertise to persue the case against American, your just an negative asshole that wants to argue. And as far as Brett you don't put a guy in charge of a Union, with no union leadership experience. I respect the man for what he has accomplished and achieved. What have you done besides complain about your lot in life , and refuse to go somewhere it is better. I have worked with people like you that do nothing but whine and complain about how the company sucks.
I do rather enjoy how when you get caught in your lies and half-truths, you go back and try to quantify what you said. I'm the whiner and complainer? You can't even take a 5 year pay freeze without getting the floor wet from your tears about your money or getting a concessionary T/A to vote yes on. You have degraded SSMP for months here, and then you give them credit when I prove that the TWu has in fact hired them for legal work. I guess your buddy Dippy Dave has disappeared too. Wonder why?

I had a friend of mine from United , after United listen to the Teamsters about section 6, and kicked AMFA out, how he was American and was behind the AMFA drive, because of the TWU crap. This person knows Brett personally , he,s a good guy.
There were many guys behind the AMFA drives, not just Brett. I don't care who you know or what you think of who. Unfortunately, the fight has come to SWA, and your not up for it. It's a good thing most of the AMFA membership doesn't think like you, bringing back a concessionary T/A is not a good game plan. That is what industrial unions do, and it's never good.

Hopefully AMFA stays in the fight and comes to a fair agreement with full retro pay like the pilots have received. SWA AMTs have a decent contract now, and should not give concessions and more outsourcing for pay with record profits.

Hopefully you can hold on Nut Driver before the men in white coats come to take you away.

Good luck.

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