WN Mechanics seek mediation

DUH. He sits on our side of the table during negotiations doesn't he? It will effect all of us.....period
Look jerk, I guarantee I have argued more cases than you as a steward, they didn't like the way things were being run, and wanted a change more power to that local. I am sure there will be more changes if this continues to drag out, hang on.
Look jerk, I guarantee I have argued more cases than you as a steward, they didn't like the way things were being run, and wanted a change more power to that local. I am sure there will be more changes if this continues to drag out, hang on.
Wow you have quite the grip on the english language! Jerk? Name calling......quite impressive I must say. Steward? Typical teamster reply......go to the name calling when things don't go your way. Good job.
Wow you have quite the grip on the english language! Jerk? Name calling......quite impressive I must say. Steward? Typical teamster reply......go to the name calling when things don't go your way. Good job.
You're the one that's all ticked off, about your new ALR, one question did you vote?
You're the one that's all ticked off, about your new ALR, one question did you vote?
Not my local. Never said it was. Read what I said again. Not ticked off either. Not name calling either just very concerned about someone who has spent 99% of their time at Swa in management.now sitting on our side.
Do yourself a favor and ask around about the guy. Find out why he's not in management anymore. Hangar ron twth off is not a move up.
Not my local. Never said it was. Read what I said again. Not ticked off either. Not name calling either just very concerned about someone who has spent 99% of their time at Swa in management.now sitting on our side.
Do yourself a favor and ask around about the guy. Find out why he's not in management anymore. Hangar ron twth off is not a move up.
So if he is so terrible why did, he get voted in. I have said on this forum, that AMFA only had so long to produce a T/A , people will quit caring and tune out. I am sure the guys in Houston can use the money for their damaged homes. The danger of taking so long is , the deal whatever it is will probably pass. Might not be much, maybe only 52 to 56%. Sorry if I misunderstood you brother.
So if he is so terrible why did, he get voted in. I have said on this forum, that AMFA only had so long to produce a T/A , people will quit caring and tune out. I am sure the guys in Houston can use the money for their damaged homes. The danger of taking so long is , the deal whatever it is will probably pass. Might not be much, maybe only 52 to 56%. Sorry if I misunderstood you brother.
The guy talks a really good game. I think it also boiled down to lack of choices and voter participation.
I also believe you're correct about the lack of caring and tuning out. Only time will tell now.
Looking to blame someone - you guys might want to look at the negotiation philosophy and legal guidance the membership and negotiation committee is receiving. This is the first full RLA section 6 negotiations at SWA since amfa came in charge. All previous negotiations have been non opener on language and extensions. You can keep replacing reps but it's going to take you nowhere but backwards. I say swamt needs to go in and get it done. It all goes back to Seham. I repeat- like I have said before - they have never been able to play in the big leagues and survive. The new tactic - we will wait em out and wait for Federal Lawsuit litigation. What a tactic. Wow!!!!! History repeats itself. Good luck - u guys are going to need it. As always- Go Figure.
Looking to blame someone - you guys might want to look at the negotiation philosophy and legal guidance the membership and negotiation committee is receiving. This is the first full RLA section 6 negotiations at SWA since amfa came in charge. All previous negotiations have been non opener on language and extensions. You can keep replacing reps but it's going to take you nowhere but backwards. I say swamt needs to go in and get it done. It all goes back to Seham. I repeat- like I have said before - they have never been able to play in the big leagues and survive. The new tactic - we will wait em out and wait for Federal Lawsuit litigation. What a tactic. Wow!!!!! History repeats itself. Good luck - u guys are going to need it. As always- Go Figure.
People are getting to the point, they want a group that can produce a T/A, and decide for themselves if it is worth becoming a new contract. The point is we could have probably voted on something two years ago. The ALRs have to sign off to become a T/A. There are some saying as long as they drag this out, they don't have to work on airplanes, and still get paid.
I say vote swamt in and get er done. He seems to have advice on sidelines for everyone. Make it happen and tell the company what to do. If not- hold your breath. File another lawsuit. That seems to be working. Go Figure.
Congratulations to Local 18 for electing a management reject for ALR. There is strike 2 for us!
Who won the election a
With the classics gone, there was a lot of your structure work, the 700,s you can only do so many stab skins, and cockpit window mods. Instead of trying to hold onto the past, go for hours and whatever the new maintenance footprint is. You go for headcount and bid positions, and the checks regardless what they call it.I told you Swampy people are only going to be patient for so long, now that AMFA 18 in Houston has elected a new ALR.
I hope people are not patient any longer. It's been way too long, I agree. BUT where is the company on scope driver? have you seen anything in writing yet? Do you have a single iota of a clue what the company is asking for? They are asking for a wide open language to adjust all the maint as they wish from here on in. Now what says you???
Full retro or I vote NO.

Amen brother. Full retro here too, or no contract. I am sick and tired of this company just expecting they can drag this crap out for nearly 6 years and just "settle" for way less than what we would have made if we received all our wages, 401K, and profit sharing from day one. Read the companies memo after the nego's, they tickle everyone about "what" they agreed to and "what" they will do in the future, with NO scope language explained, hmmmm, imagine that, where is scope going in all this? Show us the scope offers in"writing" so we can decide, period.