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WN Mechanics seek mediation

It's the companies turn to produce and/or move. AMFA's doing their part for the membership so far. It's not a matter of the union producing, it's a matter of how serious the company is about getting a deal done. Now, fortunate for them, they can afford easily the cost of a new contract and not even feel it with the "HUGE" tax breaks they will get in 2018, it should be a no brainer for them to settle in 2018. If not, then I would expect the investors to question why the company did not big time. Hands down this year would be the best year to clear it all up and move on.
I agree with you Swampy to a point, when all the other groups move on, and we still spin our wheels without so much as a say on a T/A vote, because they know now whatever the deal is will pass, and if you get a little more than you would have, the membership will question a Union's effectiveness. Remember when we kicked the Teamsters out? Now I am not saying AMFA is going anywhere, but they know that a deal needs to be reached this year, for their long term survivability, and future growth of the union.
Wishing all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 🙂
And Good Luck that negotiations will bring about a T/A vote
soon for all of you.

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I agree with you Swampy to a point, when all the other groups move on, and we still spin our wheels without so much as a say on a T/A vote, because they know now whatever the deal is will pass, and if you get a little more than you would have, the membership will question a Union's effectiveness. Remember when we kicked the Teamsters out? Now I am not saying AMFA is going anywhere, but they know that a deal needs to be reached this year, for their long term survivability, and future growth of the union.
I know you have been saying this from day one pretty much, but, I have to disagree. No one knows if a deal now will pass or not pass. With the amount of ask from the co. I do not think it would pass. I can assure the majority in Dallas will be a big no as of last offers that were going back and forth. Does not matter how long it has been at this time. The membership has minimums they are are expecting in certain areas before they will even entertain a possible vote from the NC to allow it out for a vote. It's the exact same way the Pilots and F/A's work to get an offer out to the membership, the union's leadership must approve anything prior to going to the membership for a vote. Until the company reaches the said minimums for the NC to vote for it to come out to the membership, it will not come to the membership for a vote. You know, like I have always said, we could make 100 bucks an hour and lose all the scope language where we could possibly not have a job to come to to make said 100 bucks and hour. OR, yea the company claims all current mechanics have nothing to worry about and are protected as long as they are here on DOS, but that does not mean we ALL won't be on graves, with tues. thurs off working out in the weather in line or hngr ron overnighters. They refuse to agree to protection language for that, and they refuse to put in writing the language to cover all the new maint they want to replace all the other maint they want to get rid of, so be very, very careful for what you wish for, we must be extremely thorough.
Wishing all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 🙂
And Good Luck that negotiations will bring about a T/A vote
soon for all of you.

And the same to you Sharon. Just 2 days scheduled for Jan so don't expect anything at all this month. They always seem to end early on last day and they always take full fist day to "re-cap" on where they left off months ago. So there will be NOTHING getting done in these next 2 days of nego's.
So there will be NOTHING getting done in these next 2 days of nego's.
I agree, the company has held out too long to just roll over as Anderson's use of the words "cautious optimism" exemplify. I find it hard to believe the only thing the company got out of their roadshow meetings was "get it done". Perhaps some of you guys who attended could elaborate.
I am sure the slow progression to negotiate has nothing to do with the pending Federal Lawsuits filed from both sides has no influence! Nah- none at all. As always- Go Figure!!!??
I know you have been saying this from day one pretty much, but, I have to disagree. No one knows if a deal now will pass or not pass. With the amount of ask from the co. I do not think it would pass. I can assure the majority in Dallas will be a big no as of last offers that were going back and forth. Does not matter how long it has been at this time. The membership has minimums they are are expecting in certain areas before they will even entertain a possible vote from the NC to allow it out for a vote. It's the exact same way the Pilots and F/A's work to get an offer out to the membership, the union's leadership must approve anything prior to going to the membership for a vote. Until the company reaches the said minimums for the NC to vote for it to come out to the membership, it will not come to the membership for a vote. You know, like I have always said, we could make 100 bucks an hour and lose all the scope language where we could possibly not have a job to come to to make said 100 bucks and hour. OR, yea the company claims all current mechanics have nothing to worry about and are protected as long as they are here on DOS, but that does not mean we ALL won't be on graves, with tues. thurs off working out in the weather in line or hngr ron overnighters. They refuse to agree to protection language for that, and they refuse to put in writing the language to cover all the new maint they want to replace all the other maint they want to get rid of, so be very, very careful for what you wish for, we must be extremely thorough.
There are minimums for a T/A yes, my point is all unions know they need to produce, or people get mad.
I am sure the slow progression to negotiate has nothing to do with the pending Federal Lawsuits filed from both sides has no influence! Nah- none at all. As always- Go Figure!!!??
AA has pending federal lawsuits also moron, yet our company is pretending to "negotiate". Ding-Ding, your fries are done....
I agree, the company has held out too long to just roll over as Anderson's use of the words "cautious optimism" exemplify. I find it hard to believe the only thing the company got out of their roadshow meetings was "get it done". Perhaps some of you guys who attended could elaborate.
I was told that when our ND and Asst. ND had the meeting with GK, MV, and TN that they told them both that it was reported to them that the top 2 things they got from the company's RS was retro and scope language. I am sure "just get it done" was mentioned many times as well, so I would gather that the three top were probably these three, but the company only wants to tell the mechanics that the only item that topped "their" RS was "just get it done" in order to continue the propaganda.
Quick question, did they do a RS in Dallas? NO, they did not. And why is that? Because they know where Dallas is on the contract, "full retro" and "scope". Yes we would all like for it to get done, but we will not give the farm away in order to "just get it done".
I have heard (rumors only I admit) that the company will add to the bonus in hopes to keep the "must haves" they are seeking. In other words, they will increase the bonuses trying to keep the language ask they are looking for. I can tell you right now that will not work for me and many, many more in Dallas as well as the NC. They will once again just try to buy out the language they want. These two days coming in Jan will simply be a "fell them out" approach by the company. They want to see the reaction from the NC to see if it will be enough to get this to the membership for a vote. Sort of testing the waters if you will.
I say let some more contracts get done in our industry (UPS and AA) they both will have new levels to look at for reaching...
$1000 bonus celebrating new lower corporate tax rates granted on Jan. 8th. I'm cautiously optimistic this could be a very good year.
It would be a good year if the company cared enough about the mechanics to get a contract done.

There are minimums for a T/A yes, my point is all unions know they need to produce, or people get mad.
And until those minimums are met you and I will not see a T/A until then, that is why we have elected negotiators at the table to negotiate in our "best interest". People getting mad need to focus their "madness" towards the company not the union. The threat of the union needs to produce is a false innuendo, it needs to be all directed towards the company, they are the ones holding everything up.

AA has pending federal lawsuits also moron, yet our company is pretending to "negotiate". Ding-Ding, your fries are done....
Happy New Year Hackman.
We had a bunch of idiots like swamt at NWA that convinced the majority to follow AMFA off the edge of the mountain. If anyone honestly believes that AMFA has no fault in your negotiations taking so long then they are hypnotized by the AMFA cult. AMFA's history shows that they do not want to partner with any company. They want to keep things as adversarial as possible to drive work in to their law firm. Wake up!!!
We had a bunch of idiots like swamt at NWA that convinced the majority to follow AMFA off the edge of the mountain. If anyone honestly believes that AMFA has no fault in your negotiations taking so long then they are hypnotized by the AMFA cult. AMFA's history shows that they do not want to partner with any company. They want to keep things as adversarial as possible to drive work in to their law firm. Wake up!!!
All you have to look at to answer that question is every other group at Southwest Airlines has had two things either a new contract, or a T/A that was voted down. But still a say in their future.

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