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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Like I said less than 50 % voted in that election . If I remember correctly the Teamsters got in after the 1980 mechanics strike, and Herb was well in charge then. The only mechanics strike SWA had. The last Teamsters contract was voted down in 2002, by 98 % . Herb was still in charge. Then got the new contract in 2003, kicked the Teamsters to the curb. So now we have our first full section 6 negotiations. So we wait.
Like I said less than 50 % voted in that election . If I remember correctly the Teamsters got in after the 1980 mechanics strike, and Herb was well in charge then. The only mechanics strike SWA had. The last Teamsters contract was voted down in 2002, by 98 % . Herb was still in charge. Then got the new contract in 2003, kicked the Teamsters to the curb. So now we have our first full section 6 negotiations. So we wait.
Just this recent asap rep election this week, only 16% bothered to vote. Unfortunately, very few give a hoot.
I wonder does AA have a minimum mechanic to aircraft ratio like we do? I think that number does us a lot more harm than good. It pins us down in my opinion.
I have worked F14, DC9, MD80, 737 and C130, very different aircraft, yes it takes more to work a wide body instead of crying about your sucky union, get AMFA in there and see if they can get a contract with Parker and company. In fact use our negotiating team.
Thanks for your Navy service, I worked many aircraft in the USAF also, not the subject here. The subject at hand is the current AMT ratio at SWA vs AA, and how 12 fleet types compared to 2 doesn't really match up with wide bodies in the mix and TULE overhaul base, where SWA has always outsourced heavy checks. SWA needs to increase the ratio, but its low for these facts.
I also didn't mention anything about unions, just the fact that SWA still enjoys a fully intact contract with pay and benefits AA hasn't had in nearly 15 years, it's that simple.
In addition, if AMFA at SWA brings back a concessionary T/A "to look at" you and the other Reamster snivelers would be screaming from the roof tops about how AMFA sold out. You don't want to fight, you just want your money. That's easy to see.
Thanks for your Navy service, I worked many aircraft in the USAF also, not the subject here. The subject at hand is the current AMT ratio at SWA vs AA, and how 12 fleet types compared to 2 doesn't really match up with wide bodies in the mix and TULE overhaul base, where SWA has always outsourced heavy checks. SWA needs to increase the ratio, but its low for these facts.
I also didn't mention anything about unions, just the fact that SWA still enjoys a fully intact contract with pay and benefits AA hasn't had in nearly 15 years, it's that simple.
In addition, if AMFA at SWA brings back a concessionary T/A "to look at" you and the other Reamster snivelers would be screaming from the roof tops about how AMFA sold out. You don't want to fight, you just want your money. That's easy to see.
Does AA have a minimum AMT ratio to aircraft stated in your contract?
Thanks for your Navy service, I worked many aircraft in the USAF also, not the subject here. The subject at hand is the current AMT ratio at SWA vs AA, and how 12 fleet types compared to 2 doesn't really match up with wide bodies in the mix and TULE overhaul base, where SWA has always outsourced heavy checks. SWA needs to increase the ratio, but its low for these facts.
I also didn't mention anything about unions, just the fact that SWA still enjoys a fully intact contract with pay and benefits AA hasn't had in nearly 15 years, it's that simple.
In addition, if AMFA at SWA brings back a concessionary T/A "to look at" you and the other Reamster snivelers would be screaming from the roof tops about how AMFA sold out. You don't want to fight, you just want your money. That's easy to see.
No I want results not a,never ending stalemate, if it sucks vote it down like in 2002, then fix what is wrong. But if we go 7 or more years like I am hearing, I guarantee to avoid an impass they will bring put a deal, and people will be so hungry for water they will eat the sand. So if that happens , and we get a not great half way crapshoot deal. People will say we waited this many years and we got this, what was the point? I predict if we can't reach a T/A there will be a total replacement of the officers and RLAs.
I have worked F14, DC9, MD80, 737 and C130, very different aircraft, yes it takes more to work a wide body instead of crying about your sucky union, get AMFA in there and see if they can get a contract with Parker and company. In fact use our negotiating team.

Wow! You really are starting to get it. I would also like to welcome you to the team...
No I want results not a,never ending stalemate, if it sucks vote it down like in 2002, then fix what is wrong. But if we go 7 or more years like I am hearing, I guarantee to avoid an impass they will bring put a deal, and people will be so hungry for water they will eat the sand. So if that happens , and we get a not great half way crapshoot deal. People will say we waited this many years and we got this, what was the point? I predict if we can't reach a T/A there will be a total replacement of the officers and RLAs.
Are you serious? C'mon man...
Does AA have a minimum AMT ratio to aircraft stated in your contract?
No minimum ratios that I have seen. But there is this gem; "It is understood that nothing in this Article requires the maintenance of the present volume of work". Read into that as you will. There is a supposed to be a cap of 35% of "Aircraft related maintenance" and 15% line which is "Subject to exclusions or modifications described elsewhere in this agreement". I have never seen any official report of what the outsource percentage actually is today. I would say it's much higher than 35% with all the 777s that were sent to China after AFW was shuttered, and now sent out to Timco or Pimpco hack shops as I guess China isn't getting them done on time or up to standards AA expects.
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No I want results not a,never ending stalemate, if it sucks vote it down like in 2002, then fix what is wrong. But if we go 7 or more years like I am hearing, I guarantee to avoid an impass they will bring put a deal, and people will be so hungry for water they will eat the sand. So if that happens , and we get a not great half way crapshoot deal. People will say we waited this many years and we got this, what was the point? I predict if we can't reach a T/A there will be a total replacement of the officers and RLAs.
A "never ending stalemate"? Well, 5+ years is a travesty with SWA making record profits, but your not living under a 15 year gutted BK contract as AA is. I don't see another 7 years to get a contract if you stand your ground, which you seem to be lacking if your living on your knees. So your nonsensical statement "people will be so hungry for water they will eat the sand" really is sadly laughable to me. Ad nauseam here again, you have an intact contract that has been industry leading for years up until recently at SWA. You have no idea what it's like to "eat the sand" Mr Driver. Trust me on that.

As I said, if AMFA brings back a concessionary SWA T/A you will snivel, cry, and call the 1800 give-me-my-money hotline. Good thing your not in negotiations, you would have already caved. Get a grip.
No minimum ratios that I have seen. But there is this gem; "It is understood that nothing in this Article requires the maintenance of the present volume of work". Read into that as you will. There is a supposed to be a cap of 35% of "Aircraft related maintenance" and 15% line which is "Subject to exclusions or modifications described elsewhere in this agreement". I have never seen any official report of what the outsource percentage actually is today. I would say it's much higher than 35% with all the 777s that were sent to China after AFW was shuttered, and now sent out to Timco or Pimpco hack shops as I guess China isn't getting them done on time or up to standards AA expects.
So no minimums and the Company can adjust as they see fit subject to....Any movement for a strike vote?
Are you serious? C'mon man...
I am serious if you remember AMFA 11 , your local took control, and promised delivery of the objective, if there is failure to achieve objective, then in like two more years, there will be leadership changes, you don't change unions unless you have to, you change the leadership.
A "never ending stalemate"? Well, 5+ years is a travesty with SWA making record profits, but your not living under a 15 year gutted BK contract as AA is. I don't see another 7 years to get a contract if you stand your ground, which you seem to be lacking if your living on your knees. So your nonsensical statement "people will be so hungry for water they will eat the sand" really is sadly laughable to me. Ad nauseam here again, you have an intact contract that has been industry leading for years up until recently at SWA. You have no idea what it's like to "eat the sand" Mr Driver. Trust me on that.

As I said, if AMFA brings back a concessionary SWA T/A you will snivel, cry, and call the 1800 give-me-my-money hotline. Good thing your not in negotiations, you would have already caved. Get a grip.
I do have a grip we want results, just like you want results at American.We don't want we wait seven or eight years, might not be that long. And if you could had the same thing five years ago, you faught for nothing. That's just stupid. But it's worth the fight if you get something for it. I just don't want a Northwest situation , where those guys went ten years without a raise, then got AMFA in when they kicked out the IAM. Finally got their raises, and the language was used against them, because they didn't read the fine print.

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