I appreciate your loyalty to WN but the facts are very plain that WN DOES NOT have competitive advantage it once had... WN has to evolve and I never doubted they would, but they also generated revenues and maintained costs such that they had a very comfortable distance between themselves and their competitors.
As much as you and others might not want to hear it, DL handedly outperformed WN in 2011 - and it isn't just attributable to FL. DL's RASM growth was far stronger than WN's and WN's non-fuel cost advantage relative to DL is only about 5%. And while international systems have been a big drag for other carriers in the past, DL has done a very good job of solid financials for all of its network including its international network which WN does not have. We haven't heard from all of the network carriers but US - which is the least international network carrier - also delivered much stronger revenue performance than WN.
When you consider that WN's ability to grow in its traditional secondary hubs like MDW and DAL and in smaller markets are for now limited, forcing them to compete in much higher profile and competitive markets like ATL, DEN, LAX, and NYC, WN does in fact have some major strategic challenges ahead of it.
NO one doubts what WN has accomplished in the past or that they will be able to overcome the current challenges they face, but we have yet to see that WN can in fact do that - and for now some of WN's network carriers. WN is not increasing capacity in the near future - which is rare for WN - and has acknowledged that it will take several years to fully integrate FL which limits WN's ability to move forward with internal strategies that WN has typically used as a competitive advantage.
It is also noteworthy that DL spent about 20 cents per gallon on jet fuel than WN... the airline that gained so much strategically just a couple years ago against its network competitors now finds itself with a much smaller cost advantage.
By the way, I am not the only one who recognizes that WN is not performing like it once did, and that other competitors are delivering stronger financials than WN.
The fact that WN's market cap now is about $1B or more than 10% less than DAL says alot. esp. when WN's market cap not many years ago was more than the combined total of the entire US network carrier segment.