With no merger, what happens to my shares ?
Which ones? Are you talking about the existing old AAMRQ (pre-bankruptcy stock)? If so, they'll probably still get some value under a new POR (without the merger).
Are you talking about the equity stake the unions were given in the POR (new stock)? You'll still get those. IMO, they may be more valuable since no merger means the LCC stockholders won't be taking some of your money. The 28% given to the LCC stockholders was too high, in my view. Instead of getting a percentage of 72% of the new AA, you'll get that percentage of 100% of the new AA.
I am under the impression that AA POR is entirely predicated on the merger happening. For us on the USAirways side if it fails it just means that we continue as we were and continue to work out our AWA/US merger mess. However for the AA side the way I read it is that your POR is now null since all UCC approvals etc is predicated on the merger. How is your POR stuff written? Does it kick in regardless of the merger or if the merger fails are you guy back to square one? Last I remember prior to the merger stuff AA did not have a POR that was considered viable by the BK court and all parties involved. Are you guys going to have to go back and revisit pay, work rules, retirement etc?Which ones? Are you talking about the existing old AAMRQ (pre-bankruptcy stock)? If so, they'll probably still get some value under a new POR (without the merger).
Are you talking about the equity stake the unions were given in the POR (new stock)? You'll still get those. IMO, they may be more valuable since no merger means the LCC stockholders won't be taking some of your money. The 28% given to the LCC stockholders was too high, in my view. Instead of getting a percentage of 72% of the new AA, you'll get that percentage of 100% of the new AA.
I am under the impression that AA POR is entirely predicated on the merger happening. For us on the USAirways side if it fails it just means that we continue as we were and continue to work out our AWA/US merger mess. However for the AA side the way I read it is that your POR is now null since all UCC approvals etc is predicated on the merger. How is your POR stuff written? Does it kick in regardless of the merger or if the merger fails are you guy back to square one? Last I remember prior to the merger stuff AA did not have a POR that was considered viable by the BK court and all parties involved. Are you guys going to have to go back and revisit pay, work rules, retirement etc?
The merger and POR were not going to take place the same day. The merger is delayed, everything else is on track. I would think, and I may be wrong, that there is some contingency language in the petition to emerge.
No, that's not correct. The plan of reorganization contemplates a merger that closes when the POR is confirmed. They are inextricably linked.
Now that the DoJ has sued to block the merger, this week's hearing on the POR will be delayed. There is nothing in the current POR about AA emerging from bankruptcy on its own - only part and parcel to a merger with US.
When the merger is ultimately abandoned or the court rules in favor of the DoJ, then a new plan of reorganization will be prepared and creditor approval obtained.
AA cannot emerge from bankruptcy until the POR is confirmed, and the only POR in front of the court contains a merger with US (which has been blocked by the government). Bottom line: AA stays in Ch 11 until they give up on Parker's impossible dream and circulate a new POR.
Everything would have to be renegotiated if there is no morger including labor and creditor deals.