Wisconsin Protesters Target Special Olympics Ceremony

I understand the why. I jut don't get the why. At some point you have to put the needs of others above your own. These folks worked hard to get to the Olympics. Let them have their moment.
You are right to question the why. I heard someone say a long time ago that Current Liberalisim, not classical, is a mental disorder. How else can you explain such heartless behavior.
So you equate honoring the participants of the Special Olympians with megalomania? :blink:

Wow, that's a pretty dark and ugly place you live in your mind there Kev.

Bravo in joining the likes of Tree/Garf and the rest of the pathetic liberals here.

Enough with the name calling.

Scott Walker even though I think a lot of what he does has merit he is IMO a stooge for the East Coast Elite Republican Establishment that right now is crapping their pants over the prospect of Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain and the like as their 2012 standard bearer.

He certainly has the right as Governor to attend any event he so chooses to is his official capacity. Sometimes however discretion is the better part of valor and if I were in his shoes I might think twice prior to attending given the fact that I made myself a lightning rod for Progressive causes to protest. I might be politically incorrect and call the participants "Retards", however as citizens they more than deserve our compassion, love and respect. Scott Walker and the wonderful folks at Special Olympics might have been better served if Scott Walker had stayed home, held a Press Conference to explain why and to openly solicit donations to the worthy cause while discrediting the Progressive Protesters as mean spirited bullies. Just a thought.

Perhaps then he could remind the Progressives that charity begins at home, NOT at the Government feeding trough. I for one would openly call out the protesters and ask, "How much have YOU donated to Special Olympics
Enough with the name calling.

Scott Walker even though I think a lot of what he does has merit he is IMO a stooge for the East Coast Elite Republican Establishment that right now is crapping their pants over the prospect of Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain and the like as their 2012 standard bearer.

He certainly has the right as Governor to attend any event he so chooses to is his official capacity. Sometimes however discretion is the better part of valor and if I were in his shoes I might think twice prior to attending given the fact that I made myself a lightning rod for Progressive causes to protest. I might be politically incorrect and call the participants "Retards", however as citizens they more than deserve our compassion, love and respect. Scott Walker and the wonderful folks at Special Olympics might have been better served if Scott Walker had stayed home, held a Press Conference to explain why and to openly solicit donations to the worthy cause while discrediting the Progressive Protesters as mean spirited bullies. Just a thought.

Perhaps then he could remind the Progressives that charity begins at home, NOT at the Government feeding trough. I for one would openly call out the protesters and ask, "How much have YOU donated to Special Olympics

Unbelievable, you actually agree with them?

New normal:
Elected official participating in event honoring Special Olympians in the face of leftists incivility and disruption is now deemed unacceptable behavior...of the elected official.
Leftists incivility and disruption at event honoring Special Olympians towards elected official....perfectly acceptable.

You people are embarrassments to the human race.
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You are right to question the why. I heard someone say a long time ago that Current Liberalisim, not classical, is a mental disorder. How else can you explain such heartless behavior.

I know. Conservatives have never and would never do such a thing. What ever.
Unbelievable, you actually agree with them?

New normal:
Elected official participating in event honoring Special Olympians in the face of leftists incivility and disruption is now deemed unacceptable behavior...of the elected official.
Leftists incivility and disruption at event honoring Special Olympians towards elected official....perfectly acceptable.

You people are embarrassments to the human race.

No I don't agree with "them." I don't like Scott Walker even a little as to me he is EXACTLY what's wrong with the Republican Party.

What I was/am trying to say is if I were Governor I'd have stayed away and BLASTED away at the Progressives via the media. Asking tough Questions like, "How many $$$$ Did you give Special Olympics" to as many at the rally as my friends in the media could get to.

In a state like WI, Walker has friends in the media that would go up to the protestors and ask those kinds of questions and it's a fair question. These folks are all about Help, Hope & Change while Republicans and Libertarians are portrayed as those who sit at home clinging to their guns and religion.

Politically I've always believed that the best defense is an aggressive offense and I'd be challenging these maggots daily, making public appearances as often as possible to sap their resources. Run then out of money would be the goal. I would make sure their antics were video taped if not by the media then by a private firm that i would use campaign funds to pay for if need be. I would publish the video's, making them available to any media outlet free of charge. Even though it's a few years before re-election I'd get some video of the protest at the Special Olympics event and put together a commercial that asks the tough questions and I'd start running them. I would make them outrageous enough that the National Media would run them as news and make myself available to Fox, MSNBC, CNN and the like. I'd be on them like stink on manure all day everyday calling them out at every opportunity.

There is one sure fire way to defeat the Progressives and that is to expose their morally and financially bankrupt viewpoint for all to see and that's how you beat them. Chris Christie does a splendid job of facing the fire. Walker is a nit wit with paper balls instead of the solid Brass Ones Chris Christie has.
No I don't agree with "them." I don't like Scott Walker even a little as to me he is EXACTLY what's wrong with the Republican Party.

What I was/am trying to say is if I were Governor I'd have stayed away and BLASTED away at the Progressives via the media. Asking tough Questions like, "How many $$$$ Did you give Special Olympics" to as many at the rally as my friends in the media could get to.

This was an event to honor the participants of the Special Olympics. Not Scott Walker and definitely not the goons that showed up to disrupt the event. The event wasn't about politics, it was about respect, honor and courage. For the leftist goons to disrupt it is despicable and deplorable. Plain and simple.

In a state like WI, Walker has friends in the media that would go up to the protestors and ask those kinds of questions and it's a fair question. These folks are all about Help, Hope & Change while Republicans and Libertarians are portrayed as those who sit at home clinging to their guns and religion.

Politically I've always believed that the best defense is an aggressive offense and I'd be challenging these maggots daily, making public appearances as often as possible to sap their resources. Run then out of money would be the goal. I would make sure their antics were video taped if not by the media then by a private firm that i would use campaign funds to pay for if need be. I would publish the video's, making them available to any media outlet free of charge. Even though it's a few years before re-election I'd get some video of the protest at the Special Olympics event and put together a commercial that asks the tough questions and I'd start running them. I would make them outrageous enough that the National Media would run them as news and make myself available to Fox, MSNBC, CNN and the like. I'd be on them like stink on manure all day everyday calling them out at every opportunity.

There is one sure fire way to defeat the Progressives and that is to expose their morally and financially bankrupt viewpoint for all to see and that's how you beat them. Chris Christie does a splendid job of facing the fire. Walker is a nit wit with paper balls instead of the solid Brass Ones Chris Christie has.

Im sure Scott Walker didn't wake up in the morning and said "gee I think I might not want to participate in the honoring of the Special Olympians because some leftists goons will disrupt THEIR special day".

Lets use some common sense here. It was an event, not about politics, but honoring the courage of the Special Olympians. Why is that so hard to comprehend? And to twist it around justify it as some political event is purely asinine.
Lets use some common sense here. It was an event, not about politics, but honoring the courage of the Special Olympians. Why is that so hard to comprehend? And to twist it around justify it as some political event is purely asinine.

It's ALL politics sweetie! Get used to it. That's the way Progressives work.

If you're smart about it you exploit their actions for political gain. One of the ways you do that is raise the very type of question you posed.

Why is it so hard for Progressives to demonstrate the tolerance they so loudly preach but fail to deliver? FAIR QUESTION

Why does the progressive so hate Scott Walker that they would organize a protest at an event honoring the Special Olympians? FAIR QUESTION

How much has your progressive organization donated in time or cash to this worthy charity? FAIR QUESTION

The Progressives opened the door by their actions. As a result their actions and motivations behind same are now open to public scrutiny.

The evidence of their callous disregard for the Special Olympians needs to be tested in the court of public opinion where it will be found lacking of basic respect and common decency. These boys want to play hardball? I'm all for it as the fact is they devoid of caring for anyone who doesn't blindly follow their dogma, yet they complain about the views of Conservative Christians and intolerance, when the truth is that if you spend any time with a hard core Progressive you'll quickly find that the only viewpoint they tolerate is their own.
It's ALL politics sweetie! Get used to it. That's the way Progressives work.

If you're smart about it you exploit their actions for political gain. One of the ways you do that is raise the very type of question you posed.

Why is it so hard for Progressives to demonstrate the tolerance they so loudly preach but fail to deliver? FAIR QUESTION

Why does the progressive so hate Scott Walker that they would organize a protest at an event honoring the Special Olympians? FAIR QUESTION

How much has your progressive organization donated in time or cash to this worthy charity? FAIR QUESTION

The Progressives opened the door by their actions. As a result their actions and motivations behind same are now open to public scrutiny.

The evidence of their callous disregard for the Special Olympians needs to be tested in the court of public opinion where it will be found lacking of basic respect and common decency. These boys want to play hardball? I'm all for it as the fact is they devoid of caring for anyone who doesn't blindly follow their dogma, yet they complain about the views of Conservative Christians and intolerance, when the truth is that if you spend any time with a hard core Progressive you'll quickly find that the only viewpoint they tolerate is their own.

Granted, it's still deplorable for those to somehow spin this all on SW at the same time exempting the actual goons that disrupted the event.
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Sparrow. You do realize they were protesting about voting rights dont you? I have not seen anything indicating the political persuasion of any of the people protesting.
Sparrow. You do realize they were protesting about voting rights dont you? I have not seen anything indicating the political persuasion of any of the people protesting.

Voting rights?? That's the cover story and Progressives excel at that type of thing too.

if a student can't crawl out from under some beer keg, stop tweeting pics of his junk or touching herself over some hot guy long enough to acquire appropriate credentials to vote then as the Polish say "Tough Shitski".

Men and women have died so we could have the opportunity to vote and it would be the very least we should require is for them to prove residency and citizenship. A miniscule price to pay for freedom and liberty. Unless of course you're Progressive and want to pervert the system so those who have no skin in the game can alter the outcome to your advantage.
Exactly, except that Walker is such a megalomaniac that he never thinks of the repercussions of his actions (or maybe just doesn't give a f***).

... And let's not forget that while Walker showed up at this ceremony, he's at the very same time trying to eviscerate programs in special education & health that directly benefit these kids.

As to this cutting funds, how does a state pay for all these things and stay solvent?

Its come to a place in time where things and programs have to be changed whether or not people agree or disagree.
Voting rights?? That's the cover story and Progressives excel at that type of thing too.

if a student can't crawl out from under some beer keg, stop tweeting pics of his junk or touching herself over some hot guy long enough to acquire appropriate credentials to vote then as the Polish say "Tough Shitski".

Why do people think a university ID isn't good enough (all the better if coupled with one's state issued ID).

Unless of course you're Progressive and want to pervert the system so those who have no skin in the game can alter the outcome to your advantage.

It's not the Progressives who are running vote caging/suppression schemes in WI.
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Voting rights?? That's the cover story and Progressives excel at that type of thing too.

if a student can't crawl out from under some beer keg, stop tweeting pics of his junk or touching herself over some hot guy long enough to acquire appropriate credentials to vote then as the Polish say "Tough Shitski".

I have read a few pieces on the issue and it does not seem that is what they are arguing about.