Wisconsin and Minnesota: A One-Sided Political Competition

delldude said:
Scott Walker:
“Unions should have to demonstrate their value to workers and earn their voluntary support."
Can't say I disagree with that statement.
If MOST UNIONs today were anything but worthless political funding machines and actually concentrated on their memberships and contracts they would not have to FORCE membership as a condition of employment.... people would WANT to be members.
I am not saying all UNIONs are like that (my father was in a good one) but the TWU certainly is.
Paying UNION dues for Junior Fleet, a 9 year top out, and concessionary contracts....... ridiculous. 
As long as negotiations are stretched between contracts; how many times can you hear "We'll get em next time" in a career?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Kind of like Joe the Plumbers IRS issues after he "exercised" his first amendment rights against the liar and chief.
No. Kinda like the right to peaceably assemble, the right to free association, and the right to redress grievances being completely ignored.
Kev3188 said:
No. Kinda like the right to peaceably assemble, the right to free association, and the right to redress grievances being completely ignored.
The longshoremen took 6 security guards hostage, vandalized property, and threatened a police officer with a baseball bat. There was nothing peaceful about that.
Association is not free when it is a condition of employment.
I will somewhat agree with your last statement. I would also remind you that there are many government agents today that enforce labor laws and worker safety. 
None of that happened in WI, and none of that was directly ordered by a sitting governor.
Freedom of association is a constitutional right. People weren't being arrested at the workplace for trying to exercise it...
Kev3188 said:
None of that happened in WI, and none of that was directly ordered by a sitting governor.
Freedom of association is a constitutional right. People weren't being arrested at the workplace for trying to exercise it...
I agree with what you say.
That does not invalidate what I said however.
I will concede only that we both have some valid points and there is probably a middle ground.
Some people would call that middle ground..... Right to Work.
I will confess to you that I am not completely sold on right to work, I just currently favor that side. I would listen to the "other side of the coin" supporting closed shops provided the statements were factual and had merit. 
The joke of it is it's because of the TWU that I support right to work. Being a member of TWU was so horrible on so many levels it would take 2 pages on this forum for me to share them all.
My father is a huge UNION supporter and always presented UNIONs in the most positive of lights. I was happy and excited when I first joined local 514. I even went to the induction ceremony when most of my coworkers blew it off. I feel the way I do about UNIONs because of all the BS I witnessed over the years being a member of one. 
I didn't start off that way. I think that should be considered.
Kev3188 said:
None of that happened in WI, and none of that was directly ordered by a sitting governor.
Freedom of association is a constitutional right. People weren't being arrested at the workplace for trying to exercise it...
I guess you're not familiar with the Hormel Strike in MN? Got ugly enough to have a documentary done about it.
700UW said:
Forced union states?
Gimme a break no one is forced to be in a union unless they are in a closed shop and then they can become dues objectors.
No one should ride for free if they get the wages and benefits of a CBA, they should pay to whats germane to the contract.
Beck vs CWA and Machinists vs Whirlpool.
Yep! No one is forced to join a union unless, of course, the company they're seeking employment with employees are union represented.
Join our union or you can't work here!
and let's still be honest that Walker has survived one challenge after another and WI voters have financially benefitted.

IF WI voters did not like what has happened to their state, he would be out.
southwind said:
Yep! No one is forced to join a union unless, of course, the company they're seeking employment with employees are union represented.
Join our union or you can't work here!
Can you not comprehend what you read?

No they dont have to become a member in a closed shop, they can become a dues objector and only pay what is germane to the CBA.
Is that too hard for you to understand?
Kev3188 said:
No. Kinda like the right to peaceably assemble, the right to free association, and the right to redress grievances being completely ignored.
Kev3188 said:
Freedom of association is a constitutional right. People weren't being arrested at the workplace for trying to exercise it...
What about the freedom to not want to associate with a union?

Being a dues objector isn't good enough.

Why shouldn't an employee be able to negotiate their own pay and working conditions with an employer?

Shouldn't I be willing to agree to work for a rate of pay I negotiate without the same benefits and protections as a union employee?