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Will Dave ask for more?

I'm more concerned with what's in those little tidbits from the company. With a 794 million $ loss in Q4 I was kind of expecting something like "we are moving in new directions and breaking the mold on conventional thinking with regard to our revenue shortfalls". But all I'm getting is "I want your pension, I promise to give it back later". If these folks can't think outside the box with regard to our present problems, how the heck do I trust them to solve future problems? We have waste identified all over our company, but no one addressing the problem. These people are committed to reducing cost through employee concessions, some lease changes but little else. When is the NEW USAirways going to appear? When are they going to listen to the person that turns the wrenches or writes the tickets or loads the aircraft or pushes the throttles or attends the passengers or BUYS the tickets in the first place? All I'm seeing is the same inept thinking from mostly the same inept managers that saw us through our downfall to begin with. WHEN IS THE CORPORATE CULTURE GOING TO CHANGE? I'm sick and tired of dealing with the same problems on different days! I waited for a gate in PIT for 25 minutes on Sunday morning when the gates on both sides of mine were empty. Where is the leadership then? Where is the NEW thinking? What has got to take place to shake this management into the realization that those of us at the bottom of the food chain have something to add to this outfit?
When they take what’s left of my paycheck, what will they blame our problems on then? Will it have to come to that?
As you good folks can see, I'm a little frustrated when I see the investment made by so many hard working employees thrown away on nothing. Sorry to drop this on you guys.

A320 Driver
Mr.Nelson they have been holding a pistol
to your members heads for awhile now when is
the IAM going to point theirs at USAir's
A big thank you! I agree with most of what you have stated above. The 'thing' is broken, and it needs to be fixed. Is unconventional, ground breaking, standard setting, creativity below our bonus taking, money making, spirit breaking leadership?
On 2/4/2003 9:55:30 AM kiloromeo wrote:

with a 279 million loss on the operation that is 3.2 million per day!! this terrible performance is with most of the cuts in place? Something is not working in this business plan....still to many employees 118 per aircraft. DAL has 82/aircraft, SWA has 78 per aircraft. After BK what is going to be different? I think dave is hoping the mainline can hang on long enough to start "making money with RJs....

It looks like there will be a third round of cuts by 3q of this year...

I wonder if RSA is getting nervous...

"Real World" said in a different post that once the pension issue was resloved, there would be no more cuts...he is the "Great Oz".
I have a prediction.

We we emerge from BK, the first quarter and perhaps the second quarter after emergence (sp) will be a loss or so-so. Once the Iraq thingy is cleared up, profits will magically begin to rise - 4thQ 2003 or 1stQ 2004. We will appear to be flush with cash (mine and yours) which we will see through they ways they spend it.

Life will look great for the company! A rosy future! I wonder if anyone at the top will have the brass ones to say "it's time to look at those contracts and make it better" I'm not saying make it overly expensive, but if the company is doing good, cut the time frame of the give backs. What do you think morale will be like with that one?? A happy work force is a very productive one I hear.
On 2/4/2003 10:24:50 AM A320 Driver wrote:

I'm more concerned with what's in those little tidbits from the company. With a 794 million $ loss in Q4 I was kind of expecting something like "we are moving in new directions and breaking the mold on conventional thinking with regard to our revenue shortfalls". But all I'm getting is "I want your pension, I promise to give it back later". If these folks can't think outside the box with regard to our present problems, how the heck do I trust them to solve future problems? We have waste identified all over our company, but no one addressing the problem. These people are committed to reducing cost through employee concessions, some lease changes but little else. When is the NEW USAirways going to appear? When are they going to listen to the person that turns the wrenches or writes the tickets or loads the aircraft or pushes the throttles or attends the passengers or BUYS the tickets in the first place? All I'm seeing is the same inept thinking from mostly the same inept managers that saw us through our downfall to begin with. WHEN IS THE CORPORATE CULTURE GOING TO CHANGE? I'm sick and tired of dealing with the same problems on different days! I waited for a gate in PIT for 25 minutes on Sunday morning when the gates on both sides of mine were empty. Where is the leadership then? Where is the NEW thinking? What has got to take place to shake this management into the realization that those of us at the bottom of the food chain have something to add to this outfit?

When they take what’s left of my paycheck, what will they blame our problems on then? Will it have to come to that?

As you good folks can see, I'm a little frustrated when I see the investment made by so many hard working employees thrown away on nothing. Sorry to drop this on you guys.

A320 Driver

Man, you aint kiddin'. The original, "it's a new day" type ballyhoo-ing of the new leadership specifically touted a change in corporate culture as one of their selling points of concessions/restructuring. I notice no change whatsoever...and I say, "no change whatsover" not as hyperbole or an exaggeration of very little change...but as in negative numbers: retrograde- An almost herculean effort to maintain the status quo. -- That is more troubling to me than bad news of quarterly results, because it is so much more indicative of where we're going-- or not going. -- Squandered trust: Very sad.
When they take what’s left of my paycheck, what will they blame our problems on then? Will it have to come to that?

As you good folks can see, I'm a little frustrated when I see the investment made by so many hard working employees thrown away on nothing. Sorry to drop this on you guys.

A320 Driver

Man, you aint kiddin'. The original, "it's a new day" type ballyhoo-ing of the new leadership specifically touted a change in corporate culture as one of their selling points of concessions/restructuring. I notice no change whatsoever...and I say, "no change whatsover" not as hyperbole or an exaggeration of very little change...but as in negative numbers: retrograde- An almost herculean effort to maintain the status quo. -- That is more troubling to me than bad news of quarterly results, because it is so much more indicative of where we're going-- or not going. -- Squandered trust: Very sad.

A3D and H.I.

It's that way in our shop,as well. An arrogant and deliberate effort to ignore plain contract language. Obstruction and deception during hearings and investigations. And when you call around the system, you realize the chickens**t games being played with overtime and the work schedule is not just in your station, but EVERYWHERE, forcing you to conclude it's an organized activity.

All the while, not one change in the chain of command, either in head count or performance.
Just a few points I would like to expand on.

(1) We are definately still too fat on middle management....I watch these suckers tripping all over one another , mainly during the hours of 0630-1500. Beyond that point....you can't find a single one of them.

(2) The issues of internal waste prevention ...and loss stoppage , was only paid token lip service ....as I expected. This is something that Dave promised both myself and Chip Munn that they would be looking at. (Yea right!!)

(3) The multitudes of people drawing severnece....without having to do anything work related , will continue to haunt the companies budget for many weeks or quarters to come. This is not in anyway being said to begrudge those severed from USAirways....You folks have earned every dime in my opinion....and more!!
The cost savings of fewer workers on property has yet to be realized at this venture....they may never be realized should the bombs start falling on Baghdad?

(4) Basically , until all of these nasty issues of "One Time Charge Offs"....and all the other haunts come to an end.....and the threat of war , or not becomes settled...I think anything the crystal ball in CCY has to say would be shear folly.

(5) The issue with the good pilotsxand thier pension....and the pending sign -offs from our current creditors are only issues that continue to feed the voices of concern.

We can only hope that concern is met with reason......and this turns into profits down the road. Until then? Keep the debt load at bare minimum.....and hang on for dear life. Keeping the resume updated sure won't hurt either.

CLT / Refugee
Moon Township Pa.
On 2/4/2003 10:18:17 PM Oliver Twist wrote:

I have a prediction.

We we emerge from BK, the first quarter and perhaps the second quarter after emergence (sp) will be a loss or so-so. Once the Iraq thingy is cleared up, profits will magically begin to rise - 4thQ 2003 or 1stQ 2004. We will appear to be flush with cash (mine and yours) which we will see through they ways they spend it.

Life will look great for the company! A rosy future! I wonder if anyone at the top will have the brass ones to say "it's time to look at those contracts and make it better" I'm not saying make it overly expensive, but if the company is doing good, cut the time frame of the give backs. What do you think morale will be like with that one?? A happy work force is a very productive one I hear.

Hey, don't hold your breath over it...
On 2/4/2003 11:08:06 AM Tim Nelson wrote:

To Biffman, it's not "how much will management Bosses ask for this time, but rather how much more are you [your group collectively] willing to give him?

Fleet service could work free for a few years [wages & benefits] before it would amount to the amount of money management lost in the last quarter alone.

The employees gave enough money so that Larry, Curly and Mo could run this company. And don't buy into that manufacturization that somehow the economy is responsible for our huge loss. Partly...yes, but in whole NO!

The real questions are: How will management appease ALPA and the other unions other than the ole faithful dues-checkoff trick?

And will the members of each union continue to support union recommendations that may or may not be competent and in the best interest of the memberships?

Don't get to secure with these "save the company and your job" modifications because another one might not be too far off.

It's a beaten path of corporate greed that is not exclusive to this industry.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman 1487


Everytime you convey your sentiments, I agree.
"Great minds", think alike! Glad I'm not alone.

He'd take the last dollar off of a circus monkey if he could.

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