So what you are saying is based on Dave's honesty, integrity and history of doing exactly what he says he will.Chip Munn said:Dave Siegel constantly tells the union leadership that he is being recruited by headhunters, he has other job offers, and the airline's RJ and Mainline fleet financing is tied to his continued US Airways employment.
We have heard these same type of reports on and off during the past year.
In a Washington Times interview, Siegel told the newspaper he comitted to his 11-year old daughter the family would not move again until she graduated from high school. Unless Siegel finds alternate employment in the Washington area, I doubt he will leave the company, however, money talks.
He sure hasn't objected to making 20,000+ employees and ex-employees uproot their families. Also, with his leadership, there may be another 25,000 that are forced to change careers and/or move. We can only hope that the headhunters have a position for a failed airline CEO! 🙄Chip Munn said:...In a Washington Times interview, Siegel told the newspaper he comitted to his 11-year old daughter the family would not move again until she graduated from high school. Unless Siegel finds alternate employment in the Washington area, I doubt he will leave the company, however, money talks.
Chip,Chip Munn said:The proposed transaction is not a merger, but an asset sale and fragmentation, similar in scope to what United did to Pan Am.
In my opinion and apparently United ALPA as well, the United employees would transfer to US Airways to fly, maintain, and support the expanded operation.
In the defense of poor performance versus even worse performance, Mullin has not yet had the chaper 11 hammer with which to beat his labor and debt costs down. Dave-O had that, and still can't make money.ITRADE said:Not too play devil's advocate here, but are you all going to call for the ouster of Leo Mullin? After all, DL lost about $100MM as well.
This is the same guy who told ALPA that the first round of concessions was enough, told the IAM membership he was not going to outsource maintenance, told Roddey that US was satisfied with the PIT leases, and so forth.Chip Munn said:Dave Siegel constantly tells the union leadership that he is being recruited by headhunters, he has other job offers, and the airline's RJ and Mainline fleet financing is tied to his continued US Airways employment.
I heard a rumor this week that supports that thought. Dr. Bronner asked Dave to come down to Alabama to talk. Dave begged off for one reason or another. Dr. Bronner got on an airplane and went to Crystal City to see Dave. Dave snuck out the back door.Mike W said:What makes you think Dave will get to leave on his own terms? At some point the BOD is going to realize that he has become a detriment and not an asset.
Maybe Dave's busy practicing his Halloween costume for this year. The Invisible Man?nycbusdriver said:I heard a rumor this week that supports that thought. Dr. Bronner asked Dave to come down to Alabama to talk. Dave begged off for one reason or another. Dr. Bronner got on an airplane and went to Crystal City to see Dave. Dave snuck out the back door.