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Why not farm out some pilot jobs to save money?

I don't know if you noticed or not, but pilot jobs are being farmed out. Call it code share, RJ's, etc, but the jobs (at the majors) are being farmed out.
You are so right at AA they took receiveing and dispatch away from the mechanics years ago and turned it over to fleet service to save money.

Pitbull, were you ever a Fleet service clerk, I was before I became an AMT, got to take exception to your statement, I was there when the company took away pushout and deicing from the mechanics, it was taken away from them because they didn't want to do it, plain and simple, they saw us FSCs leave the plane after loading going back into the warm/A/C ready rooms while they had to wait in the heat/cold to push the plane out or deice, some of the comments were why should we do this, Fleet service can do this piddly stuff. Yadda Yadda, then once the company saw that they would save money it became the law of the land. It was when the mechanics started getting RIF'd that they started making noise, but by then it was too late. Now you don't have to take my word for it, just ask any FSC who's been around since before 1985 they'll tell you the same thing.
On 10/25/2002 11:07:20 PM lstwhknight wrote:

...I have been with continental for 19 years.my dad was with them for 32,who do you think will give continental 150% the vendor or the person who lives breathes airline and has skydrol in thier veins?My bet is with the airline mechainic,he/she will always give you thier best day after day year after year.
On another note....I would like to say Thanks to the captins and frist officers who joined us in our picket lines in LAX.That means alot to all of us.
My 2 cents worth,
Terry A&P LAX

Interesting... Was the picket line an example of giving 150% to Continental?

Sorry-- it just struck me as ironic that these two sentences were right next to each other.
On 10/30/2002 1:23:05 PM Bear96 wrote:

On 10/25/2002 11:07:20 PM lstwhknight wrote:

...I have been with continental for 19 years.my dad was with them for 32,who do you think will give continental 150% the vendor or the person who lives breathes airline and has skydrol in thier veins?My bet is with the airline mechainic,he/she will always give you thier best day after day year after year.
On another note....I would like to say Thanks to the captins and frist officers who joined us in our picket lines in LAX.That means alot to all of us.
My 2 cents worth,
Terry A&P LAX

Interesting... Was the picket line an example of "giving 150% to Continental?"

Sorry-- it just struck me as ironic that these two sentences were right next to each other.
True ...in a way.In my eyes,Continental is all the employees who stuck it out through all the hard times,pay cuts,bankrupties,layoffs etc.Giving 150% in my eyes,is giving alot to keep us going.Which many thousands of employees at continental have in the last twenty years.The picket line was an informational only about how management had walked away from the contact table,stating loses from 9/11 etc.Which I understand.What I don't understand is in these hard times management still drawing $160,000.00 bonuses when they cry no money for everyone else.
I have heard this story three or four different ways and quiet frankly I don't care which one is true because the point is that we now have two people where once there was one.

In the end it was the companys decision to allow whatever happen to become the mess we have now.

When the idiot light comes on call a mechanic cause you d@m sure can't fix it
On 9/4/2002 11:44:11 AM Steiner wrote:

The airlines are already farming out mechanic's work to varying degrees, why not get this concession from the pilots? How many times have the pilots told maintenance that maintenance needs to chip in, be a team player. Let the pilots get a taste of our give-backs.

As an aside, I remember when KLM moved a lot of their administrative functions to India to save costs. Can this happen with a US company?
Yes it can, and already has in other paper oriented fields...not that there's anything ( right ) with that!. As a line AMT though, I myself have rarely heard pilots state support for outsourcing of aircraft maintenence; although I understand using hyperbole to illustrate a point. I just don't believe that spreading the misery, will make those that pull the strings any less likely to try to farm out job functions...regardless of the protests. It sure as anything won't gain us any allies either.
Hi High Iron,
Nice to hear from you again. I always liked your writing on the last few boards.
When I started this thread there were several concession cheerleaders from other groups screaming for maintenance to take cuts. This was a bit of a wind-up in response. It would be nice for the pilot's groups to work with maintenance to stop or limit farm-outs and to improve the quality of work being performed, but unfortunately, maintenance is usually disorganized as a group and the pilot's are usually one-way like a street sign when it comes to helping other groups. I'd like to see the two groups work together, but past performance hasn't been very good.
I'm hoping that everyone in the maintenance field gets organized to improve wages before we find ourselves at a point where there are no more talented and skilled mechanics, just folks who can't work anywhere else. I believe the last fifteen years has seen a decline in the quality of work being performed, and I hope the trend reverses itself before it hits bottom and new regulations appear. I'd like to see the bean-counters admit to error.
Steiner,I was told at UAL its management pilots who fly
to and from the osv's.Dont know personally though.
wts54, I was hearing that also. I think my outfit may do the same thing, but haven't confirmed it yet. That would also explain the press on, regardless mentality to get it to a mainline base from outsourced check rather than turn around for the OSV to repair, no matter what the problem, such as three engines not making rated thrust. At one point our pilots raised safety issues with management, but the press got wind of it and everyone had to make nice and smile and say that officially there were no problems with OSVs.

I keep hoping the trade magazines are reporting the news correctly and the OSVs continue to have financial problems. I would also like to see them have to implement the same background and drug checks that airline personel have to go through.
On 9/5/2002 9:49:59 AM Steiner wrote:

On 9/4/2002 6:10:34 PM

Great. Lets farm out the whole airline industry. Will that make you happy?
Did you make any noise when OUR jobs were farmed out?
The pilots could help us keep work in-house, but they have been quiet also, just ferrying the planes back and forth.

Tell you what, how about a compromise. Just farm out the international flights. That way everyone can get on a Southwest competitive wage scale.

plus they do not write thangs they should be writeing up in non maint citys. all they care about is there selfs

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