You are so right at AA they took receiveing and dispatch away from the mechanics years ago and turned it over to fleet service to save money.
Pitbull, were you ever a Fleet service clerk, I was before I became an AMT, got to take exception to your statement, I was there when the company took away pushout and deicing from the mechanics, it was taken away from them because they didn't want to do it, plain and simple, they saw us FSCs leave the plane after loading going back into the warm/A/C ready rooms while they had to wait in the heat/cold to push the plane out or deice, some of the comments were why should we do this, Fleet service can do this piddly stuff. Yadda Yadda, then once the company saw that they would save money it became the law of the land. It was when the mechanics started getting RIF'd that they started making noise, but by then it was too late. Now you don't have to take my word for it, just ask any FSC who's been around since before 1985 they'll tell you the same thing.