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Why no 1114 decision, months after hearing?

Listen, I read a lot and ask questions. Call the local, call the ATD, and educate yourself. There have been many updates from the TWU that state there has been no ruling and that the company has filed to discharge themselves from the retiree medical plan. Read up on what happened at other airline BKs and it is not uncommon for the company discharge their retiree medical obligations in the BK proceedings.
So you "read a lot, and ask questions"? ------ My, my, my! So are you gullible enough to believe everything you read? Or are told by your local, or ATD? ----- And you are tell me to "educate" myself? ------ LOL!
So you "read a lot, and ask questions"? ------ My, my, my! So are you gullible enough to believe everything you read? Or are told by your local, or ATD? ----- And you are tell me to "educate" myself? ------ LOL!
So after reading your posts I have found out it is true. Ignorance is bliss. You seem to be quite content believing fantasy and speculation than asking questions and using your head to make reasonable conclusions.
Hey we were supposed to have forgot about this by now. Obviously the international has no intention of following up on this. It's the judge's fault he hasn't ruled yet. The questions are why hasn't he ruled yet? And what are we doing to get him to rule on it? I think a deal has been made between the company and the union and there is no decision to make. But we'll see. Until then the mighty TWU can keep telling you that the judge hasn't ruled yet. Just remember who lied to you and when they did it.
Listen, I read a lot and ask questions. Call the local, call the ATD, and educate yourself. Read up on what happened at other airline BKs and it is not uncommon for the company discharge their retiree medical obligations in the BK proceedings.
I'd like to know who told you that so I can ask the same person, should someone call the Local that is. "I've been told", that's what you said, you didn't say you read it, you said you were told. Was it an opinion or did the source cite a source?I haven't heard really anything other than there is nothing to hear, its on hold for reasons unknown. Yes its common for companies to discharge their retree medical obligations, both in and out of BK. What complicates our issue is that we paid for this coverage with a dollar for dollar match going into a trust fund for each and every one of us, those who were still working should get every dollar that's in their fund, since the purpose of the fund was to isolate and protect those funds from BK. So far we only got half, for the retirees the company already took at least half for payment of lifetime coverage up to $50,000. So since the company already took their money and owe this coverage which was paid for with those funds the retirees became creditors and they should be entitled to the balance of their $50,000 in Equity. I think they are trying to screw them out of their equity, (and probably us out of other half) by dumping it outside of BK, having them sue, and striking a much reduced settlement deal after leaving BK knowing that most would die off before it ever sees the courtroom.

Hmm, wasn't one of the conditions for US in the merger that this had to be settled? So here we are a month after the go ahead date and this still hasn't been settled, this delay has nothing to do with the DOJ lawsuit, so why the delay?
Bob just for the sake of argument let's say the company and the union already made a deal to use our money to fund a VEBA for retirees. In that case the judge has not ruled because there is nothing to rule on. At the end of the BK the company and union announce they have come to an agreement and that is that. No refund for us and a VEBA account for retirees. The publicity they get from this is that they care about their retirees. Of course the VEBA account will be completely gone by the time any of the rest of us can even smell retirement. Now I hope I am wrong and the judge rules that we get our money back, but if I am right then we have been screwed again. Call me skeptical but I no longer believe anything AA or the TWU tell me. Case in point..... The two year furlough protection was brought up and now everyone at AA and US Air have amnesia and don't remember agreeing to any of that. The TWU's response? Cue the crickets. We were also told that the prefunded medical was bankruptcy proof when they pushed it on us in 89. In 2003 they weren't sure if it was and in 2012 we gave it away without a fight because the TWU said it was not BK proof. How does the story change over time? Simple. When the company didn't want it, it was BK proof. When they did want it, it wasn't. Whatever AA wants TWU gives them, including our system and station protection along with everything else. There have been way too many closed door meetings with secret agreements so excuse me if I don't trust either of them.
And you will because our union sucks. At the very least they could address the issue in an update
It has been turned over to a separate court proceeding. It could be a very long time until there is a decision. It is a separate lawsuit and is not attached to the BK process.
Well I'm in no hurry to start paying premiums, so let it ride....
AA Tulsa Mechanic said:
It has been turned over to a separate court proceeding. It could be a very long time until there is a decision. It is a separate lawsuit and is not attached to the BK process.
and where is the official update of this should we take your word for this. Just another TWU failure, informing the members
iluvaa said:
and where is the official update of this should we take your word for this. Just another TWU failure, informing the members
Offical, that's funny. They don't tell us anything. Make some calls they will tell you. it's not good news so I don't suspect they are lying about it. I want my prefunding back now!
I hope we get our prefunding match, but my gut tells me we won't. I do hope I'm wrong.
enough already said:
Ok, so now what? Do we get the prefunding or not.....?
I am guessing not. But remember the TWU told you that you would get it. I'm sure they will blame the judge. Meanwhile AA management just stole more of your money from you. Nice.

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