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Why Does Us Airways Hate Their Employees So Much.

F/AinDay said:
I find it very odd, that everytime Dave mentions how high our costs are, he compares us to the LCC's. As far as I remember, U is "supposed" to be a "full service" carrier. Yeah, I know, we're not offering much more than the LCC's.

It would be nice if whomever is making the business decisions would just try and implement some of the great suggestions that have been posted on this board. How much time do you think it would take to see if changing the fares, rolling hub ideas work or not? 3-6 mths? Would U be much worse off if any one of these ideas failed? Or are they just afraid that they will work, and that's not part of the big plan that they have in store for us? Rather than hint at the ideas of more concessions or furloughs, why not at least try?

It's so frustrating knowing that we are operating the same as before...nothing has changed even with all of the concessions that were given, the employees lost and the shrinking of this airline. :down: :angry:
What I find odd is Daves on-going comparisons to the LCC's in all regards with one major exception , HIS compensation...and that of the rest of the executive levels here.

When Dave accepts wages like that of Jet Blues CEO...and any and all bonuses are tied 100% to the operations profits and performance statistics...then just maybe he might find an audience that will listen to his diatribe?? Yet in light of what he's done to the employee's and the airline as a whole..even that would be highly doubtfull ????.

I'm sure the over-whelming majority would have no problem living with WN's wages. I for one would be taking a quantum leap forward in my levels of compensation...along with a number of steps backwards in regards to what I'm tasked with on the job.

WN is a smart business model...and everything is efficiency based and performance oriented. U could be this way too , had it not elected to buy foriegn Acft as it has a history of doing again and again. We would have gone a long way towards keeping other Americans in Everette and Renton Washington at work too...maybe they would be more able and eager to fly U out of reverse loyalty ?? Fleet rationalization of a single make would have also provided a logistical economy of scale.

Nobody likes to admit that the Airbus purchase was in many ways hurtfull ....but logistics and homefront economics say otherwise. I also believe the current airbus maintenance battle was in the cards when the dotted line was signed by W&G.
Hi everyone.....
I just had the honor of being PM by HAWK. Needless to say it was not the highlight of my night but I can't believe that for someone that's supposed to be busy as a bee on their 2004 business plan, this goon had the gall to PM me with his irrelevant opinion. He was informed that if me PM me again it would be like setting off a hornets nest. Un-freaking believable.

Welcome to the "club". They will be watching everything you post now. :up:
OOOOOOH......I'm shaking in my boots! Gag......I could care less about those loosers. But nice to be part of the "club". Cheers. :up:
How much more can they take from us, Ive taken a pay cut then had no choice to have to transfer to an express station with even less pay, more work, more bs from the customers who tell us everychance that US customer service sucks.. some customers do show compassion by not wanting to use the kiosk so that the employee won't be out of a job..but hey uncle dave got it covered, yeah right,, i'm sure my next step is out on the curb, selling pencils, and apples...whata company.. 🙁
AOG-N-IT said:
PITbull said:

Welcome to the "club". They will be watching everything you post now. :up:
You F/A's have all the fun !!! 😀
I guess we're just not as popular. Not to worry These boyo's reach me through the mail from time to time. They are rather like the American Cancer society. Just looking for a little more help. Only they ha :angry: :angry: ve nothing nice to offer and are only offering to help me out of my livelyhood.

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