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Why Does Us Airways Hate Their Employees So Much.


May 22, 2003
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I find it interesting that NWA is helping their flight attendants with layoffs. They agreed on a program that will allow flight attendants ALREADY on a furlough come back to take the place of those of WANT to take a leave.

Our management refuses to allow this to happen for people STILL on the property.
Would they rather spend the tiny bit of money to allow a VF and keep those who want to stay or comeback...or have employees stay and be miserable?

Unhappy employees don't make for a good relationship with customers.

WAKE UP!!!!!!! Help your employees for once instead of sticking it to them.

Rumor in the mill is that involuntary furlough notices are coming out this month.
Anyone know if there is any validity to this?
Twicebaked said:
I find it interesting that NWA is helping their flight attendants with layoffs. They agreed on a program that will allow flight attendants ALREADY on a furlough come back to take the place of those of WANT to take a leave.

Our management refuses to allow this to happen for people STILL on the property.
Would they rather spend the tiny bit of money to allow a VF and keep those who want to stay or comeback...or have employees stay and be miserable.

Unhappy employees don't make for a good relationship with customers.

WAKE UP!!!!!!! Help your employees for once instead of sticking it to them.

Rumor in the mill is that involuntary furlough notices are coming out this month.
Anyone know if there is any validity to this?
You might want to rethink the language of your post.
Yes U is treating there good folks badly, however spend some time on our(AA) board.

BAR NONE !!!!!!!!!!

You mean there is a company that has worse labor relations that USAirways? Wow....that really would be a shock. As for the VF, the grievance papers are ready and waiting if they furlough without abiding by our contract language. They are contractually obligated to offer a VF Program before furloughing. Now, they could wipe their you know what on our contract and not even blink. Only time will tell but it would not surprise me a bit.
Instead of cheese or cookies, this year we will get another furlough notice. Happy Holidays from USAirways CCY.
FYI: Last Xmas we did not get Cheese or cookies, that was the old administration who was 1 million times more generous and appreciative of their labor groups then this present one. In retrospect, getting cheese and cookies was a "good thing" not bad. What we did get from Dave, is a letter that was sent to our homes on Dec. 24, telling us that the Winter agreements HAD to be ratified or else, "liquidation city".

This holiday season, he has just given us FYI that LUV is in our mists and that
they currently don't have a business plan to combat competition from such a fierce competitor. So, they said, they will keep Labor abreast of the new developments to their NEW business plan for 2004. Our CEO spared us this holiday, but rest assured come the new year 2004, we will be "knocked again in the head" my this mangement.

I was mistaken. I was under the impression DAVE called all the unions into CCY to inform them of his new business plan. But now we learn he just called us up there to inform is he doesn't have one? Sounds like a big waist of time for everyone involved.
Nero fiddles while Rome burns. :down:
Seriously, how much would it cost to offer 3000 flight attendants an early out? A few thousand and travel benefits and bring back 3000 that only make 20,000 a year and are motivated and happy to have a job- especially a mainline one. If the company only wants, what, 7000 flight atttendants wouldn't they prefer they be at the bottom of the pay scale?

If they keep the current active group, in less than two years there will be no B-scale flight attendants.

I dont have the exact numbers in front of me, but think about it roughly. They have 5000 on the street. At least 2000 are involunatrily furloughed- willing, trained, and ready to work. Many of our senior folks are ready to leave but need an incentive. The US FA group has been through alot and is very resilient- they're tough! Some of them have been flying longer han Dave has been alive. If they are trying to push them out, they're not leaving. Work with them and they'll be happy to.

What ever happened to the "Mass Exodus" in November due to the reserve system?

You are correct. The NEW business plan is in its development LOL....

The only thing that was positive out of the meeting with Dave according to AFA is they didn't ask for anything Y-E-T. They said they will keep Labor informed of the New business plan for 2004 as it develops.

Obviously, management had finally reached an epiphany THAT THEIR 8 MONTH BUSINESS PLAN ISN'T WORKING!
So at least there is going to be a new business plan? I just hope it includes US AIRWAYS employees this time.

The "MASS EXODUS" has been predicted since I set foot on the property 5 years ago. I think it will more like "MASS TERMINATION" for being out of base and things like that. I wouldn't count on the attrition going too high and if it does go up, it will take a few months for people to get a GOOD taste of this horrible new system.
AFA has tried and tried to get a buyout and even showed the company how much it would save over 3-4 years but, they won't spend 1 dime upfront. It's sad really because you have to spend money to make money. That's Econ 101.

Your statements are once again correct.

Light years,

It will take alot more than a few thousand dollars and passes no one can use on tiny jets that are full, to lure folks to early retirement.

With regard to the reserve system, it will be extremely difficult for those folks on higher options to get there time in even with giving up there days off. They are all seeking unemployment benefits to make of that difference for now, until that runs out. If things don't improve, they will have to leave to seek employment else where. If they they take a second job now to make up the difference, it will be extremely difficult to juggle becaue of how the new reserve system works. Even if you are on call, you may be in a time balance order that leaves you at the bottom for most of the time you are ON duty, thus, having to give up your days off to get any time by the time they reach you, only to go to the bottom again when you are on duty. ONE VICIOUS CYCLE!
Want to know why they hate the employees so much?


If they did this Dave would love them and treat them like family 😀
Take what New Hampshire black bears says with a grain of salt. He's an angry there wasn't an early out offered for rampers at AA. Things are definately pointed in a better direction at AA... For the first time in a long time, I'm optimistic.
Don't worry, we've got enough on our own plate than to concern ourselves with the other airlines right now- but best of luck and remember not to fight each other (AA/TW).
I find it very odd, that everytime Dave mentions how high our costs are, he compares us to the LCC's. As far as I remember, U is "supposed" to be a "full service" carrier. Yeah, I know, we're not offering much more than the LCC's.

It would be nice if whomever is making the business decisions would just try and implement some of the great suggestions that have been posted on this board. How much time do you think it would take to see if changing the fares, rolling hub ideas work or not? 3-6 mths? Would U be much worse off if any one of these ideas failed? Or are they just afraid that they will work, and that's not part of the big plan that they have in store for us? Rather than hint at the ideas of more concessions or furloughs, why not at least try?

It's so frustrating knowing that we are operating the same as before...nothing has changed even with all of the concessions that were given, the employees lost and the shrinking of this airline. :down: :angry:
I don't believe U management hates their employees. I am of the opinion that they have a total disregard for MOSTLY all employees.

Its all about "share holder value" vs. "human value". We are not considered assets to the over all bottom line OF THE Corporation, because this management does not value experienced, long standing employees. They don't give a damn about dedication, only when they need to conveniently adjust our contracts for concessions. That's because they believe we are all replaceable with folks out there that want these jobs no matter what. I guess having a 100% turnover in employement, like many of the "wholly owns" is OK in this mangement's book. Only if you are senior mangagement are you then considered an asset. Again thats where the "share holder value" comes in...THERE'S.

The proof of this disregard is emphatically displayed when an employee begins to get chronically sick, or gets disabled. Then mangement scrambles to get them OFF the property ASAP. This is where the "liability" concept comes in. Case in point: the newly formed "Medical Mangement Dept" MMS. Think, why we would need this new dept now? Could it be that management is so well aware that from all that has ensued, we as employees may get sick? A "just in case MMS dept" . Management contends that the medical personnel on staff is to process "leaves of absence". Employees and union say, IT IS ONLY TO DENY THE LEAVE WHERE BY NOT HAVING ANY JOB PROTECTION, and then being able to take you through the discipline process when your ill, to terminate you. Pretty swift of mangement.....SO THEY THINK.

If you are an employee who is lucky to remain healthy; then you are only viewed as a "potential" liability.

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