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Why Did They Come Back?

Twicebaked said:
There you go again!! Anytime I don't see with your eyes, I am different!!!
I am just pointing out that not everyone is pissed off. Period!!! Things aren't great, I know that, you know that, and everyone else on here knows that. I think maybe you and I both should start taking some lessons from Light Years. He/she seems to be able to find the good somewhere in this equation. There is some out there for someone. Let them have it if it makes them feel better.
You ask why I don't come on the boards anymore. This is the exact reason why.
You feel alot better when you stay away from here...trust me. You know I would do anything I could to help the flight attendants out within reason. Bashing every aspect against the company is not within reason. I learn to pick my battles. I have had many and probably will continue to.
So what's the story twice?

Did they lace your Easter Bunny with the secret Kool-lade . 😀
Well, I am a MAA f/a and I am not very happy. But...it's mostly because I am spending money on hotels because I am not flying....and there are many of us who DO NOT LIVE IN PIT...so we commute..sounds easy.right? .....heck no...we do not have parking passes for any airport..we can only get one in PIT..for PIT..well hello..we do not live there..why would I want a parking pass there. So I guess everyone who is reading this knows what the problem is? Right? Where the heck are we sapposed to park until MAA decides to give us our passes? Unfortunetly it is alot of money to park in most airports...so we either gotta cab it...take a train....bus....have a loved one go out of there way to take us there and pick us up...or we can just go out infront of our house and thumb it ( I do not condone that one..lol) So, I feel like worse than I ever felt at mainline.. I would rather be at mainline ..at the bottom..based in LGA...and we know how that is!!!

OH YEAH..where is my insurance...let's not get into that one, we all already know that every single MAA f/a..well atleast the 25 or 30 that I spoke with are not happy abot that. There are some that do not care because they are still working part-time at the job they left to come to MAA, so they can keep their insurance and the married one's who are on their other halfs insurance..oh and some of us have 3 jobs...so we can survive..so our days off, actually are not days off. It's rough, but, we chose this for many reasons..mine is because I love flying and missed it, and unemployment is just about gone..I do hope it get's better. I just need some more junior people to come. But, they then are the one's who will be in this position. I feel like this is what the company may want ..if less furloughed people take the positions then they will be hiring off the street faster at a lower pay rate. 🙁
unfortunatly for you Xoxo I believe there will be more senior F/A's displaced to Midatlantic before you will ever have some junior people below you to get some trips. Maybe later in the year when they have a decent amount of planes on property. I feel your pain. I know it has to suck for you guys right now.. especially if you'd rather be on the bottom of the barrel in LGA.
oh and by the way if anyone is keeping score... Mainline was again short this weekend in most bases. GO figure

I know for a fact that there will not be anymore senior people after may ..atleast for a while. Anyone with more than 5 years at U would not come to MAA a nd take a 10 to 15 dollar pay cut..so actually you are wrong, there will be plenty of junior people below me..there are junior people now...and in less than 2 weeks another class of atleast 19(did not count the exact amount) will be in training..and come may atleast 50 more. So, unless they furlough in June atleast 500 mainline people..well then I will be fine.
lindy said:
In another thread, Pitbull wrote the following statement:

"Our f/as are not surviving at all and are extremely depressed in Mid-Atlantic. They are sharing 1 bedroom suties and 7 f/as to a room. If they quit, not even unemployment will be available to them. They didn't know what to expect when they signed on...and never expected what they got."

How can she say this? On the home page of the US Airways AFA website, there is an entire section devoted to pay and work rules associcated with Mid-Atlantic. Everybody knew Mid-Atlantic was based on the Eagle contract. In the January 15, 2004 Pit E-Line, the Pit President goes into great detail as to the workings of Mid-Atlantic.

If this information was so readily available, then why did these F/A's return to work for MAA? I will go even further and ask, why did anyone return to to work for MAA? Everybody knew the rates of pay, from pilot to mechanic, were going to be based on Eagle wages or something similiar. Why subject themselves to living conditions such as described by PitBull? Why work for poverty wages and benefits?

Maybe it is because there are no well paying jobs to be found on the outside. On October 12, 2003, Colby wrote that he had applied at CHQ, PSA, Mesa, and other airlnes and no one is hiring. Is this the same fate that was encountered by many of our furloughees? Where are those great paying jobs that CAV, DELLDUE, et.al., speak of, whereby mechanics can take their skills to other industries? If they are so readily available, then why did one mechanic return to work for MAA?

Based on the predictions of pundits who reside on this board, the future of US Airways is circumspect at best. Why would anyone jump onboard a seeking ship? Is it because the jobs available are the best that can be found? Is it because these people see a possibility of a better life should US Airways survive?

Happy Easter everyone...

Lindy, Who are you, Daves right hand man??? :shock:
xoxo said:

I know for a fact that there will not be anymore senior people after may ..atleast for a while. Anyone with more than 5 years at U would not come to MAA a nd take a 10 to 15 dollar pay cut..so actually you are wrong, there will be plenty of junior people below me..there are junior people now...and in less than 2 weeks another class of atleast 19(did not count the exact amount) will be in training..and come may atleast 50 more. So, unless they furlough in June atleast 500 mainline people..well then I will be fine.
Good point xoxo.

For those of us at the bottom, the payscale is not THAT much less at MAA than we were making pre-furlough. But if a person were taking a ten to fifteen dollar pay cut, that is a whole different ball game. (I mean, who would really do that? Can I see a show of hands? Anyone?)

You said after May that there will be no more senior people...are they only allowed to pass a certain amount of times before the company moves on down the list?

You just hang in there! Colby and Light Years (and myself) will be there one of these days to join you. Maybe by then things will be running a little smoother.

Thanks for your info! 🙂
xoxo said:
Well, I am a MAA f/a and I am not very happy. But...it's mostly because I am spending money on hotels because I am not flying....and there are many of us who DO NOT LIVE IN PIT...so we commute..sounds easy.right? .....heck no...we do not have parking passes for any airport..we can only get one in PIT..for PIT..well hello..we do not live there..why would I want a parking pass there. So I guess everyone who is reading this knows what the problem is? Right? Where the heck are we sapposed to park until MAA decides to give us our passes? Unfortunetly it is alot of money to park in most airports...so we either gotta cab it...take a train....bus....have a loved one go out of there way to take us there and pick us up...or we can just go out infront of our house and thumb it ( I do not condone that one..lol) So, I feel like worse than I ever felt at mainline.. I would rather be at mainline ..at the bottom..based in LGA...and we know how that is!!!

If its THAT bad..... why even work there????? Please don't tell me you "need" this job????
The J4J program is optional and if a person does not like it they can quit and keep their mainline recall rights.

Why are people working at MDA or another J4J opportunity, it's the best job they can find.


USA320Pilot said:
The J4J program is optional and if a person does not like it they can quit and keep their mainline recall rights.

Why are people working at MDA or another J4J opportunity, it's the best job they can find.


Twicebaked said:
There you go again!! Anytime I don't see with your eyes, I am different!!!
I am just pointing out that not everyone is pissed off. Period!!! Things aren't great, I know that, you know that, and everyone else on here knows that. I think maybe you and I both should start taking some lessons from Light Years. He/she seems to be able to find the good somewhere in this equation. There is some out there for someone. Let them have it if it makes them feel better.
You ask why I don't come on the boards anymore. This is the exact reason why.
You feel alot better when you stay away from here...trust me. You know I would do anything I could to help the flight attendants out within reason. Bashing every aspect against the company is not within reason. I learn to pick my battles. I have had many and probably will continue to.
Twice BAked,

All anyone has to do is retrieve your past posts when you were flying reserve and only receiving a guarantee, and you complained and complained and it was mainline pay.

The MAA f/as are not able to make it financially and you sit and say "help them within reason".

You're incredible. :angry:
USA320Pilot said:
The J4J program is optional and if a person does not like it they can quit and keep their mainline recall rights.

Why are people working at MDA or another J4J opportunity, it's the best job they can find.


MAA f/as have to wait 120 days at MAA to maintain their "recall rights" to mainline. If they quit BEFORE that, they lose their recall rights.

And if they quit/resign, there is no unemployment.

You have to understand fully the "human condition" and that is only if you are "human". <_<
Sacrifice???Try saying that to 15 year Reserves in Pit and all over the Mainline right now. Parking Passes. Mainline gets passes to those airports at which they are based. Period. Commuting??? Reserves are living in hotels everywhere on Mainline paying upwards of $300 a week, sitting OPR and not flying. The average flight time these days for Mainline reserves is MAYBE 40 hours a month. Hardly anyone is breaking guarantee. It is costing many to come to work!!!!!

Sorry, it was a choice to go to MAA. I personally will, as I said before burn a red-light on my front porch. Same thing.

Medical!! I personally paid 80/20 for years until we got Blue Cross. Actually, for many people who did not live in areas like Pit that had Health America, our coverage was very poor and costly. Unfortunately, for me, I had major medicals during that time. Wish I would have had then what I have now.

I myself and others hardly can get a trip, then IF we do, we are reassigned. I am sorry, I have a hard time being real sympathetic towards MAA. That was a choice and even with 5 years, there are many, many reserves at US Mainline who have taken tremendous pay cuts and hardship. Trying saying anything 15 years and under.

Southwest is hiring. I know of a Mainliner that just got hired among others.
Southwest starts at $14, MAA at just under $18 (with 4-5 years)... unfortunately the $20 something an hour F/A (that equalled 20k a year before anyone jumps on it), is a thing of the past. 🙁

This is just what management wants- no mainliners. There are plenty of people who will be a F/A for a couple of months for $12 an hour. Its 70 seaters today, international widebody flying tomorrow.
PITbull said:
All anyone has to do is retrieve your past posts when you were flying reserve and only receiving a guarantee, and you complained and complained and it was mainline pay.

The MAA f/as are not able to make it financially and you sit and say "help them within reason".
You are absolutely right!!!!!! I did complain!!!!!!
That is no secret!! I have said that MANY MANY MANY times over the past months (when I used to come on here alot).
I GOT OUT. Things WERE that bad that I GOT OUT.
After getting beat up in the ring(mainline) I would not go to the same ring (MAA)and do it again. I would not go to MAA. That is my choice. Everyone made their choices to do what is best for them. If one wants to spend the next few years (yes, it will be years) at MAA being pissed off about everything, well then so be it.
None of us are safe anywhere in this company and stop trying to "scare" me thinking my job is not safe. NONE OF THEM ARE SAFE.
Unless we live under a friggin rock, we all know that about our jobs. Geez Pitbull, I wish you would stand outside the box and listen to yourself sometimes.
I usually always agree with you. I agree that we all had choices. If I were that miserable that it was not what I signed up for, I would leave. Is the aggrevation worth it? Like ktflyhome said, it was rough on mainline commuting....why wouldn't someone think doing it on MAA would be worse. I did it. I commuted a couple of times and I would not want to do it ever again. Will I have to? Maybe somewhere down the road, but I would NOT go back right now. Why anyone would put themselves in the line of fire is beyond me.
I hope those who want to go to MAA know EXACTLY what it is before they go, because it will be a rough road otherwise. Being pi**d off 80% of your life is not healthy.

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