In another thread, Pitbull wrote the following statement:
"Our f/as are not surviving at all and are extremely depressed in Mid-Atlantic. They are sharing 1 bedroom suties and 7 f/as to a room. If they quit, not even unemployment will be available to them. They didn't know what to expect when they signed on...and never expected what they got."
How can she say this? On the home page of the US Airways AFA website, there is an entire section devoted to pay and work rules associcated with Mid-Atlantic. Everybody knew Mid-Atlantic was based on the Eagle contract. In the January 15, 2004 Pit E-Line, the Pit President goes into great detail as to the workings of Mid-Atlantic.
If this information was so readily available, then why did these F/A's return to work for MAA? I will go even further and ask, why did anyone return to to work for MAA? Everybody knew the rates of pay, from pilot to mechanic, were going to be based on Eagle wages or something similiar. Why subject themselves to living conditions such as described by PitBull? Why work for poverty wages and benefits?
Maybe it is because there are no well paying jobs to be found on the outside. On October 12, 2003, Colby wrote that he had applied at CHQ, PSA, Mesa, and other airlnes and no one is hiring. Is this the same fate that was encountered by many of our furloughees? Where are those great paying jobs that CAV, DELLDUE,, speak of, whereby mechanics can take their skills to other industries? If they are so readily available, then why did one mechanic return to work for MAA?
Based on the predictions of pundits who reside on this board, the future of US Airways is circumspect at best. Why would anyone jump onboard a seeking ship? Is it because the jobs available are the best that can be found? Is it because these people see a possibility of a better life should US Airways survive?
Happy Easter everyone...