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Who Is Ron Harbinson Ll142

Your ignorance grow by leaps and bounds with each post you make.

Ron Harbinson is Manager of Labor Relations at US Airways, he is management, not a union member.

You know the guy who gave the IBT a copy of the IAM contract as the company wants the IBT so they can outsource the rest of the heavy maintenance.

You are sounding more and more desperate with each post.
OK you got me :shock:
Looking at Page 89 it looked like he was 142 Rep.
I do not know US/East management or your IAM.

What I can see is that your IAM is buying off on these changes, after the contract was signed.
SO can you explane that to everyone reading these post?
Do you ever comprehend what you read?

On January 6, 2005 Judge Stephen Mitchell of the Alexandria, VA Bankruptcy court ruled in favor of the Company's Section 1113 C motion, which abrogated the IAM Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The company then gave the IAM a final offer to the IAM for the MEMBERSHIP to vote on, not the IAM leadership, the MEMBERSHIP.

The membership recieved a copy of the final offer and had the opportunity to read it and vote.

The MEMBERSHIP voted to accept the company's final offer.

Is that so hard for you to understand?

Take the time to educate yourself, you make yourself look foolish when you try to slander the IAM when you are only making yourself look like a fool.

And by the way, Mr Harbinson is Manager for Labor Relations at the new company also.

And if you want to see the real piece crap the company gave the IAM in October of 2004, click the link below:

October 2004 Offer

You apparently have no idea or concept of what bankruptcy means to a collective bargaining agreement.

And with all that, the IAM scope language is still far superior to the IBT CBA at HP.
That doesn't explane the deletion from APR-AUG.


Mod Comment: Please don't quote an entire post.

Edited by Todd B 7:50 P.M.
You are reading a document provided to you by the Manager of Labor Relations at US Airways, go ask him.
Your ignorance grow by leaps and bounds with each post you make.

Ron Harbinson is Manager of Labor Relations at US Airways, he is management, not a union member.

You know the guy who gave the IBT a copy of the IAM contract as the company wants the IBT so they can outsource the rest of the heavy maintenance.

You are sounding more and more desperate with each post.

I would like to know WHY managment would give the IAM completed contract to IBT members on U-West, WHEN THEY HAVEN'T PROVIDED THE FULL CONTRACT TO THE IAM MEMBERS ON U-East; not even for the leadership from the East??????

Me thinks there is a Union busting strategic planning here to divide and conquor or to confuse the mechanics and related on U-West and U-East to vote for IBT and perhaps end up with NO union.

Perfect MANAGEMENT strategy with the same con artist from U-East to have the mechanics end up with NO representation.
Damn PITbull.....you should be running this place. 20/20 Vision is something you are blessed with.

I only hope the AMT's of both sides of this thing are smart enough to see it too.
This type of strategy is what makes Jerry Glass notorious! He knows there are two unions representing the mechanics and the mechanics will have to vote. There is a possibility if 50% plus 1 isn't there for representation of either one or the other...

MECHANICS AND RELATED END UP WITH NO REPRESENTATION. The Mechanics will take another cut and possibly even more outsourcing and job losses.

BE VERY CAREFUL HERE FOLKS....VERY! Specifically on U-East.

Ther posters coming on here could be managment plants.
Ther posters coming on here could be managment plants.


Jerry Glass has got everyone shaking in their boots. I don't know him but I have heard of him. He is not very well liked. I am sure he feels bad all the way to the bank, and I am sure he would take any conversation about him, positive or negative, as a compliment. 🙂
This type of strategy is what makes Jerry Glass notorious! He knows there are two unions representing the mechanics and the mechanics will have to vote. There is a possibility if 50% plus 1 isn't there for representation of either one or the other...

MECHANICS AND RELATED END UP WITH NO REPRESENTATION. The Mechanics will take another cut and possibly even more outsourcing and job losses.

BE VERY CAREFUL HERE FOLKS....VERY! Specifically on U-East.

Ther posters coming on here could be managment plants.
i brought up the very subject and IBT lackeys called me a fool........little do they know thy enemy....

Ask yourself,

Why would Ron Harbison release a document to one union and not another?

Who stands to gain by a fractured and fragmented workforce?

What's In It For You to accept IBT or IAM or even no union at all? What works for you as an individual?

Why does management seem to be "Fanning the flames"?

I smell a RAT a big fat cheese eating RAT, I'm just not sure who the rat is here. I really haven't figured out exactly who is the King Rat just yet as frankly all of the interested parties leave a bad taste.

But I urge you all to vote your conscience and not allow yourself to be swayed but what are probably false promises from all sides.
GOOD POST Lets ALL Be AWARE that There Is A Team To Be Gained and The Team will be one SOON. Hang in there We Can ALL Benifit HOPEFULLY FROM the NMB's Decsions and Maybee they will look out for the best interest's of all LABOR/IAM/IBT,remember WE ARE BROTHERS<PERIOD>

Ask yourself,

Why would Ron Harbison release a document to one union and not another?

Who stands to gain by a fractured and fragmented workforce?

What's In It For You to accept IBT or IAM or even no union at all? What works for you as an individual?

Why does management seem to be "Fanning the flames"?

I smell a RAT a big fat cheese eating RAT, I'm just not sure who the rat is here. I really haven't figured out exactly who is the King Rat just yet as frankly all of the interested parties leave a bad taste.

But I urge you all to vote your conscience and not allow yourself to be swayed but what are probably false promises from all sides.
for the tenth time......IAM has copies in paper with modification sheets.....
IBT being played for suckers and they don't even realize it.
you guys act like you've got the story of the century... 🙄 🙄

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