Do you ever comprehend what you read?
On January 6, 2005 Judge Stephen Mitchell of the Alexandria, VA Bankruptcy court ruled in favor of the Company's Section 1113 C motion, which abrogated the IAM Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The company then gave the IAM a final offer to the IAM for the MEMBERSHIP to vote on, not the IAM leadership, the MEMBERSHIP.
The membership recieved a copy of the final offer and had the opportunity to read it and vote.
The MEMBERSHIP voted to accept the company's final offer.
Is that so hard for you to understand?
Take the time to educate yourself, you make yourself look foolish when you try to slander the IAM when you are only making yourself look like a fool.
And by the way, Mr Harbinson is Manager for Labor Relations at the new company also.
And if you want to see the real piece crap the company gave the IAM in October of 2004, click the link below:
October 2004 Offer
You apparently have no idea or concept of what bankruptcy means to a collective bargaining agreement.
And with all that, the IAM scope language is still far superior to the IBT CBA at HP.