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Who Did It?

oldbscaler said:
Colonel Mustard with the candlestick.
But in what room???

The Library? Bet then again I'm too freakin old to remember what rooms were a choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These remarks are from supposed adult responsible employees?

If that's the case, get a "CLUE", and let this sabotaged airline die a quick death.

This is beyond sick. I'm disgusted .
Trip Confirmed said:
These remarks are from supposed adult responsible employees?

If that's the case, get a "CLUE", and let this sabotaged airline die a quick death.

This is beyond sick. I'm disgusted .

Trip Confirmed,

Then LEAVE!!!!!!!!! You can't take a joke here? Leave!!! NOBODY is making light of the severity of what happened with those cables in CLT...nobody...but notice how labor at U is the first to be blamed. To many, including myself, we are tired of the constant blaming of labor day after day, year after year. Excuse us for adding comic relief. WE ARE NUMB!! I am angry and angry at your ignorant response.

Please, take your probable US4 or US3 status or whatever the hell you are and GO!! I no longer care if you or any other stuffy, entitle, first to complain and expect "supporter" stays or goes. While leaving, don't let the jetway door hit your sorry ass. Enough already!! We bust our butts everyday and come here and joke as a way to ease the pain of insanity and you have the nerve to call us sick? Just please go away...and take USA320 while your at it!!! :angry: :down: :down: :angry: :angry:
What f##king nerve!!!!: :angry:
Two weeks ago a A330 from Europe came to Charlotte, the Chillers in the one of the galleys were not working.

The mechanics with a foreman went into the bag bin and saw a panel that fell off and chafed some wires.

In management's eagerness to blame the employees and call it sabotage they called the FBI out to investigate and blame employees.

Everyone could see the panel fell and chafed the wires, that was the FBI's conclusion also, and they admonished US Airways' management for rushing to blame everything on the employees.

So as you see Management is acting like Joe McCarthy and going on a witch hunt.

Also the area in question where the wires were cut is an open area, it has several doors and a roll up garage door that is ALWAYS open.

Anyone with ramp access can enter the area, it is a store room for supplies.

One of the restaurants above drain's clog all the time and leaks down into that stock room, there are Plumbers in that ceiling all the time, also city workers.

So I guess it is easier for all you wannabe sleuths to blame the employees instead of finding out the real story.

Funny the FBI has not charged anyone in the A/C damage either yet, but yet you all continue to blame the employees.

In Charlotte last month an airplane came in with a racial slur in grease scribed on one of the engines, that was traced to a Fueler (not a US Airways Employee) and he was promptly arrested and charged.

All of you need to stop using rash judgment until the facts come to light.
Oh no, 700UW, now you KNOW it's those pesty unreasonable labor groups sabatoging the airline.

So TRIP CONFIRMED, what do you have to say NOW? <_<
PineyBob said:
I think EVERYONE needs to chill on this type of stuff.

We have several basic concepts at play here and they need to unfold on their own.

The assumption of sabotage is WRONG. Just as the assumption that management is on a "Witch Hunt" is equally wrong. An inquiry needs to be made and the evidence needs to be tested in front of a grand jury or some other appropriate venue based on the laws of the USA and the state of NC.

Rushing to judgement hurts EVERYONE and destroys trust at a time when there needs to be MORE TRUST not less amongst interested parties and that includes customers like myself.

Has ANYONE thought that given the amount and length of time construction has been going on in CLT that MAYBE the recent events were an accident???? HMMMMM?

Besides I don't know what all the fuss is, word on the street is Jenna Jameson and her line of sex toys caused the wires to be cut. Seems she was walking through the airport with a see through bag promoting her line of "Toys" and the contractors were distracted and cut some wires. Hell it's as good a theory as any of the others

Let Law Enforcement do what they do and reserve comment.

firstamendment said:
Trip Confirmed,

Then LEAVE!!!!!!!!! You can't take a joke here? Leave!!! NOBODY is making light of the severity of what happened with those cables in CLT...nobody...but notice how labor at U is the first to be blamed.

Please, take your probable US4 or US3 status or whatever the hell you are and GO!! Just please go away...and take USA320 while your at it!!! :angry: :down: :down: :angry: :angry:
What f##king nerve!!!!: :angry:

First...as always, you are right on the money!! But I dont think Brucy will be giving you a BravoZulu...so Ill give you one!! :up: :up: :up:
WestCoastGuy said:
First...as always, you are right on the money!! But I dont think Brucy will be giving you a BravoZulu...so Ill give you one!! :up: :up: :up:

Thanks WCG,

I just calls them as I sees them. :lol:
700UW said:
In management's eagerness to blame the employees and call it sabotage they called the FBI out to investigate and blame employees.

Everyone could see the panel fell and chafed the wires, that was the FBI's conclusion also, and they admonished US Airways' management for rushing to blame everything on the employees.

So as you see Management is acting like Joe McCarthy and going on a witch hunt.
What else would you expect from a company that wants to eliminate as many employees as possible and out source the work to the cheapest bidder?