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Fed Up With Us Airways Customer Service

Who is feeding you is garbage?

you know...those folks who are about 1 step above me in the pecking order...and i'm nearly nobody..haha

john, do you know what contracts have just been extended thru 2011 by chance? is this the contracts with the outsourcing agencies they are talking about?
No I don’t know how long the contract is with the outsource company.
The 2011 contract is the agreement with USAirways and CWA
and 3rdly...don't go getting all high and mighty around me when you are WRONG...check your FACTS before claiming you have never been USair!!

1979 Allegheny changes its name to USAir to reflect its expanding network, including post-deregulation entry into Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Florida and later, California.

Last I checked, there's a difference between USair and USAir and US Airways. I'm sure you don't appreciate being called American West.

And I don't work for US.
Last I checked, there's a difference between USair and USAir and US Airways. I'm sure you don't appreciate being called American West.

And I don't work for US.

well, the difference is, we have never been american west, and USairways company actually used to be called usair...so, um, apples and oranges, both fruit, and both from a tree, but not exactly the same thing.
Notice the difference between USAir and USair? That is what he is talking about. He even said we were USAir, but NOT USair or US Air. Thats what the difference is. The problem is that if the employees cant even use the right name, how do we expect the consumers to get the idea? I know we like to shorten things in this country, (and on this board more then ever), but it isnt the best when dealing with the public, brand recognition and all. (And believe me there are more than a few people here who wish they would have picked a new name altogether, but that didnt happen yet so we are stuck with the whole thing!) 😛h34r:

As far as the contract, CWAs can be found online at www.cwa.net This has the original and modifications provided. Might be a good thing to make some copies of the address and pass it around or post it so the stories/rumors/wtfs get nipped in the bud?
what we are being told here, is that it was usair employees union contracts that caused this outsourcing... and my intentions are in the right place.

That's my concern. Whose telling you this info? Doug Parker? I just get very nervous when faceless voices flap in the wind with no accountability.

And PQA, I know your intentions are in the right place. Some of us are just a bit suspicious.
The US-CWA agreement certainly isn't forcing the company to outsource anything. :blink:

They could bring it all in-house right this second if they wanted to.

The US-CWA agreement also provides for Work-at-Home res agents. Don't see them implementing that one, so the company clearly knows how to pick and choose which options in the agreement they want to make use of.
Good point ringmaruf....I almost forgot about that "Work from Home" option in the contract if Pit Res agents moved to INT. What ever happened to that? Anyone working from home yet? I didn't think so. It's in the contract in black and white.
That's my concern. Whose telling you this info? Doug Parker? I just get very nervous when faceless voices flap in the wind with no accountability.

And PQA, I know your intentions are in the right place. Some of us are just a bit suspicious.
Sorry for the uncertainty. I will try to help any union brother/sister
WHOA....I'm all crosseyed from reading a LOT of that contract! OK, from what I read the company can outsource when the need arises from attrition or EO's. I understand that with the concessions there may have been a lot, but were there THAT many? Something about that just doesn't sit right in my brain. (But then again, it is 0330.)
Nothing chaps my hide more than calling an 800 service center number and having someone answer that can barely speak my language, much less answer a simple question as was asked in the interview. I am displeased with now having to say my company is one of the offenders. Geeze, get the WAH program going and get rid of the non-trained workers will ya? It's still less expensive than having a fully equipped call center!!!

And I will now admit, with those concessions...I'll take my two dollars less and hour and keep all my vacation time! Lord knows I NEED my 3 weeks paid vacation. I'm already prepared to go postal half the time...lol. (OK not really, but y'all get what I'm saying.) Hell, if I gave up a bit more than $5.00 an hour for US, I'd be a bit disgruntled too.

I'm curious about the structure there with "old" US though...Mind answering a couple dumb questions? With AWA we have Customer Service Reps, Customer Service Supervisors (who are non-union) and then there's my position, Special Service Rep, which from the sounds of it is NOTHING like your SAR. (SSR is smack dab between CSS and CSR...We're a unionized position- well IF we ever get a contract we will be, but that's a whole other ball of wax that I could rant on about for a few pages worth of reading!) Anyway, back to my question...do y'all not have red coats? (SSR) In a perfect world at AWA CSR's would be doing the main work, SSR's would be operational sups and then the Supes would be more administrative/development. (Like I said, in a perfect world, right now in PHX alone we're like 10 people short for SSR and are 3 or 4 sups short last I counted.) SSR's can also be assigned (we bid) to work Passenger Assistance Counter, Passenger Ops (which all they basically do is call OAL's for us to see about seats in oversell situations and run new boarding passes to misconnecting passengers when they're arriving late. Don't ask me what else they do, because I really do NOT have a clue.) Do y'all have anything like that?????? (I told you, it was a dumb question, but PHX wasn't exactly a large station for y'all! 😀 )
That's my concern. Whose telling you this info? Doug Parker? I just get very nervous when faceless voices flap in the wind with no accountability.

And PQA, I know your intentions are in the right place. Some of us are just a bit suspicious.

I dont know what you mean by suspicious...? The person whom I heard this info is my sup in reservations.. whom I have little confidance that she knows wtf she's talking about...no, it has not come from DP himself. the only words about outsourcing that I know DP has said himself is that he 'just doesnt think outsourcing customer service is a good idea'. from townhall meeting post merger announcement earlier this year.
Notice the difference between USAir and USair? That is what he is talking about. He even said we were USAir, but NOT USair or US Air. Thats what the difference is. The problem is that if the employees cant even use the right name, how do we expect the consumers to get the idea? I

If you want the consumer to get it right use REAL WORDS!

Otherwise relax.
If you want the consumer to get it right use REAL WORDS!

Otherwise relax.

haha, i know i'm gonna screw it up, which is why, thankfully, we are not yet required to use USAirways in our greeting or closing...(when i moved to HP, i caught myself more than once using my old airlines greeting, talk about confusing the customer, haha)

Ultimately, USair is my *personal* designation for the old 'legacy' usairways, and HP is what i call us old HPers... just plainly, i type all day long, what ever makes it shorter, makes it shorter, and i cant stand being refered to as USwest...we are not a friggin phone company!! lol

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