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Environmental regulations are reasonable, but they can also go into the ridiculous.
There's a piece of land in Michigan which was used by a railroad for over 100 years, but turned into a trail a couple years ago under the railbanking laws which allow unused railroads to be turned into trails, with the understanding they can revert back to rail use.  
Now the railroad wants to re-install the rails.  The law says they're allowed to do that.  Only problem is that now, they have to do brand new environmental impact studies, etc., all to revert the land's designated use to what it was just four years ago.... Appeasing the tree huggers by removing the rails for recreational use has now bitten them squarely in the ass.  Next time, they'll just leave the rails in place even if it does screw over the bikers, ATV and snowmobile users who benefit from the clean trail today...
It's also intrusive to have the government tells a business they can't relocate work from one state to another (e.g. Boeing wanted to move assembly work from Washington to South Carolina), and endure three years of legal battles to do what they'd be free to do in any other industry.
Those are just a few examples... there are countless more, but hey, why confuse opinions with facts?...
Abortion?  Please, can you actually identify a Tea Party conservative who is trying to outlaw abortion?....  
It's a convenient lightning rod issue to bring up, but being opposed to something on moral grounds, and trying to outlaw it are mutually exclusive.
eolesen said:
Environmental regulations are reasonable, but they can also go into the ridiculous.
There's a piece of land in Michigan which was used by a railroad for over 100 years, but turned into a trail a couple years ago under the railbanking laws which allow unused railroads to be turned into trails, with the understanding they can revert back to rail use.  
Now the railroad wants to re-install the rails.  The law says they're allowed to do that.  Only problem is that now, they have to do brand new environmental impact studies, etc., all to revert the land's designated use to what it was just four years ago.... Appeasing the tree huggers by removing the rails for recreational use has now bitten them squarely in the ass.  Next time, they'll just leave the rails in place even if it does screw over the bikers, ATV and snowmobile users who benefit from the clean trail today...
It's also intrusive to have the government tells a business they can't relocate work from one state to another (e.g. Boeing wanted to move assembly work from Washington to South Carolina), and endure three years of legal battles to do what they'd be free to do in any other industry.
Those are just a few examples... there are countless more, but hey, why confuse opinions with facts?...
Abortion?  Please, can you actually identify a Tea Party conservative who is trying to outlaw abortion?....  
It's a convenient lightning rod issue to bring up, but being opposed to something on moral grounds, and trying to outlaw it are mutually exclusive.
Are you serious? Google the subject and you will find plenty of TP anti-abortion politicians. You crack me up liar.
Prove where there are plenty of politicians trying to make abortion illegal...
Are there a few?  Sure, but you can't even name one.  Instead, you want to broad-brush what one or two believe in to become something most Tea Party folks believe in, and that's the far bigger lie.
Most conservatives are people of faith, and thus opposed to abortion, but again, being opposed to it doesn't mean it needs to be outlawed.  
There are other ways to change behaviors without creating new laws or imposing beliefs on folks of different (or no) faiths...
eolesen said:
Prove where any have tried to make abortion illegal.
Can you read? I'm not going to do your work for you. Don't you think you should earn your way through life? Read and become educated. Let the truth set you free.
If you're not going to think for yourself, then that's your problem.  You're good at repeating talking points off of liberal websites, but can't manage to substantiate it... and yet you say I'm not educated on the issue?  OK.
None of the Tea Party politicians I support or speak with see abortion as an issue that needs to be addressed.  Certainly, none of the Tea Party radio shows are talking about abortion, aside from the horrors of Louis Gosnell, and the issue of late term & partial birth abortion, both of which are opposed by a majority of Americans, including many pro-choice advocates...
Nor will you find reversing Roe v. Wade to be part of any mainstream effort now or in the future.  If anything, the Tea Party is only interested in making it safe and rare, which is something that Bill Clinton championed not too long ago... 
You're more than free to continue to spout ignorance without being informed yourself, but don't expect it to go unchecked.
saywhat said:
Can you read? I'm not going to do your work for you. Don't you think you should earn your way through life? Read and become educated. Let the truth set you free.
And everything you spout out of your mouth is the truth?
Just because I believe abortion should be outlawed unless in the case of rape, incest or danger to the mothers life does not make it any less of the truth than you wanting abortion mills in your local Walmart!
eolesen said:
If you're not going to think for yourself, then that's your problem.  You're good at repeating talking points off of liberal websites, but can't manage to substantiate it... and yet you say I'm not educated on the issue?  OK.
None of the Tea Party politicians I support or speak with see abortion as an issue that needs to be addressed.  Certainly, none of the Tea Party radio shows are talking about abortion, aside from the horrors of Louis Gosnell, and the issue of late term & partial birth abortion, both of which are opposed by a majority of Americans, including many pro-choice advocates...
Nor will you find reversing Roe v. Wade to be part of any mainstream effort now or in the future.  If anything, the Tea Party is only interested in making it safe and rare, which is something that Bill Clinton championed not too long ago... 
You're more than free to continue to spout ignorance without being informed yourself, but don't expect it to go unchecked.
Quit spreading your B.S. You're lying, maybe ignorant people will believe the s^^t you spew but google tea party and abortion and you have no problem finding article after article on the issue. Hell, that was part of the last election on how some extreme TP's were attacking women in numerous states. Keep living the lie.   
southwind said:
And everything you spout out of your mouth is the truth?
Just because I believe abortion should be outlawed unless in the case of rape, incest or danger to the mothers life does not make it any less of the truth than you wanting abortion mills in your local Walmart!
Never said I supported abortion, simply stating I don't hold extreme views and let majority decide.
saywhat said:
Quit spreading your B.S. You're lying, maybe ignorant people will believe the s^^t you spew but google tea party and abortion and you have no problem finding article after article on the issue. Hell, that was part of the last election on how some extreme TP's were attacking women in numerous states. Keep living the lie.

Lets see your source for TP members beating up women....
eolesen said:
If you're not going to think for yourself, then that's your problem.  You're good at repeating talking points off of liberal websites, but can't manage to substantiate it... and yet you say I'm not educated on the issue?  OK.
None of the Tea Party politicians I support or speak with see abortion as an issue that needs to be addressed.  Certainly, none of the Tea Party radio shows are talking about abortion, aside from the horrors of Louis Gosnell, and the issue of late term & partial birth abortion, both of which are opposed by a majority of Americans, including many pro-choice advocates...
Nor will you find reversing Roe v. Wade to be part of any mainstream effort now or in the future.  If anything, the Tea Party is only interested in making it safe and rare, which is something that Bill Clinton championed not too long ago... 
You're more than free to continue to spout ignorance without being informed yourself, but don't expect it to go unchecked.
Lets start with the sponsors of the Sanctity of Human Life Act which seeks to define life as originating at conception. Even you can draw the line from life to abortion.
These are just the sponsors of the Act who are members of the Tea Party Caucus in the House. This does not include members who may have voted for it had it come to the floor, nor does it include Senate members who are in the TP.
After this you can look at all the states that have passed legislation that seek to place limitations on abortion that all but make it impossible to have one in the state because the legislation (some of which is being blocked as in MS and TX) is shutting down all/most of the clinics.
I'd also be willing to bet that most if not all of the names above have received very high if not perfect scores from the NRLC.
Tea party wants it safe and rare? That's the funniest euphemism I have heard in a long time.
traderjake said:
Unless you're an unborn baby, then your life means nothing if the mother says so.
Yes.  House rules.  You come in my house I can kick you out at an time of my choosing. I believe a person should be entitiled to absolute control over their own body
I believe a person should be entitiled to absolute control over their own body
Including killing the baby's body which is inside but separate from the mother's?