White House Panic Mode?


Apr 18, 2009
So in the face on overwhelming opposition to the Obamacare scam, the white house now is going on the defensive to sell another pile-o-dung.

How? Via the ISB otherwise known as the Internet Snitch Brigade.

If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.

Seems like they are in sheer crap-in-yer pants mode over the whole town hall meetings that are being over run by the common folk telling them what a horrible idea it is. Especially when the videos are on you tube and viral hits at record speed.

Im wondering.....is the CBO report something that would be considered "fishy"?
So in the face on overwhelming opposition to the Obamacare scam, the white house now is going on the defensive to sell another pile-o-dung.

How? Via the ISB otherwise known as the Internet Snitch Brigade.

Seems like they are in sheer crap-in-yer pants mode over the whole town hall meetings that are being over run by the common folk telling them what a horrible idea it is. Especially when the videos are on you tube and viral hits at record speed.

Im wondering.....is the CBO report something that would be considered "fishy"?

I just sent your above post to flag@whitehouse.gov.

OK. I didn't. In all seriousness, I think it is a bit questionable that the WH is seeking this stuff from people.
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Theres also a study of contrast between this administration and the previous.

White House officials meet with Cindy Sheehan and other anti-war protesters:

About 70 anti-war protesters shouted "bring the troops home" from Iraq near President Bush's ranch on Saturday, prompting two White House officials to come out to meet with mothers who lost children in combat in Iraq.

National Security Adviser Steven Hadley and Deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin listened to the concerns of Cindy Sheehan and five or six other mothers in a meeting that lasted about 45 minutes, White House spokesman Trent Duffy said. Duffy said Sheehan told the two officials she appreciated the meeting.

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer on Anti-war protesters:

I think the president welcomes the fact that we are a democracy and people in the United States, unlike Iraq, are free to protest and to make their case known,"

White House Press Secretary Trent Duffy on anti-war protests:

The American people have a right to protest, and the right of free speech is something that we're fighting for in this war on terror, to preserve that right of free speech. So the President welcomes opinions from all Americans.

Rumsfeld stops security from removing protester:

Protesters repeatedly interrupted Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld during a speech Thursday, and one man, a former CIA analyst, accused him of lying about Iraq prewar intelligence in an unusually vociferous display of antiwar sentiment.

“Why did you lie to get us into a war that caused these kind of casualties and was not necessary?†asked Ray McGovern, the former analyst, during a question-and-answer session.

“I did not lie,†shot back Rumsfeld, who waved off security guards ready to remove McGovern from the hall at the Southern Center for International Studies.

White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan on Iraq protests:

The President talked about some of this the other day in remarks at the Pentagon. He recognizes that there are differences of opinion on Iraq and our role in the broader Middle East. Some people want us to withdraw from Iraq and withdraw from the Middle East. They are well-intentioned.

Interesting. How does that compare with the Obama White House?

The Democratic National Committee addresses health care protests:

The Republicans and their allied groups – desperate after losing two consecutive elections and every major policy fight on Capitol Hill – are inciting angry mobs of a small number of rabid right wing extremists funded by K Street Lobbyists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future of health care in America taking place in Congressional Districts across the country.

However, much like we saw at the McCain-Palin rallies last year where crowds were baited with cries of 'socialist,' 'communist,' and where the birthers movement was born – these mobs of extremists are not interested in having a thoughtful discussion about the issues – but like some Republican leaders have said – they are interested in ‘breaking’ the President and destroying his Presidency.

These mobs are bussed in by well funded, highly organized groups run by Republican operatives and funded by the special interests who are desperately trying to stop the agenda for change the President was elected to bring to Washington. Despite the headline grabbing nature of these angry mobs and their disruptions of events, they are not reflective of where the American people are on the issues – or the hundreds of thousands of thoughtful discussions taking place around kitchen tables, water coolers and in homes.

The right wing extremists’ use of things like devil horns on pictures of our elected officials, hanging members of Congress in effigy, breathlessly questioning the President's citizenship and the use of Nazi SS symbols and the like just shows how outside of the mainstream the Republican Party and their allies are. This type of anger and discord did not serve Republicans well in 2008 – and it is bound to backfire again.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on health care protests:

"I hope people will take a jaundiced eye to what is clearly the Astroturf nature of grass-roots lobbying," said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs during a morning off-camera session in his office with reporters.

"This is manufactured anger," he said.

Well, you can say one thing for the Obama administration: they have brought genuine change to the way the White House addresses dissent.
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I just sent your above post to flag@whitehouse.gov.

OK. I didn't. In all seriousness, I think it is a bit questionable that the WH is seeking this stuff from people.
Funny, there are some that are emailing that same WH blog link back to them. Looks extremely fishy to me! :lol:
Seems like they are in sheer crap-in-yer pants mode over the whole town hall meetings that are being over run by the common folk telling them what a horrible idea it is.

You mean the "common folk" that just happened to be bussed into whatever district is having a meeting? "Common folk" that are following a carefully thought out strategy to disrupt these meetings?

Sad that Armey and his, well, army are using the same sort of strategies that the Brownshirts used so successfully in Beer halls not too many years ago...
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You mean the "common folk" that just happened to be bussed into whatever district is having a meeting? "Common folk" that are following a carefully thought out strategy to disrupt these meetings?

Sad that Armey and his, well, army are using the same sort of strategies that the Brownshirts used so successfully in Beer halls not too many years ago...
Yes, the common folk. You seem to soak up what the WH and the MSM are spoon feeding you while all around you people arent buying it.
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They are so freaked out about public opposition they stooped to new lows:

Using kiddie human shield strategy to avoid debate:

Just called Arkansas Children’s Hospital 501-364-1100 to confirm and get details. Vic Snyder will have a townhall meeting at 1pm at the Chairman’s Hall in the Sturgis Building Wednesday 080509. I asked them about the radio announcement stating the meeting was at 2pm. Bonnie from Arkansas Children’s Hospital stated that it was a 2pm and that it has been changed to 1pm. I also confirmed that the event would be open to the public. It has been recommended that people not go to protest in anger due to the fact that there will be ill children and their families at the hospital. Snyder decided to hide in a hosptial when he realized that he would face angry constituents. This is the same Snyder who accused his fellow U.S. Representatives from Arkansas of being afraid of him for not agreeing to an AETN debate that nobody would watch .
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So are you claiming that every single person engaging in these disruptive tactics is in fact a constituent of the politicians they're haranguing?

If you have proof, then show your cards mate, if not then go blow smoke elsewhere.
For several years, we have had CSPAM, so we could actually watch our lawmakers at work. In the past, only a limited number of journalists, lobbyists, special inttrest groups would hang aroung just long enough to watch what they were interested in. Now, because of CSPAN, the numbers of persons keeping an eye on our lawmakers have increased.
Unfortanually so has public empathy, for CSPAN is the most boring show on cable. It is largly ignored. And the lines of communication is still largly one way, from top to bottom.
N ow we have utube, and a means for an individule to be heard worldwide. The internet.
Used to be, only way a person got to talk worldwide in his livingroom, was to be a Radio Amateur. Took a license exam, morse code skills, and a respect for rules. Also, damn few Hams would actually call up a country we were in conflict with, and make sport with the operator on the other end. Once, a group of kids were on daddy's ham radio when daddy was away, and called every country to tell themoff, as a group of kids would, They also broadcast openly to Russia , their intent as representives of America, to Nuke them .
Natch, it took a while, but the FCC came down on them. Now you see the necessity for limited access to a world-wide medium of communications.
And now, we have the internet. At least, if a persons rant is to be heard, the people actually have to know about this person, and seek him out. Even on UTUBE. You actually have to go looking for him and his rant. But UTUBE does make the communication process from bottom to top a little easier.then it has been.
See, this guy, who walked into a gym, and started shooting, had a blog. The news reported how "Chilling" this "descent into madness" was to read. Natch, the blog has disappeared into internet lala land. The entries into the blogthe news program aired did not seem patixculary disturbing. But, this news program is engagfing in one way communications, top to bottom, not really giving a damn what we all really feel about it all, just making sure the opinoin of the "uppers" was the only valid opinion.
Here is the most important observation I have made. The people have to actually go looking for the news they want to read, or see, or hear about. The people are content, despite the computer in the corner, to sit in front of the idiot box, and let others tell us what they want us to hear about, or only their slant on an issue. The masses do not care enough for it to be any other way.
Now some nut who kept an on line diary, and I have been guilty of keeping a diary, wehere I have written my innermost fears, hates and thoughts, has gone out and shot up a gym full of persons he knew. Yet the blog entries did not reviel this mans thoughts on the people in the gym. Why? Because the "uppers" do not want us to know , that is why. Also, am I going to have my diary,s pages posted on the news, or just excerts of it, if I even do somthing extreme. Maybe the only thing this guy did was post an onlind diary. Maybe some readers did some research, and group dynamics being what they are, dicked with this guy, for sport, and led him to belive everyone at the gym wanted him to "drop dead" that he was a "loser", just to watch his blog posts to watch a further decline, and all for recreation.
That makes a far more interesting read, but we will never, ever know the actual truth in the matter. Only what we are spoon fed.
If you have proof, then show your cards mate, if not then go blow smoke elsewhere.

Yeah I did mate, now step up or step aside.

First of all, I'm not your "mate."

You claim that these people in Town Hall meetings are merely common people crying out against what they feel is a poorly thought out policy. I call B.S. This leaked memo from Armey's own camp backs me up.

Fact: there is a well choreographed plan being undertaken. Regardless of how one feels about public policy, there can be no doubt that these carpetbaggers are thwarting the *real* voices in these districts from being heard.

If I was holding one of these meetings, I'd make sure that each person speaking was in fact one of my constituents.

And, no, you still haven't answered by question. I'll ask it again; are you claiming that every single person disrupting these meetings is in fact a constituent of the district(s) where these events are occurring?

By the way, dismissing out of hand an opinion you disagree with is also straight out of the Brown Shirt playbook.
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First of all, I'm not your "mate."

You claim that these people in Town Hall meetings are merely common people crying out against what they feel is a poorly thought out policy. I call B.S. This leaked memo from Armey's own camp backs me up.

Fact: there is a well choreographed plan being undertaken. Regardless of how one feels about public policy, there can be no doubt that these carpetbaggers are thwarting the *real* voices in these districts from being heard.

If I was holding one of these meetings, I'd make sure that each person speaking was in fact one of my constituents.

And, no, you still haven't answered by question. I'll ask it again; are you claiming that every single person disrupting these meetings is in fact a constituent of the district(s) where these events are occurring?

By the way, dismissing out of hand an opinion you disagree with is also straight out of the Brown Shirt playbook.

Ok mate, your conspiracy theory drawn from the liberal loons from thinkprogess.com is feeble at best. Perception is reality. People are pissed that the govt is trying to shove down another crap program on the taxpayers dime. After seeing what a joke the stimulus came to be, people are speaking out. And speaking in a very concerned fashion. The people are tired of not being listened too. Like it or not....mate.
Ok mate, your conspiracy theory drawn from the liberal loons from thinkprogess.com is feeble at best. Perception is reality. People are pissed that the govt is trying to shove down another crap program on the taxpayers dime. After seeing what a joke the stimulus came to be, people are speaking out. And speaking in a very concerned fashion. The people are tired of not being listened too. Like it or not....mate.

I don't have a problem with people speaking out; far from it. The problem here is that those speaking are mercenaries preventing the "real" voice of the people from having their say.

Here's a hypothetical:

If I show up at my local meeting wanting to speak to my elected rep., and you (and a busload of your friends) buzz in from say, King County Washington, and monopolize the meeting, how is my voice being heard? How is that not thwarting democracy?

I find it ironic that someone with "Freedom" in their board name is such a proponent of just the opposite.

BTW, you do realize that using condescending personal attacks in a post only serve to undermine your credibility, right?

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