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What's Wrong With Usairways Baggage Problems

Gee how many holidays and weekends do they have to work?

Are they working outside in the heat, snow, cold and rain?

Or coming in contact with hundreds of people each day who could pass on germs?

Do you know that airline employees are the second highest profession of on the job injuries?

Are they outside on third shift changing an engine on an airplane in freezing rain or being on duty for 15 hours flying all over the country with no breaks or time to eat?

It is not all about YOU bob.
PineyBob said:
Management and Labor have not to my mind been absolved of blame and if it takes to next Christmas for the parties involved to sit dawn and work out the differences and change the attitudes that allow this to happen I will be on here harranging this issue.

Everyone brace yourselves for a very looooooooong year. 😉 On a positive note, at least the readers have been forwarned. 🙄
PineyBob said:
BITE ME ALREADY. Our year over year sick rate is well under 3% and that INCLUDES FMLA. I know because I asked! Knowing in advance that someone would ask.
There you go again, getting vicious and again its back to you, your company, you you you. Can't you get over yourself or what? This is USAirways forum not Pineybobs lounge.

Actually Pineybob I don't think anyone would ask because frankly I don't think anyone gives a hell about you. Though we know you think you think they do.
Sick leave is a benefit EARNED under each labor groups collective bargaining agreement. If anyone is abusing sick time, the company has policies and procedures in effect to stop the abuse including up to termination.

Like I said the government even blamed management, not the employees who called in sick, is that so hard to comprehend?
PineyBob said:

Sorry but your a$$ isn't sweet enough for me to bite it. It's too OLD and FAT.

Again YOU didn't answer my question. Why do YOU care so damn much? YOU are not employed by USAIRWAYS. YOU are nothing more than a customer that can take YOUR business to any airline. Yet YOU continue to rehash this issue. If YOU don't like it so what! Do YOU really think they employees care what YOU think anymore?

Maybe YOU should fly YOURSELF to CCY and personally hand the US management the latest FFOCUS statement. I'd love to see what type of reception YOU'D encounter. Do YOU really think they care about YOU or what YOU have to say on this matter? US management has the problem not YOU. YOUR a$$ occupies a seat on a plane at any given moment during the day/week/month/year. YOU don't work for USAIRWAYS.

Again I repeat myself.........give it a rest.
Bruce, Al, Bruce A and Chris' offices are all on the 8th floor.

2345 Crystal Park Drive.

Get down to baggage claim, go out the doors and the CCY shuttle bus will pick you up all they down on the right.

How would the sick call rate be at your company, if you were very understaffed, and you knew that every time you went to work, you would be ordered to stay and work under mandatory overtime, particularly as the holidays approached? That's what they were doing in PHL, and that contributed to the higher sick call rate.

As for us flight crews, they call us all the time trying to assign you trips on your days off, in the middle of the night, and several times a day, because we are so short staffed, and getting worse as people continue to leave. We've resorted to turning our phones off, getting ident-a-ring, screening calls etc. Sometimes, if they snag you on your day off, you tell them you are sick, to avoid having to screw your own lifestyle, because the clueless types running this company can't staff it properly.

SVQLBA said:
Just as it's dumb to schedule an airport for more capacity than the runway configuration can handle, isn't it dumb to schedule an airport for more than the baggage system / TSA / other limiting factor can handle?

Come to CLT on a Sat. night.
coachrowsey said:
SVQLBA said:
Just as it's dumb to schedule an airport for more capacity than the runway configuration can handle, isn't it dumb to schedule an airport for more than the baggage system / TSA / other limiting factor can handle?
Come to CLT on a Sat. night.

At USAirways it's not dumb, it's SOP. I repeat: The same magic the "talent" has worked in PHL is slowly creeping into CLT.
Another Sat. night done. Hundreds & hundreds of bags on hand over night. Now add the hundreds that missed their scheduled flights but made it on the last bank all from the Caribbean flights!

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