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Nov 30, 2009
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This recently arrived via the Little Birdie Network

Today, EMB 190 Tail 953 RTG due to toxic fumes. It was terrible. I was flying B, and immediately upon wheels up, I smelled a horrible burning smell. I called the A, and then called the Capt. I did a walk through to make sure no one had lit... anything on fire. By the time I made it back to the aft galley to call the Capt, dozens of pax's were holding clothes over their noses, adjusting air vents, waving air to their faces and some coughing and gagging. I called the Capt again, and advised that the smell was worse. We then RTG in DFW. Both the A F/A and myself saw a "haze" throughout the cabin. At one point, I thought I was going to have to use the POB myself....it was that bad. After we landed and PAX's deplaned, mechanics came on board, and told the Capt that the A/C had been in mtc that week, and the one engine replaced. Make a note of this A/C peeps...it was really bad. They called the paramedics for me, and Im still not feeling right. Fly safe

The above is from a friend of a friend of the Little Birdie.

I was on that plane last week and had the same thing happen to me (minus the haze)..First leg on it was fine, second leg started right after lift-off..was grabbing the phone to call the B to see if she smelled anything, she was already on oxygen..called Capt, he shut of apu pack #2..that seemed to stop the smell..Mechanics came on and couldn't duplicate or pinpoint the problem and they wanted us to take it because the fumes were in cabin and not flightdeck!!!! Capt said no way...mechanics did mention that the right engine had been replaced a few days before!! Guess they can't just put a sticker on it now!!! I will be keeping o2 bottles a lot closer for now on..I had a headache after that, and felt a little weird the next day, but ok now..

This one is from BlondeTailedHawk aka Little Birdie #1 and frankly I'm a bit concerned. Does this happen often on the E-190? Maybe the safety issues raised on the East aren't part of a job action? The old HP had MTC issues in the past, having been fined some huge sum and nearly being grounded. So what gives? Is this one A/C? A "Hanger Queen"?
That was for paperwork, and the 190s are under the east mtc program.
Usually some fluid gets in the packs and that causes the smell.
Could be an oil leak, fuel, Skydrol and/or any chemicals used to clean any part of the plane during the engine change or heavy mtc visit.

Plus Glycol would emit a sweet smell and not get people sick.
Could be an oil leak, fuel, Skydrol and/or any chemicals used to clean any part of the plane during the engine change or heavy mtc visit.

Plus Glycol would emit a sweet smell and not get people sick.

So nothing an employee or customer should really worry about? A/C is still airworthy?