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What's Any Different Under Tilton


Jul 7, 2004
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What is Tilton doing any different than any of the other EXEC'S that have helped run UniTED into the ground??


The most interesting points of the article are:

Tilton said the company has a restructuring strategy, has improved the board structure and is "in a much better position to bring fresh ideas, renewed credibility and greater accountability to the company."

So they got a new paint, started another UinTED shuttle operation? Where's the stratgey in that? It hasn't made much of a difference has it?

However, Jenkins said, "I haven't seen them make the tough decisions yet."

He is know the reaction he will get from the employees when he kills those pension plans. And, he's affraid to go ask the employees to give more concessions, so he will wait and let the BK judge be the bad guy.

Although Tilton wants to change United's culture, "the only way you can really transform the culture of a company is to fire the top 200 people," Jenkins said.

HA HA HA, this will NEVER HAPPEN!!! Look who is still at the reigns, Brace, McDonald, all the same old lead.

"They've been in bankruptcy for a long time, and they still don't have a plan (of reorganization) ready," Jenkins said. "He needs to be careful where he's pointing his fingers right now, because a lot of this is under his leadership."

Tilton will not be the savor of UniTED, I'd be surprised if he doesn't throw in the towel and head back to the oil industry.
Thanks for the post, fish.
May you live in interesting times, may important people notice you, and may all your dreams come true.
Thanks for the post. i found it very informative. It was also refreshing to read the article and see exactly what i have been saying among others the whole time. I find it amazing many local management people are so terrorized they can't deviate from THE MATRIX. Any fresh ideas are blowing in the wind since the Empire won't be moved with ideas that aren't from a VP or Director. The company simply can't survive if it keep THE MATRIX mentality. Thinking outside the box is the solution. I hear all kinds of ideas from alot of good people but they are dismissed to no avail.

In Rez we are told its too busy or WHQ Rez planning won't ok offphone time to generate ideas for a few agents a day of of the thousands we have. They will ok off phone time so we an learn how to transfer calls to AVIS, Hertz, and now MPI Visa card. All I want to say next on the phone is do you want fries with that?

I'd like to see our inflight crew do their briefing upon arrival and add the new line should you need a car from AVIS, HERTZ, or a VISA card for more miles please see one of our representatives. The foucs needs to be on our company and not marking agents for discipline because they didnt transfer someone to AVIS, HERTZ, or VISA. Lets stick to the job at hand please.

Sorry for the rant all. I am just tired of seeing a damn good carrier be screwed by morons.

tinpadro said:
I am just tired of seeing a damn good carrier be screwed by morons.
There is a long history of this.
Tilton's "fresh ideas" included betting all the chips on a longshot government loan and the silly diversion of TED.

Whose your daddy Glenn?? Jake Brace?
Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insanity according to Einstein. I think Einstein makes a good case here.
The REAL problem lies in the fact that none of the major airline CEO's knows what to do to increase revenue. The only thing they know how to do is cut costs, so they're doing it. Big deal. We've still yet to see or hear their restructuring plan for United, yet they say they have one. At some point, the creditors and the judge will grow tired of this shell game and Tilton and Jake the Snake will be forced to show their cards. I'm still betting that when all is said and done, United will lose their exclusivity of filing the lone plan of reorganization and things will get a whole lot more interesting.