Charity had nothing to do with either of the ATSB approvals. It was a sound and supposedly viable business plan presented by both America West and U. Don't for a minute think that I don't know U's plan was flawed....that is obvious. But by what comparison..todays events vs those of over a year ago? UAL chose a prudent route by STAYING in BK as long a possible to get its house in order. It did not. U chose to exit BK the fastest of any company, that large, in history. Now U is sitting on the outside with a failed plan trying to better its fortunes, while UAL is stuck at the starting gate with no plan and no investors. Either could fail at any minute, but I would think I would rather be out than in when it comes to BK. I AM a little shocked at the hard line the ATSB has taken. It is a disgrace that any business, much less an airline, should fail as a result of terror attacks, no matter what its stability prior to such incidents. As a comparison, the individual familys of those lost in the attack recieved LARGE settlements, not loans from the government, because of the death of their family members. Did the government look at the financial stability of those familys prior to the attacks, did it look at the quality of their investments? NO. This is all a disgrace. By my ethic, UAL deserved the loan, as well as just about any other airline. This is all so out in left field, that I just don't have any idea what will happen, or what is fair. I guess in the end maybe it was better to make the cuts early, get the loan, and have a go at it. Who knows. Greeter.phasersonstun2 said:People:
The UAL rejection is not great news for U. The reason why is obvious. The ATSB has taken a much harder line, and they are in no mood to be charitable.
Not as much as it sucked for my best friend on 9/11 when some disgusting Arab cut her throat and plowed our airplane into a building.......... :angry:oldiebutgoody said:Life is going to SUCK for UAL employees just as it has for UAIR employees ever since this downturn started, which, by the way, was before 9/11. 🙁
Funny, they must really like USAirways then...!!phasersonstun2 said:The ATSB has taken a much harder line, and they are in no mood to be charitable.
Fly, if we are going to use your standard for discussion of these issues, then we might as well shut the forum down, because, really..nothing is that important compared to your loss and those involved. Of course you are right...but we are talking about the events of the present, in the context of what happened. By your criteria, we can discuss nothing without honoring those lost. The real key is, hopefully, we can come up with ideas to make the losses count. I am not too good with words, but I hope you get what I am saying. Best. Greeter.Fly said:Not as much as it sucked for my best friend on 9/11 when some disgusting Arab cut her throat and plowed our airplane into a building.......... :angry:
Just to correct my own post, before anybody else does...I do know the government is not "loaning" moneys to anybody, only backing them. But it is indeed a catch 22 if you have to have the backing in the first place. I do understand the difference. Thanks. Greeter.Walmartgreeter said:UAL deserved the loan, as well as just about any other airline.
Bless your heart....thank youWalmartgreeter said:Fly, if we are going to use your standard for discussion of these issues, then we might as well shut the forum down, because, really..nothing is that important compared to your loss and those involved. Of course you are right...but we are talking about the events of the present, in the context of what happened. By your criteria, we can discuss nothing without honoring those lost. The real key is, hopefully, we can come up with ideas to make the losses count. I am not too good with words, but I hope you get what I am saying. Best. Greeter.
That statement was TOTALLY uncalled for and doesn't even belong in this thread. EVERYBODY felt loss on 9/11, whether we knew someone personally or not (which, by the way, I did). You really need to GET OVER YOURSELF and get on with your life. I assure you, if you work for UAL, your life is about to get absolutely awful for a while, until things improve. If you don't believe me, just give it six months, then drop me a line and I'll apologize. I predict more furloughs, smaller pensions, lower pay and more days at work for everybody left on the property. It is happening at UAIR, and they aren't even in chapter 11 anymore (not that they won't be again soon), and chapter 11 is frightening close to chapter 7. Next thing is your management team has to do is convince the judge that they can navigate the SS Titanic (UAL) out of chapter 11 or the creditors will get a shot at it, and it probably won't be pretty if that happens. Plus, the present management team is ALREADY on about it's fifth extension to present a business plan to the court. Personally, I wouldn't wish what's happening at UAIR and UAL on anybody, but the fact is that it is happening, and MORE airlines appear to be about to follow.Fly said:Not as much as it sucked for my best friend on 9/11 when some disgusting Arab cut her throat and plowed our airplane into a building.......... :angry:
Right back at you Fly. Greeter.Fly said:Bless your heart....thank you
I don't owe YOU or FLY an apology. On the contrary. You BOTH owe ME and all the other folks that try to exchange ideas in a civil manner an apology. If you don't like facing reality, TOO DAMNED BAD! And who do you think you are? You're not even a moderator, just a busybody!savyinvestor said:Oldie, Your post is unbeliveable. You owe Fly an apology! Savy
BOTH of those companies, as you know them, have ALREADY ceased to exist. Now, everybody needs to wait and see what will become of what remains of them in the future.Fly said:Do you actually believe that US Airways will outlive United Airlines? Really? Come on......snap out of it.