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What Happened to Our Seniority Numbers??


Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Underground Lair
I noticed that our seniority numbers have disappeared. Obviously, from the day the new board began operation, it was clear these numbers were a point of pride (if somewhat tongue in cheek) among the posters. Why eliminate them?
Also, when you hit reply or new topic and get to that page, the instructions which were present in the lower left are no longer there. These instructions guided you in how to do bold, italic, links, etc. Why eliminate things that make it simpler for posters to create attractive and functional posts?
Clearly this new board software has many options which can be offered/not offered to posters. It appears the administrators have been making some bad choices regarding which ones to offer. While I understand the rationale they''ve stated for needing this new version, preservation of bandwidth, etc, the more I use it the less I like it. The previous version seemed much more user friendly to me. It was also much easier to view visually--a lot easier on the eyes.
Since this new version seems to offer the administrators great latitude in terms of what features to make available to posters, why not do a poll? List the possible features/functions the new software is capable of which the posters can use if they desire, and let the posters vote on whether they think any particular feature would be useful, or whether it would be better to delete that function.
[P]First of all, don't think our choices have been bad.[/P]
[P]The member #'s will be on display again shortly. The reason they are not is because this feature is coded into the forums by myself. We will be upgrading the system again today and shortly thereafter, I will code this back in. As with any upgrade, we get the basic program and features like this are not always offered. I knew there was another upgrade to do this week so rather then doing something twice, I decided to hold off.[/P]
[P]As for the instructions on how to do coding. We went one step farter the with system. You can now select the Rich Text Editor button that is right beside the message box. This new method is much much easier then the last and allows you to do [STRONG][FONT face=Arial Black color=#cc3300]more[/FONT][/STRONG] then just [STRONG]bold[/STRONG] or i[EM]talicize[/EM] your text. Select this button and you will see what I mean.[/P]
[P]We are working on a FAQ since this program does not display indepth instructions like we wish and understand some may not have noticed all of the new features but this takes time to do it right but we are working on it.[/P]
On 9/12/2002 7:15:08 AM Kyle wrote:

As for the instructions on how to do coding. We went one step farter the with system. You can now select the Rich Text Editor button that is right beside the message box. This new method is much much easier then the last and allows you to do [STRONG][FONT face="Arial Black" color=#cc3300]more[/FONT][/STRONG] then just [STRONG]bold[/STRONG] or i[EM]talicize[/EM] your text. Select this button and you will see what I mean.[/P]

[/ ockquote]

Uh oh...beware when something is touted as much easier than the last! I tried that button once and gave up on it. Couldn't begin to figure it out, and there didn't seem to be any instructions.
[H1][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff33 face=Comic Sans MS color=#cc3399]Hi Kyle,[/FONT][/H1]
[P] [/P]
[P][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #33ffff size=5]Sorry, I didn't know what rich text is, and there's nothing there to tell you what that button does. I also don't know what rich text is on Microsoft Word. I just figured it was wealthier than poor text. 😀[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #66ff33 face=Comic Sans MS color=#ff0033 size=5]But I appreciate you pointing it out, because it is [STRONG][EM]pretty cool![/EM][/STRONG][/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #66ff33 face=Comic Sans MS color=#ff0033 size=5]Also, please don't feel I was slamming you when I said bad choices. But with no explanation, the posters have no way of knowing what features you have added or how to use them. I do watch your announcement thread at the top of the listings so I will know when you do something new. Haven't seen anything about this up there unless I missed it.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #0033ff color=#ffffcc size=5]Anyway, I thank you for responding to my questions. You have already taught me a lot! I guess some of us posters are just like passengers -- complain, complain, complain. [/FONT][FONT size=7] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00 color=#00ff00 size=6]Take care,[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff0033 color=#00ff00 size=6]m[STRONG]AA[/STRONG]rky[/FONT][/P]
I knew this would happen...........
You can probably see why we did not point out that feature