On 6/16/2003 4:15:50 PM delldude wrote:
i like the part about copyright protected and can't be used at all.
Well Dude, I thought Id cut paste the copyright law on here for future references. I have also slightly modified the link as directed by airliners.net. Party on!!! Dude!!!
All photos on this site are protected by international copyright laws.
You have
limited rights to personally view the images with your web browser and to use them as your personal computer wallpaper (or background image) on your own computer. These photos may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, cropped, resized, or otherwise altered without the written permission of the photographer. No commercial use of these photos may be made in any way. All rights are reserved.
You may not use these photos on any web page, commercial or non-commercial, for profit or non-profit, without written permission from the photographer. You may however link to the photos in the manner described below.
Have you found a photo in our database that you would like to use?
To receive permission to use a photo from Airliners.net in any other way than the one described above, you have to contact the photographer (the copyright holder) of the photo. We assure you, it is a very simple process and all of our photographers are very willing to help and most will reply to your inquiries within a day. You can contact our photographers by using the e-mail form linked to beside each photo on Airliners.net.
The digital photos on this site are licensed to Airliners.net. They are equipped with a footer with copyright and license information and also carry an invisible watermark. If you receive permission from the photographer to use a particular photo, you may use a copy from Airliners.net as long as you inform us of the usage as to avoid misunderstandings (we do not appreciate and react strongly when finding our photos on other sites that use them without permission). We do however advice that you get a new copy of the photo directly from the photographer that does not carry our license and watermark.
Finally, we ask that you mention Airliners.net where and when you use photos originally found on our site, whatever agreement you have with the photographer. It doesn't need to be big, just a small mention in whatever way you choose. As you might have realized by now, we do not make any money from selling photos, everything goes directly to the individual photographer. Our only form of "income" is your help in spreading the word about our website. Please respect that.
Would you like to link to our photos from your web page?
If you have a web page (personal or company) and would like to link to certain photos on Airliners.net, you do not have to ask for permission as long as you use the code as described below.
Airline webmasters: To link to photos of your particular airline, please
read this.
You may not link directly to the image files of the photos on Airliners.net. Please use the code below instead:
Every photo has a unique ID number. If you want to link to the large version of an individual photo, insert the following code in your web page:
Click Here to view the photo
It would look like this:
Click Here to view the photo
Replace '12345' in the code above with the id number of the photo you want to link to. You will find the ID number of every photo on every entry in the database.
If you want to link to the small (thumbnail) version of a photo use the following code:
Click Here to view the photo
It would look like this:
Click Here to view the photo
Of course, you simply replace the ID number in the above code with the ID number of the photo you want to link to. If you would like to link to several photos at the same time, just add more ID numbers to the code above. Just remeber to seprate them with a comma (and no space). For an example:
Click Here to view the photos
The above code links to five photos and would look like this:
Click Here to view the photos
You can also put the whole search engine on your web page or link to your choice of aircraft or airlines. Read more about that
let us know if you have any questions.