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West upgrades


Jun 12, 2006
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I am an East employee, sending my parents on a trip using a couple West flights.

Has anyone done this yet? I am wondering a few things:

Where do they pay? (can they pay online, or is it paper tickets?)

Can they check in online?

Are the East first class upgrade coupons good on West flights (the $20 ones)? If not, what do they need to upgrade?

First, you can do it online or call rez center. They can pay online or at the ato. It will be an e tkt. I would recommend either online or calling but if doing online make sure if listing them in F the fare does not go crazy. The F fare was over 1000, obviously wrong. If you do end up listing them in coach online, call passline 1 800 894 7277 to chagne to F. If changing the return that is the same number to use. Returns can not be changed thru the etc so have them keep the number handy. I dont know if your upgrades are good on west flights but I think west flexis for upgrades are only good on west flights so I wouldnt count on it. Cant hurt to ask at the ato. Anyone from the east have an answer? Hope some of this helps. If you feel etc is not working call in, just try to know what flights they want,goes quicker and agents will appreciate it.
As far as I know and have been told, the East SST upgrades are only good on the East and the West on the West. The West also has upgrades they can do in the computer, but it does not print out an exchange coupon to surrender if you get first. It shows them as "used" when it prints the receipt and you are supposed to use the receipt to show that you paid for an upgrade, but I wouldnt trust that. If they upgrade, have them go to the West counter and ask for a paper upgrade SST. It is $20 also.
It would be nice to be able to use either SST on the other, but I havent seen anything saying this is doable yet (but I've been known to miss a memo or two before.)
It would be nice if they could get the upgrades to somehow be in an ebank like the FF upgrades so you could buy them, but not have to keep them with you and they could be pulled or printed out if you actually got in F.
Not sure what the correct policy is, but I did use a West Flexi to upgrade to F on east metal last week, PHX-CLT. The East agents seemed to know exactly what the Flexi was, and I saw another West employee using the flexi to upgrade as well on the same flight.

As for purchasing upgrades, I attempted to do that in PHX prior to my East flight, and was looked at like I had just flown in from Mars. No one knew what I was talking about (Figured I would buy some upgrade coupons and save the flexis for additional guest passes). Hopefully they make this easier on everyone as quick as possible, its not rocket science!
Not sure what the correct policy is, but I did use a West Flexi to upgrade to F on east metal last week, PHX-CLT. The East agents seemed to know exactly what the Flexi was, and I saw another West employee using the flexi to upgrade as well on the same flight.

As for purchasing upgrades, I attempted to do that in PHX prior to my East flight, and was looked at like I had just flown in from Mars. No one knew what I was talking about (Figured I would buy some upgrade coupons and save the flexis for additional guest passes). Hopefully they make this easier on everyone as quick as possible, its not rocket science!
we on the west side have been told we can use un expired flexis to upgrade....til they are gone...
As for purchasing upgrades, I attempted to do that in PHX prior to my East flight, and was looked at like I had just flown in from Mars. No one knew what I was talking about (Figured I would buy some upgrade coupons and save the flexis for additional guest passes).

I just flew back from PHX to CLT the other night(Red-Eye). I had some old US upgrades with me, but wanted to check about geting some others. I had flown in from OMA, arriving on the A concourse. I went to Special Services on A con. and they told me I couldn't purchase the upgrades there and that I should try the US folks on B con, where my CLT flight was departing. I went to Cust. Service there and they looked at me also, as if I was from Mars. They said I had to go out of security to the ticket counter to purchase them. What a hassle. All this, after my wife and I rode jumpseat to/from PHX/OMA to get another employee on, as we were #1 and 2 on the list. Hope they figure it out soon. I also had a West F/A try to tell me I couldn't ride their jumpseat, as I wasn't authorized. He even made a call from the back galley to someone to find out.
I just flew back from PHX to CLT the other night(Red-Eye). I had some old US upgrades with me, but wanted to check about geting some others. I had flown in from OMA, arriving on the A concourse. I went to Special Services on A con. and they told me I couldn't purchase the upgrades there and that I should try the US folks on B con, where my CLT flight was departing. I went to Cust. Service there and they looked at me also, as if I was from Mars. They said I had to go out of security to the ticket counter to purchase them. What a hassle. All this, after my wife and I rode jumpseat to/from PHX/OMA to get another employee on, as we were #1 and 2 on the list. Hope they figure it out soon. I also had a West F/A try to tell me I couldn't ride their jumpseat, as I wasn't authorized. He even made a call from the back galley to someone to find out.

Thats odd I bought my upgrade from the B service center for an SFO flight. I have an East ID and it was for a west flight.
Thats odd I bought my upgrade from the B service center for an SFO flight. I have an East ID and it was for a west flight.

I guess it just matters who is working at that particular time. Glad it woked for you. All three people working the B con. cust. service desk said the same thing. Maybe they just didn't want to be bothered.
I talked to a East gate agent today. He brought up a notice in the computer that said East upgrades coupons should be honored on both east and west flights.

I'll let you know if it works.
It now states in Sabre that East and West SSTs and West electronically issued upgrades are valid on both carriers. I was issuing some tonight and remembered to look it up to see that it officially states they are interchangeable now.
It now states in Sabre that East and West SSTs and West electronically issued upgrades are valid on both carriers. I was issuing some tonight and remembered to look it up to see that it officially states they are interchangeable now.

Same price east and west domestic?

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