West rampers can be fired by phone

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The company is in violation of the CBA if they discipline a union rep for defending their members.

IIRC, the ramp manager tried dictating the terms of how a disciplinary meeting would go. Ron wanted another steward in the room as she was more familiar with the facts in the case. Manager said that only one steward was allowed in the meeting though the contract states no such thing. Finally, Ron said to call him when he decides to do things properly. The manager had him suspended for insubordination. He said Ron called him an a-hole. Ron doesn't swear.

Also IIRC, Ron had also been suspended for same after an incident when he asked a ramp supervisor to stop placing bags on a beltloader. The supervisor said that Ron pushed him and intimidated him by going chest-to-chest with him. The supervisor reportedly stated that he felt threatened and that he felt was in danger. Ron has no chest. He is a small, thin, older man with the body structure of Gandhi on a hunger strike. A review of the video showed no such actions on Ron's part but the video was "lost" so the union couldn't see it. The supervisor is no longer here.

Ron has a target on his chest. This management won't let the truth to get in their way.
One sees the length the IAM will go to to save one of their own - look no further than the PHL AGC.

OTOH, if you are a station steward, committeeman or grievance chair who hasn't kissed the ring, you indeed have a target on your chest. The IAM will not go to bat for you, and the company knows it.

Amazingly, the thing that will get an employee advocate in hot water the quickest is holding the company accountable for THEIR work rules and the contract THEY signed, and then expect the IAM to back your play.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

A note to PHX rampers, from somebody that's BT,DT,GtTS.

Don't wait for the IAM to see the light - grab the reins of power yourself. Put your guys in the slots, make sure your guy gets appointed AGC from the jump (if you wait for the election, you've already lost).

How to get IAM attention? The best way is to stop automatic dues deduction from your pay check (the company will gladly help you ;)), and mail your dues in. If you get sufficient participation, you are in the position to tell D141 the dues flow is directly correlated to their satisfactory performance.

The District and District wannabee's will huff and blow you can't do this, you will jeopardize your ability to vote, blah-blah-blah.

BS. I saw an ardent game player run the District in circles on this, and they never came to any harm - in fact, the IAM defended this person twice against serious charges.

The District, due to their half-a$$ed performance, is used to putting down mutinies - they have plenty of practice. Only by hitting them in the $$$ will you get their attention.
The manager had him suspended for insubordination. He said Ron called him an a-hole. Ron doesn't swear.
Ron has a target on his chest. This management won't let the truth to get in their way.
Ya thats our management ok.Sure this guy isnt from the east lol.Question is who's the managments witness,is there one.Another point to consider is,the union and managment are to be considerd equals in a hearing.This man should be brought back to work asap.Im no genius but I know this is wrong,dont want to go into past practice too much here though.Situations like this is were the CBA is flawed,I hope this man has contacted a lawyer.