West Employees Get There 3% Taken Away By The IAM

And you all worshipped Doogie, welcome to the real world of Al "Head in the Way" Hemenway and Jerry Glass.

Since we had "no choice" in DP getting the CEOship of AWA, don't lump all of us together as DP worshipers. I will give that DP is more personable than his predecessor Franke, but neither looked at the employees best interest.

Hopefully Phantom Fixer's input will put this thread to rest. The culprit is not IAM; it is management.
Key words are: Not currently covered by the CBA. Advice for MOCA320: Go ask any of the AWA QC Inspectors that were in graded positions prior to the NMB declaring the IBT as the representing union and including inspectors in the same class and craft with the aircraft mechanics. The inspectors were in the same boat that you are trying to keep afloat right now. You need a PFD!
As you say, been there done that on both sides. I'm not tring to keep anything afloat. Just that moc, others and QC should be status quo and it is not.
Read the definition.
Main Entry: status quo
Pronunciation: -'kwO
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, state in which
: the existing state of affairs
Status quo only applies to an exsisting CBA which is in Section 6 negotiations, you are not in Section 6 nor covered under a CBA, therefore status quo does not apply.

You are an employee at will and still at the company's mercy.
Status quo only applies to an exsisting CBA which is in Section 6 negotiations, you are not in Section 6 nor covered under a CBA, therefore status quo does not apply.

You are an employee at will and still at the company's mercy.
I know that, but the company said people not under CBA doring transition would be status quo. They justed lied. Need to save every last dime
Gee the company lie? You don't say?

Welcome to the real world.
As you say, been there done that on both sides. I'm not tring to keep anything afloat. Just that moc, others and QC should be status quo and it is not.
Read the definition.
Main Entry: status quo
Pronunciation: -'kwO
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, state in which
: the existing state of affairs
Thanks for the definition; never knew that before (sarcasim intended) :shock: . Being an "at will" graded employee prior to the NMB ruling, you are now IN status quo; not as a graded employee, but as a union represented employee. As such your pay and bonuses will be determined by existing and future collective barganing agreements. Having been through it , I know the frustration and understand your logic. But that does not change the fact: from the time the NMB said you fell under the contract, the company classified you as a union represented member.
More evidence that being under a union's collectivist control is not good for the individual.

Unions are dying, going the way of the dinosaur.

Stick together! LOL

The effected employees are not in a union yet nor under a CBA.

Don't let the facts get in your way.
When customer service voted in a union for the first time the company started taking pay and benefits and changing work rules so when CWA negotiated we were in a much worst position it made the union look bad and hurt solidarity status quo did not apply
Status quo only applies to an exsisting CBA which is in Section 6 negotiations, you are not in Section 6 nor covered under a CBA, therefore status quo does not apply.

You are an employee at will and still at the company's mercy.
700 --

You seem to have a good grasp on this union business. So, if the company needed to lay-off, say, material planners, (hypothetically speaking!) would seniority count across the board for these employees that appear to be in some sort of "limbo"??? In other words, are they "protected" by all the rights and privelages of union representation? Can they currently file a grievance? If not, then the company is scr@#ing them, royally. Especially, when, historically, even with all the pay-cuts, the East employees tend to be paid more for the same positions, generally speaking...

The other question this raises, is did the company accrue for these 3% raises? And if so, now what happens to that pool of money? More lining for Doug's and other officers pockets?

DCJets -- maybe you can pose the question to corporate communications and get this clarified -- how this decision was made, and what happens to all that 3% pool money, now?
I know that, but the company said people not under CBA doring transition would be status quo. They justed lied. Need to save every last dime
The company has lied to us ever since Ed and Mike held their "thumbs up" rally in bay 3. That was the famous, "Bankruptcy in not in our vocabulary" statement! The very next day the company announced they were in Chapter 11. It hasn't changed.
I hate to admit it, but it seems AWA has become a cold corporate giant. I really didn't think it would happen and frankly now I'm sure I made the right decision to leave.
I hate to admit it, but it seems AWA has become a cold corporate giant. I really didn't think it would happen and frankly now I'm sure I made the right decision to leave.


I hate to say it...but anyone whom bought into this employee friendly bunk that started with the merger announcement was a wishfull dreamer.

I can't say what HP's culture was like before the merger..but I knew with 100% certainty that it would change for the worst once it starting meshing with old world U's culture.

HP has allowed far too many old school U leaders to stick around...and by doing so , the culture and mindset of the old school leadership traits will never go away..or be curtailed enough to create this pie-in-the-sky culture that the new leadership from the West has talked about.

Frankly...between aspects old world U remaining...and HP seemingly taking on old U traits by the day , this is never going to be a friendly , open and honest company to work for.

Let the term Cost Nuetral Burn in good...then remember whom is getting the big bonuses just like the old U leadership did before. That should tell anyone with a spare brain cell to spare what's taking place here. This may be new news to those from the West?...but it's very much status quo for those of us from the East side of the business.
When customer service voted in a union for the first time the company started taking pay and benefits and changing work rules so when CWA negotiated we were in a much worst position it made the union look bad and hurt solidarity status quo did not apply

The pay and benefits reductions were before the union was voted in not after. They company claimed they wanted to unfreeze our pay but couldn;t since we had voted in the CWA and the pay increase would have to be negotiated.

Once the union is certified as the bargaining agent, the employee is no longer an at will employee.

I hate to say it...but anyone whom bought into this employee friendly bunk that started with the merger announcement was a wishfull dreamer.

I can't say what HP's culture was like before the merger..but I knew with 100% certainty that it would change for the worst once it starting meshing with old world U's culture.

HP has allowed far too many old school U leaders to stick around...and by doing so , the culture and mindset of the old school leadership traits will never go away..or be curtailed enough to create this pie-in-the-sky culture that the new leadership from the West has talked about.

Amen to that, I spent some time at HQ this week, and all I heard was HP folk talking about the easties whining about how "entitled" they were and the endless "suffering" the endured and how they treat the HQ personnel like crap. Wonder who they would complain to if the take over (er, merger) never occured?

Probably someone at Wal-Mart. :D

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