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You have only cited one portion of the equation. In every private Corporation in America, they make profits to return a reasonable return of that profit to the investor. NO EPIPHANY THERE, my friend.

When corporatons make profits, it is because the employees of the company have contributed a great deal to that "profit making". Thus, they ask for raises, UNION or NONUNION. Execs also, have their hand out for more bonuses and increases in stock shares.

However, on the "flip", when a corporation loses money, THE FIRST FOLKS WHO MUST CONCEDE TO CONCESSIONS ARE THE UNIONIZED EMPLOYEES. You are aware of this fact?

With U employees, the sad part of all these concessions IS NOT THE CONCEPT OF GIVING BACK, it is working with a mangement team that is so disingenuous with their commitment to honor contracts, that they themselves imposed or negotiated. We now battle this management with major VIOLATIONS of our agreements. This management continues to just "help themsevles" to more cost savings by ignoring contract language.

So, you need to look at the entire picure to have a full understanding of the problems associated with this industry and unions. Otherwise, "credibility" goes out the "crapper".

PS. And I guess your concept of paying to retain "good" people is only for the Mangement/Exec types....hmmmmmmmmmmm......
I think the biggest problem in corporate America is Harvard and Yale Business schools. I read an article 25 years ago, in Playboy, of all places, written by a Harvard BS grad who went on to become a CEO. He railed that the BS teachings had little to do with real life, and particularly incensed over a class call 'Administrative Practicalities' - Ad Prac for short. Ad Prac taught that whatever 'worked' to get the job done was ok. Need to pay off the janitor to let you into the prof's office to place some past-the-deadline work on his desk? No prob, says Ad Prac. Need to buy a term paper? Ad Prac says ok. Very utlilitarian; light on the ethics.

"for ye shall sow to the wind, and reap the whirlwind."
PitBull....******hands smaked*****whacked!!!!!!

Ouch,that DID FEEL GOOD!!!🙂
Pity -

I am sorry but we will have to agree to disagree about the state of the industry. Your logic just doesn''t float with me and there is no way I will ever convince you that the industry is in REAL trouble, not some grand scheme to bust the backs of the unions.

Question: Don''t you think that the same stubborn attitude that you and I share on our views, is the same problem that the unions and management have? Neither the company or the unions trust one another, and that is based on past experiences. How do we go about opening the doors of conversation again? How do we rebuild that trust (short of returning ever concession and firing every member of management)? I think Mr. Glass has outlived his usefulness here. His hardline tactics and in-your-face attitude are a major force behind the levels of trust and understanding. Perhaps he could be asked to back up his desk and move on the raping the next company. What we need in his position now is someone that can mend the fence between labor and management. His tactics and style will no longer prove to be of any benefit to this company.

Again, just a thought.....

Stewbear -

Just because my views differ from yours, that makes me lower then low? Well my friend, what makes these message boards great is the fact that you and I can differ in opinions and carry on a constructive dialog. If you can''t participate constructively to the conversation, then please keep your personal feelings about me my opinions to yourself.
On 7/12/2003 9:19:34 AM us10 wrote:

American''s crews ''broke'' and ''tired''

Cuts force many to scrimp, work long days to keep families afloat.


It''s time for the nonsense to stop. It''s time that the entire transportation industry make it clear that this is unacceptable. I''m one of those who got tossed out with the trash a year ago and still seeth over it. I''m horribly underemployed and am disgusted every time I see a US Airways plane in flight. I used to be part of that - now I''m just a useless customer service weenie making 40% less than I did at US Airways. I looked for six months for an airline job and didn''t turn up squat.

Where are the unions? Where are the strikes? Where are the industry wide shutdowns? Where is the intimidation? How else do we let management and the government know that the current state of the industry is not acceptable? Only until transportation stops in this country, will people wake up and realize our plight!!!

Those prehistoric beasts that have the time to still hold airline jobs have all but forgotten about those of us who were flushed down the urinal of life. They''re happy that they still have their airline job and great flight bennies (what the f-k is up with the new non-rev boarding system?....once again, the lucky few shaft us who got tossed out!). I could run circles in productivity around many of those "senior" people. At least more of them are experiencing the wonderful shift work and midweek days off that I put up with for years, waiting for "my turn" - which never came.

Enjoy it while it lasts! Maybe someday, US Airways will finally be put out its misery.

Your Resident Pessimist,

It''s not over yet. Management is learning it kicked way too many people to the curb and it''s beginning to show. I am almost scared to see our rankings for the month. You aren''t forgotten by your fellow employees.

Jerry Glass needs to go if there''s ever to be any bridge building of trust between labor and management.

What concerns me is where US Airways is heading. Are we to be the feeder for UAL? With all the fever to get RJ''s on line, does management''s view include expanding our system or just running away from the competition which is making some deep plunges into what was considered our core markets? I think Ben Baldanza needs to go too. What has he done other than outrage our frequent flyers?

I get the sense our leadership doesn''t understand our customers or our employees. A bone was tossed to the F/A''s recently we found amusing and insulting. I guess they will award $100 to the crew who sells the most meals inflight. $100 to be shared by the crew. Perhaps they should considering offering the CSR''s a bounty for every bag found within 24 hours of being lost. Or should that go to the ramp? Wow! They could look magnanimous and still run the "divide and conquer" scam! Holy cats! What a plan!

What is very touching to me is the customers don''t blame the employees. Yes, we still get an earful on occassion but most of it is just venting. The customer is only too happy to take a comment card and direct their vitrol at the folks truly responsible. Management.

By the way, I''d like to know exactly which union leader told management if they came out on the line to get an idea what is going on, a grievence would be filed? I''ll be happy to welcome management types on my flights, provided they work the whole trip at their actual seniority level. And do so for several weeks.

Dea Worn out, broke, tired but not giving up!
On 7/14/2003 7:40:10 PM MarkMyWords wrote:

Pity -

I am sorry but we will have to agree to disagree about the state of the industry. Your logic just doesn't float with me and there is no way I will ever convince you that the industry is in REAL trouble, not some grand scheme to bust the backs of the unions.

Question: Don't you think that the same stubborn attitude that you and I share on our views, is the same problem that the unions and management have? Neither the company or the unions trust one another, and that is based on past experiences. How do we go about opening the doors of conversation again? How do we rebuild that trust (short of returning ever concession and firing every member of management)? I think Mr. Glass has outlived his usefulness here. His hardline tactics and in-your-face attitude are a major force behind the levels of trust and understanding. Perhaps he could be asked to back up his desk and move on the raping the next company. What we need in his position now is someone that can mend the fence between labor and management. His tactics and style will no longer prove to be of any benefit to this company.

Again, just a thought.....

Stewbear -

Just because my views differ from yours, that makes me lower then low? Well my friend, what makes these message boards great is the fact that you and I can differ in opinions and carry on a constructive dialog. If you can't participate constructively to the conversation, then please keep your personal feelings about me my opinions to yourself.



Where I sit, is not a matter of stubborness. I hear from flight attendants across all bases, and its bad. They are filing BK, and are not able to meet their financial obligations, especially with the sick penalties in place along with that 5% deferral. This also is creating problems within their "family structure". Support systems for these folks are weakening, and these folks are experiencing "depression" and anxiety, along with fear. With that comes physical health problems. Which again, they can not afford to take care of.

Trust factor with this managemetn is GONE. I am not talking just with AFA but with all of the labor leaders. The only salvation to moving forward to restore employee morale, is the departure of certain VPs. Jerry needs to go. Then we shall see what happens from there. Perhaps the CEO needs to leave as well. We can not dialogue with this management. All discussions result in MAJOR empasses. Flight attendants are trying to hold on, but are crumbling. Those folks on this board who claim they are PAX and state that when they are on the planes, f/as appear "cherry" and understanding with U's present position, are "f- - - of - h - t! These "alledged" pax are not being forthright and are trying to fool these posters for some odd reason.I have no reason to make this up. I work another job. I have a business degree and nursing degree. I don't need to be here. I stay here for many reasons that are NOT financial.

You state my logic doesn't float with you. Well, it doesn't have to. I take this position for due cause and I will stay and see that the f/as get some restoration from what was stolen from them. Then I will leave.

The MEC sched meeting mid July has two agenda items that will be voted on. One is leafletting the public, the other is balloting of the Strike fund that was voted on in 2001 and not acted on. Both will pass, GUARANTEED!

ps. I believe that the "plan" all along was Jerry would leave once things were in place. He has his own "union busting " consutling firm and now will prusue that and make more money than staying here at U. The AFA President of PIT wrote that in the winter concession letter to her members, that Jerry would be able to write his own ticket if these concessions go through.

We will watch his departure, and what has been "planned" all along will come to fruition.
Pity -

I never contested the financial hardship on any employee or employee group. I agree with you that these concessions were extremely difficult and that last 5% pushed a lot of people over the edge. My point of contention is the point you made about the industry more or less faking their financial status just to rape the union contracts.

Assume the obvious and get ready to "rock".


I respect all your opinions and views. I know you are mangement, but no matter your views, you are "good people". I sense it. I believe you care about your employees and you understand that the "whole equals the sum of it parts" and that the parts are not greater than the whole. and that WE as labor ARE THE COMPANY. No one make the mistake otherwise. Mangement is only but a small part of the "whole" and it is obvious, that they are only visiting.
I am looking at the AFA MEC Meeting agenda and I see they will be voting to change the AFA Pin to green? Could you explain the reason or am I to assume to obvious?
Pity -

Thanks for the kind words.....guess I should apply for Charlie Martins old job eh? How about Jerry''s?

I''ve been here 16 1/2 years and chugging along. I plan to be here many more.

I thnk we would be able to work together if you were given Jerry's job. I sincerely mean that. We may not agree on some issues, but there is always a meeting of the minds, compromise on both sides is always good.