Were Hiring

MrAeroMan said:
Frontier isn't the only one. Independence Air is skating on some thin ice as well. Their loads are less than half of what they projected and they're losing their shirt.

Where on earth did you get that? 47% loads in July.... if that is less than half what they projected, they must have been projecting 100% loads! :rolleyes:

And while I am suspect as to their strategic decisions, they might do OK, as customers seem to like their product and their fares are definitely competitive. They also are gaining some pricing power by reducing the inventory of the cheap fares on flights that are popular.

FlyI might just make it, with Airbuses and west coast cities coming, plus some more marketing...
As I see it, Mr Fish just wanted to give some information if those who need employment had a place to look.

Give him a break!

Some of you blasting Frontier are not even airline employees!

Thanks for your info on Frontier.

Hope you keep on flying!
Cloud Watcher said:
As I see it, Mr Fish just wanted to give some information if those who need employment had a place to look.
Until you consider that he originally posted this thread on the United board, which is where he usually posts his numerous anti-United tirades and thus giving away his ulterior motives. Mrfish is certainly entitled to his opinions, but let's not cloak them in unearned innocence.

Cloud Watcher said:
Some of you blasting Frontier are not even airline employees!
One doesn't need to be an airline employee to post on this board or to have a valid opinion of an airline!
Mr Fish...tsk,tsk,tsk

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User's local time Sep 2 2004, 12:37 PM
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Last Active Today, 02:20 PM
700UW said:
Didn't F9 stop some flights to LAX competing against NW?

They also started DEN-SNA and UAL is killing them. The story regarding the financial situation at Frontier is very, very true! Even know UAL is having its issues they will do whatever it takes to make sure F9 goes down the tubes.
mrfish3726 said:

. None of the LCC'S are laying off, asking for pay cuts, and not reworking their business plans. You don't hear of Frontier, SWA, Jet Blue, Indepedance Air, going through any of this.

Man you are so WRONG. Independence is furloughing pilots and is set to let over 300 go this fall. They also have just whacked several flights to ATL and other destinations. You might try doing some research and producing facts as opposed to your rhetoric.
mrfish3726 said:

None of the LCC'S are laying off, asking for pay cuts, and not(sic) reworking their business plans.

None of them?
Three letters for ya: ATA
LiveInAHotel said:
They also started DEN-SNA and UAL is killing them. The story regarding the financial situation at Frontier is very, very true! Even know UAL is having its issues they will do whatever it takes to make sure F9 goes down the tubes.


You are a very negative person. I hope your life gets better.

I wouldn't count on UAL making F9 "go down the tubes" as F9 has one of the best cash to debt ratios in the entire industry and they can survive for a very long time. As for DEN-MSP, I agree, NW was willing to lose more money than F9 was, so they did the prudent thing by pulling off the route. As for UAL killing Frontier, I think it would be more accurate to say UAL is killing UAL.

I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for in life and can redirect your hatred to more positive energy.
C54Capt said:

You are a very negative person. I hope your life gets better.

I wouldn't count on UAL making F9 "go down the tubes" as F9 has one of the best cash to debt ratios in the entire industry and they can survive for a very long time. As for DEN-MSP, I agree, NW was willing to lose more money than F9 was, so they did the prudent thing by pulling off the route. As for UAL killing Frontier, I think it would be more accurate to say UAL is killing UAL.

I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for in life and can redirect your hatred to more positive energy.

I'm a very positive person. I just like to give stupid people on this board a hard time! I like me career, but I don't have to like what the airlines are doing to their employees.

Frontier is having money troubles rather you admit to it or not. Just wait and see what happens to them over the next several months. The rabbits, bobcats and foxes will be jumping of the tails and running back to the wild. :shock:
PineyBob said:
Is it a requirement that I be an airline employee to post here? I don't recall that in the rules! Aren't you forgeting that without customers you wouldn't have a job

Yea, except even with customers, many still don't have jobs.
They do help though. :rolleyes:

You are either posting drunk or you didn't pay attention in school. In either case, F9 will do fine in spite of your ill will.
PineyBob said:
Is it a requirement that I be an airline employee to post here? I don't recall that in the rules! Aren't you forgeting that without customers you wouldn't have a job

Why don't your remind someone of this in another forum - nobody here wants to hear our customers telling us how valuable you all are. Flyertalk.com would be the forum for that. This is a forum that is frequented by many airline employees and the last thing any of us want to hear is some self righteous customer telling us that we should be kissing their ass. We hear that at work plenty.
Cart Pusher said:
Why don't your remind someone of this in another forum - nobody here wants to hear our customers telling us how valuable you all are. Flyertalk.com would be the forum for that. This is a forum that is frequented by many airline employees and the last thing any of us want to hear is some self righteous customer telling us that we should be kissing their ass. We hear that at work plenty.
I'm not sure which airline you work for, but you make a great case for avoiding it. For someone in the customer service business, you have a lot to learn.

I don't know who made you king/queen of the board, but it's a public Internet board and anyone can post on it. There seems to be no other requirement. If you want to have an employee only board, go start one yourself. Otherwise, feel free to ignore any posts from people that you don't want to hear from.

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