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I can't believe this thread has been viewed over 1000 times already....man there must be a lot of lurkers out there!
Hi Everyone,

Just had to check in to see where I was member number wise.

Jay [🙂]
Hi all, I just had to join up. How else was I going to be able to keep up with the latest? [:bigsmile:]
Looking at the user numbers, its pretty clear how many active members of www.usaviation.com there are. I saw that the most recent new member as a # near 300. So, with that many registrations in about 18 hours, I'd say that there is a large following here.
OK, wgat happened? Was someone "bored" withe the old "board"[:bigsmile:]
Glad for the change. Several times had to reload the old site as a topic would not come up. Now I know I can blame the server.
Not "board" (bored)[😉] ...just out grew it. The UBB board was great, but it is an older program that was starting to bog down our server. This new board has much newer code and uses a FRACTION of the processor -- and has a lot more to offer! [:bigsmile:]
You come home from a trip looking for more (usually bad) information and your BB is gone. Kinda frightening! For a minute I thought maybe US Aviation had given up on us and simlply gave the entire thing to the CWA. Glad to see I was wrong.
Nice new look, although I do resent having such a high member number (B-scale!). Now...because you have new livery, does that mean you're being "prettied up for sale"? [😛]
Darn, and I was up at 2am, I sure wanted to be #24.

Just a favorite number.

Looks nice Moderators, and thanks for getting rid of those flashing ads at the bottom!!!!