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Whew.....I made it......I feel like Helen Keller when her mom got mad at her and she would move the furniture around! I keep bumping into things trying to feel my way around! [:bigsmile:] Question...I just got back from vacation and was trying to catch up with what was going on while I was gone. Is there a way to get to the old topics?

galley girl checking in!

The board looks great, but it takes a little getting used to.
On 8/20/2002 2:09:22 PM

Hi I-Trade,

Boy, I'm very concerned about being junior to you. [:bigsmile:] What was your number before? I never paid any attention.

21 [:bigsmile:]
Hi I-Trade,

Boy, I'm very concerned about being junior to you. [:bigsmile:] What was your number before? I never paid any attention.

Now the big question is....where's the Chapter 11 button???[😛]
On 8/20/2002 2:46:55 PM

I see that Lilninji didn't make the crossover?
I was thinking the same thing, but give him[] time [😉]

Moderator's note:
Congratulations cltvff on being the first member to have a posted edited [:🙂]
On 8/20/2002 3:08:07 PM

On 8/20/2002 2:46:55 PM

I see that Lilninji didn't make the crossover?
I was thinking the same thing, but give him[] time [😉]

Moderator's note:
Congratulations cltvff on being the first member to have a posted edited [:🙂]
[:bigsmile:] [:sun:] [:bigsmile:] [:halo:]
Hello everyone...nice board...waiting on new updates for CWA...hopefully have something in next few hours....