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We Want Our Local Back.

The motion that was made in Miami did not ask for all the Locals to go back. It asked for Miami to have it Local Back. All the reasons that you give dont apply to why that motion was not addressed. You can't just say we felt it works better this way.
That is the reason so many guys are fed up with the TWU. That is what Jim and Don use to do. You speak of all the growing pains.Please stop addressing this as if We asked for all the Locals to go back. You are the only one that is speaking on this and I give you your props but you are not correct to keep saying what you are saying. I dont think you are doing it on purpose but answer my Question What happen to the Motion. It was only asking for Miami. Nothing you have said is about letting go of one station. If everyone else is happy then you guys can keep it that way. But why not give us a chance to vote. Is it because you guys know the rest of the Locals will follow.
A motion for MIA was made in MIA, a motion for ORD was made in ORD and a motion for JFK was made in JFK, and possibly the other two as well I don't recall. The guy in JFK said he wanted me back as President, I told him I had no interest in breaking up the Local, didn't like the way they did it but we are 300 guys away from being bigger than Tulsa and wanted to keep the Line guys together. Being in a good position for negotiations and having a good contract to me is more important than any other union issue, certainly more important than being President of a small Local. Gary did bring it to the International to see if it was an option, he was told no, you seem to forget that all five Locals took this to court already and lost. Granted that was under Little, but even though though Littles motives were different the guys who are in place now want to see this work as well. I suspect that they would like to try and do the same with Fleet. You see Little was willing to destroy the TWU rather than give control of the AA/TWU to the members and the Locals, he loved having a lot of small Locals even though it cost the International a ton of money. So did some of the 514 guys, they could pick up the expenses for a tiny Local and have that local in their pocket to second a roll call motion. The International spent millions on an unelected appointed hierarchy to keep the Locals in line and make sure that AA management got whatever they wanted. IMO Lombardo wants the AA system to run themselves like every other Local in every other division. So while on the one hand some may claim, like Overspeed and his ilk, that we got back more for our 30% than any other Locals the International wasn't giving us more bank for our buck, they were screwing us with our own dues, they spent to money to keep control and make sure AA got everything they wanted, in some cases, such as "Maintenance spend, more than they wanted.

Look if you want it go for it, I'm sure 514 would love to see us broken up again, start a petition to show the International this is what the members want.

Once again, what do you feel will be gained by breaking us up into little Locals?
But with AMFA they can be removed, unlike the TWU, IAM, IBT... if they do not do thier job.
Guess you never read the Bylaws. We have recall.
Bob Owens said:
Guess you never read the Bylaws. We have recall.
I guess you don't know that when Miami as a station attempted to remove an officer from the past the Intl. just put him back.
Tell us one time a local officer or Intl. was removed for not doing his job by the membership. Why do you have a law suit against the Intl. for failure to represent. I can't remember being asked to vote on, if we should do that. Who decided that the 591 eboard? Why don't you just recall the Intl. officers?  Oh thats right you can't.
Half the time when motions are made the TWU says that was not a legal motion throws it out. That maybe the case but you (the TWU) don't even notify the person or person who made the motion and the grievance procedure works the same way.
What you did or may have done in jfk is one thing but in general you can't remove officers from the TWU. Get rid of GD or VLoo. 
The only way we are going to rid AA of these guys is to cut out the cancer which is the TWU.
You can quote all the bs from the TWU constitution/bylaws but are you on the floor anymore?  How often do you go to the floor? . JR does not even come here any more.
Other officers of 591 show only when high ranking mgmt are here. Scammers.
You got a pay raise without the membership voting on it. What other perks do you have that the membership does not know. Let be totally open above board.
You guys know most here hate the TWU and will not log on to the web site, for info.
But when it makes you LQQK Good, you post it on the Union BB under glass in the hanger.  There is NO trust for the TWU.. Do what you want IGM that is the TWU way.
Everyone knows that.
More power for the bigger local maybe due to more money/resources what ever but that does not make the stations which had a local feel any better or that it is any better.
Throw out well go back to the Ramp local. That is the Typical TWU way of thinking, you have been on the Cool aide too long as well. 
A lot of info you put here is dead on, just because you are in the know. but other stuff you sound like Phat Don and the rest of the boys. 
You guys should ask the membership about how they feel about the local guys. When you do ask, tell them to be honest and ask if they could would they get rid of them.
I think it sad as Hell that you dont seem to get it. I have been in a leadership role so I try to give you guys a chance. But all you keep doing is saying that YOU think this is whats best. . I am asking what happened to the Motion. You just keep telling me to do a petition. You and Me both know what will be done with a petition. Why didn't the Board do a petition to do all the stuff that you guys have done. 
I have asked 3 times what happened to our Motion. You in return tell me 4 other station also made the same motion. So why are you Guys scared to let the people decide what the people what. NOT WHAT YOU THINK IS BEST. That makes you JUST like Jim and Don. Sorry to put it that way but that is a FACT. I will not WAIST my time asking you  anymore. I backed you guys up from the start. Not anymore. 
I guess maybe its time to join all the rest of the guys that think the Local 591 board is just a bunch of guys that is in it for themselves. All you keep telling me is what you think. Not what the people on the floor think. I am sorry if I am coming across ass pissed but I am . The people that voted for you put you there to do what the morjority of them whats. You guys have not let 1 person other than yourself vote for any of these changes. That is wrong.
Bob Owens said:
Did somebody mention trolls?

Yes Overspin we were so worried that we opted not to spend $4500 on a mailout from the International like Team Videtich did and instead spent $100 on Business cards with the names of who was on our slate.

The guys I spoke to who admit they didn't vote said to me that they instructed their wives to simply toss anything that had the TWU logo on it into the garbage, don't even open it. So all the money that Team Videitich spent on their fliers was for naught, they went the same place as 75% of the ballots, not only would these guys have not voted for team Videtich anyway but they never even read their schpeal. The members are apathetic because of Videtich's dream contract that we got stuck with. I admit that I'm rarely on the floor, and I miss that part because I always liked that part of the job, still cleaning up the mess the Little -Videtich team created by blowing up the five locals and then saying, there you go, rebuild it into something, and we have been doing just that. Instead of offering assistance they initiated a forensic audit, starting with Local 562. As any mechanic knows it takes a lot more time to put something together than to blow it apart. So in addition to trying to build 591 we had to deal with the Auditors who wanted details on every single transaction and even things like "Why is there an odd number of taxi receipts in Puerto Rico to and from the Hotel?
(In PR the Hotels do not provide bus service, I did meetings at the airport and went back to the Hotel in between and I asked one the Chairman if he could pick me up at the Hotel on his way into work.)
Spring is here, surely you could be out doing some yard work or something productive now couldn't you? Me I'll keep chugging along, next project is to set up an efficient more automated dues tracking system, have had discussions with local 100 and may adopt some of what they develop, that may leave me a little more time to get out and hear what the members have to say. Also through our State Conferenece pushing for changes in Sect 1167 to include Airlines so AA could not do what they just did again. have appointments with one Congressman before the Cope Conference after already meeting with a staffer and have Contacted the pilots Union that testified before congress about the need for reform especially concerning Airline workers.

So Overspin, what have you been doing the last year?

You seem to be worried about UBP, funny but I don't recall you asking about it when Gordon Clark was on UBP organizing for the IBT. Or what about Bob Vanderloo, or ,,,,,,,,,?
Automated dues tracking? That's what is important? Why?
What about gain sharing? Communication to the membership about equity? The TWU and IAM status? IAM contract negotiations and how we will or will not support them? We need representation on issues that affect us not you and how will pay your salary. Maybe you wouldn't need automated dues tracking if you were representing us so well we would want to pay our dues! F'n DUH!
I guess you don't know that when Miami as a station attempted to remove an officer from the past the Intl. just put him back.
Tell us one time a local officer or Intl. was removed for not doing his job by the membership. Why do you have a law suit against the Intl. for failure to represent. I can't remember being asked to vote on, if we should do that. Who decided that the 591 eboard? Why don't you just recall the Intl. officers?  Oh thats right you can't.
Half the time when motions are made the TWU says that was not a legal motion throws it out. That maybe the case but you (the TWU) don't even notify the person or person who made the motion and the grievance procedure works the same way. 
You can quote all the bs from the TWU constitution/bylaws but are you on the floor anymore?  How often do you go to the floor? . JR does not even come here any more.
Other officers of 591 show only when high ranking mgmt are here. Scammers.
You got a pay raise without the membership voting on it. What other perks do you have that the membership does not know. Let be totally open above board.
You guys know most here hate the TWU and will not log on to the web site, for info.
But when it makes you LQQK Good, you post it on the Union BB under glass in the hanger.  There is NO trust for the TWU.. Do what you want IGM that is the TWU way.
Everyone knows that.
More power for the bigger local maybe due to more money/resources what ever but that does not make the stations which had a local feel any better or that it is any better.
Throw out well go back to the Ramp local. That is the Typical TWU way of thinking, you have been on the Cool aide too long as well. 
You guys should ask the membership about how they feel about the local guys. When you do ask, tell them to be honest and ask if they could would they get rid of them.
Kind if odd that the TWU is being sued by the TWU local? Kind of like that girl who sued her parents because they didn't pay her credit card bills after she told them to f off. She ended up back home doing what mom and dad said in the first place. I am sure once the International cuts a deal with them the lawsuit will go away.
Most of the 591 officers are never on the floor. The top officers are too busy hiding out in their off field clubhouses. On the floor the rumors are in high gear and AMFA organizers are filling the void. The time is coming when the 591 officers will have to pick a side and show some back bone. Are they TWU or AMFA? Will they go out and campaign for the TWU or support AMFA while playing both sides and collecting their fat 591 salaries they wrote themselves in the bylaws (that were not voted on by the membership). I used to receive emails from JR distributing IBT info yet he was a TWU officer.
We need officers that are concerned about their members. Spending time building better dues tracking, getting local 591 credit cards for officers, suing the International, pushing on getting bylaws with fat salaries through, and recreating the Baker letter for UBP is not helping the membership. It's helping Bob and his gang of scammers.
I guess you don't know that when Miami as a station attempted to remove an officer from the past the Intl. just put him back.
Tell us one time a local officer or Intl. was removed for not doing his job by the membership. Why do you have a law suit against the Intl. for failure to represent. I can't remember being asked to vote on, if we should do that. Who decided that the 591 eboard? Why don't you just recall the Intl. officers?  Oh thats right you can't.
Half the time when motions are made the TWU says that was not a legal motion throws it out. That maybe the case but you (the TWU) don't even notify the person or person who made the motion and the grievance procedure works the same way.
What you did or may have done in jfk is one thing but in general you can't remove officers from the TWU. Get rid of GD or VLoo. 
The only way we are going to rid AA of these guys is to cut out the cancer which is the TWU.
You can quote all the bs from the TWU constitution/bylaws but are you on the floor anymore?  How often do you go to the floor? . JR does not even come here any more.
Other officers of 591 show only when high ranking mgmt are here. Scammers.
You got a pay raise without the membership voting on it. What other perks do you have that the membership does not know. Let be totally open above board.
You guys know most here hate the TWU and will not log on to the web site, for info.
But when it makes you LQQK Good, you post it on the Union BB under glass in the hanger.  There is NO trust for the TWU.. Do what you want IGM that is the TWU way.
Everyone knows that.
More power for the bigger local maybe due to more money/resources what ever but that does not make the stations which had a local feel any better or that it is any better.
Throw out well go back to the Ramp local. That is the Typical TWU way of thinking, you have been on the Cool aide too long as well. 
A lot of info you put here is dead on, just because you are in the know. but other stuff you sound like Phat Don and the rest of the boys. 
You guys should ask the membership about how they feel about the local guys. When you do ask, tell them to be honest and ask if they could would they get rid of them.
Don't worry, Bob will help you sign cards if it protects his political future. Don was consistent in his support of the TWU. Bob has no spine if you read his words and look at his record. In 2004 he loved AMFA.
"The addition of American Airline mechanics will continue to give AMFA the momentum it needs to reach its goal of uniting all the mechanics in the industry," says Bob Owens, an American mechanic at JFK and an Associate
Member of AMFA. http://www.labornet.org/news/0404/biddle.htm
It sure would be great if Bob picked a side other than his own.
Overspeed said:
Kind if odd that the TWU is being sued by the TWU local? Kind of like that girl who sued her parents because they didn't pay her credit card bills after she told them to f off. She ended up back home doing what mom and dad said in the first place. I am sure once the International cuts a deal with them the lawsuit will go away.
Most of the 591 officers are never on the floor. The top officers are too busy hiding out in their off field clubhouses. On the floor the rumors are in high gear and AMFA organizers are filling the void. The time is coming when the 591 officers will have to pick a side and show some back bone. Are they TWU or AMFA? Will they go out and campaign for the TWU or support AMFA while playing both sides and collecting their fat 591 salaries they wrote themselves in the bylaws (that were not voted on by the membership). I used to receive emails from JR distributing IBT info yet he was a TWU officer.
We need officers that are concerned about their members. Spending time building better dues tracking, getting local 591 credit cards for officers, suing the International, pushing on getting bylaws with fat salaries through, and recreating the Baker letter for UBP is not helping the membership. It's helping Bob and his gang of scammers.
Hey O/S
We have had enough of the TWU Officers that is why we are working very hard to rid AA of the TWU. Whether Bob comes along for the ride that is on him and is his choice.
I too have said to him pick a side and stop the wobbling. He talks negative about the TWU but still drinks from the coolaide jar. From what I hear he has and will always look out for the members he represents But I feel at times he has blinders on and only the NE members since from JFK get his real support. MHO.
Speaking from the SE we don't see much of our Local 591 officer, or his underlings. I can't say what goes on system wide some one else will have to chime in on that.
I think under this Local 591 leadership the scamming is all the way down to the floor level Where before when each class one station had a local there was some fight against the Intl. but don't see it now. "YES" they have filed a legal action but, the regular flow of info about prefunding, stock equity, stuff that is important to the pockets of the members lacking IMHO.
You on the other hand are living in a dream land, still after all the damage to our class and craft have the .....s to still speak on the behalf of the TWU. Just how much are you will to take from these fools. Seems that either you are part of the SCAM and reap the rewards from the TWU in some way, or just have money so it really does not matter to you.
The TWU sides with the company and has since I have been here at AA. From what I have been told by those who have been here longer this BS has been a life long thing.
The TWU has NO FIGHT and Never will. They spin things and so do YOU.
Just explain to US why uniting all the mechanics industry wide to make the mechanics,
Facilities/automotive/aircraft a union that we can be proud of. which with time will bring back some of the stuff that I and many other walked a picket line for. 
The TWU preaches strength in numbers well that is what we AMFA supporters want.
ONE Large UNION for the mechanics within our industry. A Union that will look out and support what is best for us. NOT a catch all type union such as the IAM/TWU/IBT.
"YES" they have their purpose and those who belong to those unions have the right to be represented. I don't begrudge them at all. I just want to be represented by my peers. I along with many others who support AMFA don't think we are better as many of you say but I just want a choice. I have that right, just as you have the right to support the TWU.
If the TWU had from the beginning done its job for the mechanics maybe we would not be having this chat but the TWU is a failure as a UNION, as far as maintenance is concerned.
It's Time for a change time to cut the cancer that is the TWU from the rank and file of AA employees.
If there was no legal action the the INTL. of the TWU would continue to come up with more ways to take from the dues paying members. Kind of a stop gap at this point.
Most members if they could afford it would take legal action but due to the unions abilities over the yrs with the law the process of going thru all the union bs first and the length of time it would take to exhaust that process would be staggering.
If you don't believe in what we are doing then let us make our own choice. If we fail  then we will have no one to blame at that point and then YOU and all the other can GLOAT.
Then come back and say " I TOLD YOU SO"
Sinning the bs of the TWU only causes more confusion within the rank and file. But if you do care about your fellow members then let them decide NO Fear, NO BS.
GIVE US A VOTE, and lets see how the TWU does.
AMFA at AA in 2014 and just to stay on point here AMFA Local 6 for MIA.
How is AMFA doing at SWA? It has been how long? Kelley wants no raises until they get back to 15% profit margin. I am watching how AMFA performs at SWA under non-Herb conditions.
Overspeed said:
How is AMFA doing at SWA? It has been how long? Kelley wants no raises until they get back to 15% profit margin. I am watching how AMFA performs at SWA under non-Herb conditions.
Open your eyes and look what has happened here at AA, who cares what's going on at other airlines.
The TWU has failed here and you just want to look else where, why not LQQK at what the TWU has done to our class and craft.
They just seem to come up with more and more ways to lower the standard of living each contract.
LQQK at the concessions we have given up, just what have we gained?
AA was the last to keep O/H but that soon will be reduced, LQQK what is going on at Tulsa and at DHW.
With all the new aircraft we are getting due to our give backs it is going to allow AA to futher reduce the O/H bases.
They are using our money to paint the aircraft and they will be using our money to reconfigure the USAirways jets to our
way as soon as AA and US become one.
Think about that before you point the finger else where.
The TWU has just rolled over, remember the video that the TWU made about helping out and we will dig deep into the pockets
the only pockets that got picked was ours. ( I think that was D. Burchette) On a day in the life at AA video that was on TV.
Even you put the new local 591 down so you pick and choose which part of the union you like or dislike. I simply hate the TWU as a whole.
What about the company puppet that was in Tulsa running the local there? 
Why don't you just let us have a vote and we will see how well the TWU does in a run off against the AMFA.
If they are so bad then the TWU should win, so WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF ???????????  Tell US
AMFA at AA in 2014
Overspeed said:
How is AMFA doing at SWA? It has been how long? Kelley wants no raises until they get back to 15% profit margin. I am watching how AMFA performs at SWA under non-Herb conditions.
You need to watch how the TWU performs (your own backyard) before throwing stones.
When was the last time we got a raise? Not the puney little 2% here and 3% there.
1AA said:
You need to watch how the TWU performs (your own backyard) before throwing stones.
When was the last time we got a raise? Not the puney little 2% here and 3% there.
The small bits of money we did get back from AA is not going to even bring us back to where we were in 2003.
When this contract becomes ammedable we will still behind in wages, holidays, vacation, sick time, holiday pay rates.
O/S just does not want to admitt that the TWU has failed the membership.
Lets see how the card drive goes in the next couple of months, so that there will be a Local 6 in Miami.  AMFA Local....
AMFA at AA in 2014
1AA said:
You need to watch how the TWU performs (your own backyard) before throwing stones.
When was the last time we got a raise? Not the puney little 2% here and 3% there.
You do know that AMFA has only negotiated(?) 3% raises since they took over from the IBT don't you? That was in exchnage for increasing the amount of outsourcing beyond all engine overhaul, most component overhaul, and all but three lines of airframe overhaul. AA would love AMFA "tough" negotiating skills.

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