La Li Lu Le Lo said:
If what you were saying were true than the U.S. Government (the largest employer) would produce massive wealth but we both know...... it doesn't
Then there is the fact that some workers are cost only. They produce no wealth at all but are necessary for the business.
Few employees produce money at all without use of company assets.
Few companies could operate at all without using at least some government (city, state, federal) assets. How much do you think it would cost to fly if airlines had to build and maintain the nations national airspace system (radars, navaids, ground communication sites, ATC towers, TRACON's, and ARTCC's, etc.)
There are many other things government workers provide that you use every day while bitching that they are overpaid, should not have any retirement benefits (unless they are less than yours). But hey, don't let that get in the way of a good anti-everything narrative. You are a shining example of what government can produce (a retrained laid off worker who is now a productive member of society, although I disagree with almost everything you believe).
Since it is public service recognition week, this is for you:
"Since 1985, the first week of every May has been designated as Public Service Recognition Week, a time set aside to honor the women and men who serve our nation as government employees at the federal, state, county and local levels.
This year, I thought Id pay tribute to government workers by reflecting on what life would look like without them. Politicians of a certain brew, so to speak, no doubt would be crooning Here Comes the Sun at such a scenario. But in reality, without public workers on the job, wed all be having A Hard Days Night.
Why? Because without government workers, there would be
A military without weapons, vehicles, training or paychecks.
Classrooms full of students but no teachers.
Dilapidated roads, highways, coastlines and airways.
Polluted rivers, toxic air, contaminated water and pesticide-laden food.
Empty mailboxes and dramatically higher shipping costs for businesses and consumers.
Its easy for politicians to campaign against a government bureaucracy when theyre running for office. But when they get to Washington, or the state capital, or the local council, who do you think is running their offices, preparing their schedules, and helping them enact the laws and policies they support? Thats right its government workers.
As much as it hurts me to say it, the politicians themselves are government workers even the ones who spout such disdain for the institution.
When you think about it, government employees touch our lives each and every day, literally from the moment we are born to the day we die. They process your birth certificate, your drivers license, your marriage license, building permits for your new home, adoption papers for your new child, your will, and eventually your death certificate.
"Without our dedicated federal employees, there would be
No law enforcement officers to defend our borders, patrol our streets or lock up criminals.
No doctors or nurses to care for our veterans and wounded warriors.
No investigators, judges and other staff to enforce civil rights laws that protect against job-related discrimination.
No oversight of financial institutions, food and drug companies, utilities, elections, and workplaces.
No forecasts and warnings of impending storms and natural disasters, and no emergency workers to respond in their aftermath.
Even more impressive, the size of this federal workforce has shrunk over time when compared to the population being served. There was one federal employee for every 78 U.S. residents in 1953, compared to one employee for every 147 residents in 2009. Even in raw numbers, the size of the federal workforce is at its smallest level in 50 years."