We need MORE of this!

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  • #16
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Brietbart   ????
The WORMS have by now, already EATEN through his coffin and are now EATING that lousy Son of a BIITCH  !!
Hey brother, pass the Salt will ya .
F ... the GOP   !!!!!!!!!!
Then the resident idiot shows up like clockwork with his incoherent ramblings.........
I know it just steams you liberals this governor has exposed the current welfare system for what it really is.......
I am sure some stupid libtard will be along shortly to try to defend a bunch of people that are so self centered and lazy they expect tax payers to pay for them for the rest of their life but won't even volunteer 3 days a MONTH.
The only obligation they want is to hold their hand out.
signals said:
If said government enables one to get FREE benefits, and even creates a way to find loopholes to retire on this benefits, well then you are the fool and the schmuck who goes to work to fund these programs.
I rest my case.
The mindset of a typical liberal.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Then the resident idiot shows up like clockwork with his incoherent ramblings.........
I know it just steams you liberals this governor has exposed the current welfare system for what it really is.......
I am sure some stupid libtard will be along shortly to try to defend a bunch of people that are so self centered and lazy they expect tax payers to pay for them for the rest of their life but won't even volunteer 3 days a MONTH.
The only obligation they want is to hold their hand out.
I rest my case.
The mindset of a typical liberal.
All I can  'advise'  YOU to do, is KEEP WORKING.
Keep Working to pay those Federal TAXES to help out the POOR and NEEDY !
Keep Working, Paying those SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES so my $ 1,709.00 arrives on time EVERY Month, and NEVER LATE !
Keep working , paying TWU UNION Dues so my AA Pension arrives ON TIME, and NEVER LATE  !
Yep, we just saw what happens with a whole city full of Bears wannabees.

Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis and Chicago are all shining examples on a hill of what the country can look forward with Democrats in control.
AZ 2014
Tenn 2010
PA 2011
MN 2002
CT 2011
IN 2000
MD 2011 & 2001 & 2002
KY 2012
OH 2002
MI 1999
VA 2010
TN 2010
I think their might be a few conservative states in there.  And most of these riots were about something really realy stupid. 
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  • #20
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
All I can  'advise'  YOU to do, is KEEP WORKING.
Keep Working to pay those Federal TAXES to help out the POOR and NEEDY !
Keep Working, Paying those SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES so my $ 1,709.00 arrives on time EVERY Month, and NEVER LATE !
Keep working , paying TWU UNION Dues so my AA Pension arrives ON TIME, and NEVER LATE  !
Thank you NewHampshire Black Bears...... I knew I could depend on you.
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  • #21
eolesen said:
Yep, we just saw what happens with a whole city full of Bears wannabees.

Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis and Chicago are all shining examples on a hill of what the country can look forward with Democrats in control.
Ms Tree said:
AZ 2014
Tenn 2010
PA 2011
MN 2002
CT 2011
IN 2000
MD 2011 & 2001 & 2002
KY 2012
OH 2002
MI 1999
VA 2010
TN 2010
I think their might be a few conservative states in there.  And most of these riots were about something really realy stupid. 
Don't aim too high eolesen it will go right over a Democrats head. Remember you have to dumb it down for them.
Remember in a free society we guarantee opportunity, NOT outcomes of the individuals efforts.
I do. I blame the Democrats. I thought I made that clear.
Perhaps you missed the first post on this thread.
I hope this goes national.
It is not a crime for the parasites in the TWU international to take your UNION dues and serve the companies interest either.
That does not mean you should put up with it. Especially since YOU are paying for it.
First of all lets get something straight, these are not FREE, They are funded by hard working Americans.
I love how the libtards label these programs as........FREE.
They love to take credit for giving you something they actually stole from someone else.
They have made widespread thievery acceptable under the facade of charity.
Spoken like a TRUE liberal. Thank you for showing your TRUE colors.
I will tell you what's life..... eventually the government is going to run out of other peoples' money or working people are going to get tired of getting taxed to the breaking point to support a bunch of moochers.......... then the bill is going to come.
You most certainly will when you allow lifetime welfare abuse.
Or maybe they made a choice to take advantage of people.
The government provides training for the poor and unskilled. They also provide grants to the poor for education. Want to guess what percentage actually seek to better themselves instead of hold their hand out?
Typical liberal response. I have a better idea..... why don't you stop make excuses for people to be on welfare.
I have a right to b*t*h because I am funding it..... where do you get your right to tell me to accept it?
The USA also wants to take care of 30 year old able bodied men that want to sit in their section 8 house, smoke weed, and play their XBox all day.
Spin it however you want signals.... the fact is when the Governor passed a law that had 3 ways to obtain welfare:
1. work part-time for twenty hours each week
2. enroll in a vocational program
3. volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month
These parasites decided they could work after all. 9500 out of 12000. 
Keep making your ridiculous excuses and trying to convince people that we don't have a welfare problem.
You call me a liberal? You are truly a fool. I was just stating a fact. True, our taxes pay for the poor and their programs, but that's life. Republicans have not stopped it, but continue to b**ch that their tax dollars fund it. Let's see we no longer give to the poor, then what? Will your taxes go down? Will they fund better programs. Keep dreaming if you think so, because most of it will go foreign interest or some other frivolous spending at your expense.

Sorry, but I have no desire to go blow for sorry blow with you. The fact that you called me a liberal shows that you are the one who spins things. I'm all for getting rid of welfare and lowering my taxes, lets see if the next Republican can do that. My guess is that he/she won't.

So get out your violin and fiddle me a tune, because you'll always have the poor.

Liberal! You poor misguided and delusional troll, I am as far from a bleeding heart liberal as you are from the amoeba!
Liberals can't stand when they are exposed for the lying, manipulative vermin they really are.
I mean that just really says it all doesn't it?
Apparently going to work and EARNING my own way makes me a fool and a schmuck. Well......... I guess I should just go quit my job and collect some "entitlements" right signals?
I knew some libtard would come on here and say something stupid sooner or later. It was just a matter of time. They just can't help themselves.
Great spin from someone who has yet to make an INTELIGENT statement. SARCSM is wasted on those with a pole up their @$$!

Don't squirm, it might break.
southwind said:
Yep.....love.the term free, when they take from those who have "EARNED" it and give it to those who did not!

Socialism, anyone?
Read above and apply!(My previous post)
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Then the resident idiot shows up like clockwork with his incoherent ramblings.........
I know it just steams you liberals this governor has exposed the current welfare system for what it really is.......
I am sure some stupid libtard will be along shortly to try to defend a bunch of people that are so self centered and lazy they expect tax payers to pay for them for the rest of their life but won't even volunteer 3 days a MONTH.
The only obligation they want is to hold their hand out.
I rest my case.
The mindset of a typical liberal.
I am just stating a fact. It is not what I believe in. I would be offended by now for being called a liberal, but your laughable La crap keeps me entertained. Again, it is not what I believe, it is the way it is. When will a Republican change it, seeing we are blaming liberals. After awhile it's a broken record and thinking about it will only end up driving you crazier than you already are. Now that's a fact!

BTW, the fact that you keep bringing me up, proves that I've hit a nerve. Lets go for the jugular!
eolesen said:
.Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis and Chicago are all shining examples on a hill of what the country can look forward with Democrats in control.
Do you really want to play that game E?  Look up which states that have the highest crime, lowest life expectancy and lowest performing schools.  Then look up who control the governors mansion and the legislature in those states.
And you all have to know fa la la la, took unemployment and government free money to go to school after he took a voluntary furlough from AA.
He chastises people for taking government money, yet he did the very same behavior.
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  • #29
signals said:
BTW, the fact that you keep bringing me up, proves that I've hit a nerve. Lets go for the jugular!
I am not the one that was ranting for 4 posts in a row.
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  • #30
700UW said:
And you all have to know fa la la la, took unemployment and government free money to go to school after he took a voluntary furlough from AA.
He chastises people for taking government money, yet he did the very same behavior.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month, the numbers showed a significant drop from 12,000 enrollees to just over 2,500.
Things 700UW didn't say:
1. Paid for over half of my school out of my own pocket
2. Got out of school Friday, started a job the next Monday.
Going to school to retrain after job loss is not the same thing as sitting up on welfare your whole life and you damn well know it. Quit playing stupid..... if your playing. 
You also neglected to acknowledge that this law allows for one to seek job training and continue to draw welfare.
Face it the law works. 

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