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We Must Never Forget. . .

twuer said:

You are welcome!

I did not post this video with the intent of getting any responses much less attacking ones. It was something that I wanted to share so I did. Many amfa supporters on these boards want to attack someone for their beliefs, beliefs that have absolutley nothing to do with MY fight against amfa. There are the folks who are not willing to agree to disagree.

"If there be trouble let it be in my day lest my child have PEACE".

You mentioned this quote.............. it is why I do what I do everyday of my life!!!! You fight for what you want, I fight for what I want. I can't for the life of me understand why many on here are incapable of comprehending that. I don't usually make it a habit of attacking someone personally because they want amfa. I "attack" amfa. Do I always like or agree with what amfa supporters have to say. . . . no, but I don't call them un-American or a communist or a nazi. I am defending mine (whatever I choose it to be), and you are defending yours. Some folks just can't see that.
I don't know were you think I attack you personally. You had made a previous comment that this (the video) had nothing to do with us on a mechanic and related level. I just simply stated that I am fighting for what I believe in and will continue till we have AMFA (which I believe will be very soon), or until I retire (I have 20 more years to add to the 15 I already have). I used the quote to show how all of us have something to fight for, WHAT WE BELIEVE IN. that means you too even if I don't agree with you it is your right.
Coward fits just right for them Dave. They are afraid of the truth so they try to change it. You can't change the truth Rick so except it. Go tell Randy McDonald congrads on his new but short term presidency. Get your #### from the union hall and go back to the boiler room. :lol:
Thanks Steve. It's funny how something so simple can be blown way out of porportion with these boys isn't it . These amfa pukes cannot see beyond the fence that they have built around themselves. They forget about the devastation that amfa has caused and focus their negativity on the TWU. Amfa and its' supporters, beyond reproach!!

While watching that video an the World Trade Centers, I couldn't help but wonder how TWUer and the rest actually expect us to believe that AMFA "caused" "devastation" in our industry.
Didn't 9/11 have ANYTHING to do with it TWUer?
Didn't the economic downturn that began in 2000 have ANYTHING to do with it?
This is why you and CIO are regarded as such idiots.

I have NEVER forgotten 9/11, yet you and your afl-cio are out to get our President who HAS CAUSED more devastation to terrorism than any before him.
I'm really not a GW fan, but on terrorism I think he's right on.
Radman said:
I don't know were you think I attack you personally. You had made a previous comment that this (the video) had nothing to do with us on a mechanic and related level. I just simply stated that I am fighting for what I believe in and will continue till we have AMFA (which I believe will be very soon), or until I retire (I have 20 more years to add to the 15 I already have). I used the quote to show how all of us have something to fight for, WHAT WE BELIEVE IN. that means you too even if I don't agree with you it is your right.
I apologize Radman, I was not speaking of you personallty making attacks, it is some of the others on here who do it on a daily basis it seems.

Sorry for the confusion!
Decision 2004 said:
Here are a few quotes I find from your postings twuer, are these your "non-personal" attacks?

That is a list taken from your postings of the last 30 days.
Not a single personal attack in there?

You are a common liar!
Very impressive Dave. I must say though you have way too much time on your hands. I guess you have a "list" for everyone huh??? SCARY!!! And some of those on your list. . . .give me a break Dave!!! For example. . .

You preach about being right with the Lord Dave and then you go and take His name in vain! Shame, shame, shame!!! (that was a fact!! I was merely pointing that out)

I take your attacking comments with a grain of salt Rum. Like amfa, you have accomplished nothing! (taken out of context Dave. . .regarding attacks!)

Now Bob, don't try to take up for Dave. You have the same hypocritical attitude as he does. (prove that you don't have a hypocritical attitude!!)

Go cry in your coffee Dave. Go have your pity party somewhere else. (???????????????????)

You're gonna be in the front row aren't ya' Dave??? Right next to Delle. (???????????????????)

Bob, you really need a new song and dance!!!!! (Bob does go on and on and on about the same ole stuff. . . over and over and over!!!) I might give you that one!!

Hackman, I love you too!!!! But thank goodness I am not from where you were born and bred!!! (again taken out of context. . . .spoken in reference to his comical, yet redneckish post. . . what, he can joke and I can't??? Wouldn't be another example of hypocrisy would it Dave????)

But the ones in defense where they are against Buck (et al) attacking my patriotism and my personal belief system (and by that I mean what has NOTHING to do with my fight agaisnt amfa) I will gladly repeat, ten times over if necessary.
Remember. . . ."will strike if provoked". That is why I said "I don't usually make personal attacks". And yes I am gulity of calling Cunningham a moron. OOPS. You caught me!! I must say I have held my tongue rather well against you though Dave. :shock: And have held my tongue a lot better than some of the others here. And held it for a long time. I guess I am getting sick of getting slammed all the time and have to "fight back" in the same manner as my attackers. Oh no, you amfa supporters are corrupting me!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Thank you for pointing out the errors of my ways Dave!!! I'll try to do better Dave. . . .I promise!! 🙂 😉 Can I post your faux pas now????? :shock:
RUM@AA said:
While watching that video an the World Trade Centers, I couldn't help but wonder how TWUer and the rest actually expect us to believe that AMFA "caused" "devastation" in our industry.
Didn't 9/11 have ANYTHING to do with it TWUer?
Didn't the economic downturn that began in 2000 have ANYTHING to do with it?
This is why you and CIO are regarded as such idiots.

I have NEVER forgotten 9/11, yet you and your afl-cio are out to get our President who HAS CAUSED more devastation to terrorism than any before him.
I'm really not a GW fan, but on terrorism I think he's right on.
Why is it that amfa'a actions you defend with 9/11??? But when speaking of the concessions just taken by TWU, the total blame falls solely on them???? The TWU voted to NOT go into BK, but amfa on the other hand chooses BK as the alternative to concessions.
This is why you and CIO are regarded as such idiots.

By whom Rum??? A bunch of amfa supporters who don't know their a**.........oh, let me stop myself before Dave copys and pastes my post!!!!

:shock: :lol: :shock:

I'm really worried Rum!!!!
Now Bob, don't try to take up for Dave. You have the same hypocritical attitude as he does. (prove that you don't have a hypocritical attitude!!)

Once again we see the TWU philosophy, make accusations then demand that the accused prooves his innocence. Well, outside of the TWU it does not work that way, you see the accusor is supposed to present evidence supporting his accusation. Can you do that TWUER? You accused me of having a hypocritical attitude, granted, that may be your opinion, but what do you have to support that opinion?

I feel that you are a hypocrite. I'll give some evidence suporting that opinion.

You claim that you are a union man but you supported the massive concessions to make sure that the company makes a profit for the shareholders.

From the dawn of the labor movement the companys presented the same arguements that AA gave to the TWU, Unions rejected those arguements and instead resisted efforts to lower wages and take away benifits. This organization, the TWU has encouraged that members do both for over 20 years.

You claim that the TWU gave these massive concessions so that junior people would not get laid off. The fact is that thousands were laid off and the company has continued to reduce headcount while increasing flights. So if we are losing thousands of jobs then why did we give such massive concessions? How does the number of jobs lost, through layoffs and attrition, compare to the figure that was presented at negotiations? Isnt it true that the companys costs have gone down even more than the $610 million?

You criticize people for making "personal" attacks, yet you do it yourself, as Dave already illustrated.

You criticize AMFA for things that the TWU did years ago such as shifting retiree medical costs to the employee.

You complain when questions that you post are not immediately responded to yet you avoid questions posed by others.

These are just a few examples that show what a hypocrite you are, feel free to answer them, or not, as usual.
But the ones in defense where they are against Buck (et al) attacking my patriotism and my personal belief system (and by that I mean what has NOTHING to do with my fight agaisnt amfa) I will gladly repeat, ten times over if necessary.

I do not believe I ever meant to attack your patriotism, it was the application of democracy within your personal belief system. You serve your country in a war that has a goal of providing democracy, then you come this board and condone the destruction of the very freedom you were fighting for. I am sure that you have an American flag right under your TWU flag at your home.
Buck said:
I do not believe I ever meant to attack your patriotism, it was the application of democracy within your personal belief system. You serve your country in a war that has a goal of providing democracy, then you come this board and condone the destruction of the very freedom you were fighting for. I am sure that you have an American flag right under your TWU flag at your home.
You see Buck, this is exactly what I was talking about. . . .

I am sure that you have an American flag right under your TWU flag at your home.

That attacks my belief in something (outside the amfa-TWU fight) and attacks my patriotism. Why do you feel that is necessary? This line of BS from you. . .I do not believe I ever meant to attack your patriotism. . .is just that, BS!!! Or else you wouldn't keep doing it over and over. You know exactly what you are doing!!

I bet you don't even fly a flag at your house!! :shock:
I know exactly what I am doing and it is working.
This is why you and CIO are regarded as such idiots.

By whom Rum???

Uhh... by me.

I notice you didn't address any of my post.
Here's a question for you.
Was this "devastation" you speak of caused by AMFA or by Muslim extremists flying airplanes into buildings?

I guess you would have had AMFA beg NWA to keep mechanics on payroll, regardless of how many aircraft got parked, until all cash reserves were diminished to the point of threatening bankruptcy. Then surrender pay and benifits to save as many jobs as possible. Right?
Problem is even if they did that, you would still swear that AMFA sucks.

Bottom line is you are protecting your cushy UB position with lies, fear, spin and anything else you think you can get away with. :down:
RUM@AA said:
Uhh... by me.

I notice you didn't address any of my post.
Here's a question for you.
Was this "devastation" you speak of caused by AMFA or by Muslim extremists flying airplanes into buildings?

I guess you would have had AMFA beg NWA to keep mechanics on payroll, regardless of how many aircraft got parked, until all cash reserves were diminished to the point of threatening bankruptcy. Then surrender pay and benifits to save as many jobs as possible. Right?
Problem is even if they did that, you would still swear that AMFA sucks.

Bottom line is you are protecting your cushy UB position with lies, fear, spin and anything else you think you can get away with. :down:
The only response I have is this. . .


What you are crying about is the same things we have been saying to you amfa supporters regarding the concessions at AA. You blame the TWU for the concessions while at the same time you are taking the position, that in amfa's case, 9/11 was the culprit.

9/11 devastated the airline industry probably beyond complete repair, not the TWU. But you keep thinking the way you do. And I will take your opinion of me with a grain of salt. And how many times do I have to tell you, I am NOT a paid union official!!
Of course the concessionary conditions are TWU's fault at American, they have been practicing concessionary negotiations since at least 1983.
Buck said:
Of course the concessionary conditions are TWU's fault at American, they have been practicing concessionary negotiations since at least 1983.
With a vote from the members. Like it or not. Will you blame amfa for what it's members vote on?

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