Now Bob, don't try to take up for Dave. You have the same hypocritical attitude as he does. (prove that you don't have a hypocritical attitude!!)
Once again we see the TWU philosophy, make accusations then demand that the accused prooves his innocence. Well, outside of the TWU it does not work that way, you see the accusor is supposed to present evidence supporting his accusation. Can you do that TWUER? You accused me of having a hypocritical attitude, granted, that may be your opinion, but what do you have to support that opinion?
I feel that you are a hypocrite. I'll give some evidence suporting that opinion.
You claim that you are a union man but you supported the massive concessions to make sure that the company makes a profit for the shareholders.
From the dawn of the labor movement the companys presented the same arguements that AA gave to the TWU, Unions rejected those arguements and instead resisted efforts to lower wages and take away benifits. This organization, the TWU has encouraged that members do both for over 20 years.
You claim that the TWU gave these massive concessions so that junior people would not get laid off. The fact is that thousands were laid off and the company has continued to reduce headcount while increasing flights. So if we are losing thousands of jobs then why did we give such massive concessions? How does the number of jobs lost, through layoffs and attrition, compare to the figure that was presented at negotiations? Isnt it true that the companys costs have gone down even more than the $610 million?
You criticize people for making "personal" attacks, yet you do it yourself, as Dave already illustrated.
You criticize AMFA for things that the TWU did years ago such as shifting retiree medical costs to the employee.
You complain when questions that you post are not immediately responded to yet you avoid questions posed by others.
These are just a few examples that show what a hypocrite you are, feel free to answer them, or not, as usual.