We Made The Press


Aug 28, 2002
Faces on the Flight Line: More heat than light in Internet postings about US Airways
Anger, frustration and rumors gather steam and often pass for the truth in online bulletin boards

Hey everyone who could they be talking about?

"One recent bulletin poster purported to know what work rule changes are called for in chief executive officer David Siegel's yet-to-be-unveiled plan, having been so informed by "a senior US Airways official."
Hmmm, those damn union reps....they are just too nice!

Management are not liars and thieves. These visionless elitists just give half truths, misrepresent the facts, misrepresent themselves, exaggerate, and are deceptive.

Other than that, they're ok.
I think that article was about all of us on here.

And who ever implies that these are ONLY rumors on this particular board..... IS CLUELESS
PITbull said:
Hmmm, those damn union reps....they are just too nice!

Management are not liars and thieves. These visionless elitists just give half truths, misrepresent the facts, misrepresent themselves, exaggerate, and are deceptive.

Other than that, they're ok.
PITbull, yes way too kind. I think somebody should have called them "creepy" don't you? :p
It's time for the head bird brain to fly out of CCY!

Disclaimer: This post should not imply that I am representing US Airways or its employee species.

"I don't want to sell anything, buy anything or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed… or buy anything sold or processed… or process anything sold, bought or processed… or repair anything sold, bought or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that." - Lloyd Dobler
Question! What the "H" is Sarbares-Oxley Corporate governance act, passed July 2002?????? I would like to read this. Seems to me that the article, thrown back here from the OTHER thread, shows and extreme amount of paranoia and "spinning".

I think it is Great that there is an outlet for all of us to express our concerns and thoughts and feelings. Many of us don't have opportunites to "chat" with employees in other areas of this airline(s). I have learned alot from mechanics, reservations, tickets, gate agents, rampers, etc. as well as those pax's. Where else would there be opportunity to be so enlightened?

Even with the sometimes negativity on these post, there is a lot of humor. I think it is healthy. Someone(s) UP THERE....needs to do their job and spend time trying to run an airline instead of worrying about what people are saying. That is life. There will always be rumors and chit chat. Human nature. That is why God gave us the gift of gab for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

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